Martial Inverse

Chapter 207 Pushing Back

Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu entered the factory building without any obstruction. Zhao Yang entered Feng Hao's iris and identity characteristics into the factory building's security system, so they could pass without any hindrance.

If it were someone else, the alarm of the security system would have been triggered long ago.

Similarly, Feng Hao's arrival also alarmed Zhao Yang, whose eyes fell on the screen. Zhao Yang's mental state was a bit not good, he looked very tired, and there was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes.

"Feng Hao!"

Seeing Feng Hao approaching, Zhao Yang cheered up, nodded slightly to Feng Hao, and let Feng Hao come into the office.

The office door has also been specially made, using military-grade materials, which are very strong in anti-seismic and explosion-proof properties. In addition to the office stuff, there are all the materials investigated during this period of time.

"About the information about the God Clan behind the Ancient Cultivation Clan, when will you start?" Feng Hao asked.

He was half lying on the sofa, his eyes fell on Zhao Yang, looking very lazy, while Xiao Qiuqiu curled up quietly, as if he was not affected by the changing outside world.

"It may be delayed for a while. Although I have temporarily removed the military uniform, my mission is to protect the people of China when necessary." Zhao Yang said with a wry smile.

"Well, the Ancient Cultivation Clan may be facing a severe test. I found out just now that the places with strong aura are the first to change."

Feng Hao nodded, Zhao Yang was able to stay true to his original aspiration, which he appreciated very much, as a soldier should be like this, he didn't force it, and said with a light smile: "You can do your thing with peace of mind, If there is anything I need to do, just send me a text message..."

Zhao Yang's expression moved slightly, then he stood at attention, solemnly saluted Lin Yu, and said, "I thank you on behalf of the Chinese people."


Feng Hao looked at Zhao Yang with a smile, and said: "You also have to provide me with the information I want at any time, for example... If there is a special situation, you must tell me as soon as possible."

Zhao Yang was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What special circumstances?"

"A power that does not belong to the secular world was born..." Feng Hao said seriously.

The divine crystal at the core of the earth is beginning to wake up. The first thing to change is the famous mountains and rivers. The majestic aura leaks out, and there will definitely be something special next.

Feng Hao's spiritual consciousness is not strong enough to spread thousands of miles,

It is also impossible to know the affairs of the world without going out.

And his hacking methods alone are not enough to know the world's affairs, especially the collapse of the Skynet system, making his methods completely useless.

So he thought of Zhao Yang, no matter how you say it, Zhao Yang's energy is unquestionable, otherwise Huaxia officials would not ask Zhao Yang to meet with him, and the Fairy Welcome Conference just happened, ordinary Zhao Yang would not Mixed in, this is his strength.

Zhao Yang was raised a little bit, and immediately understood what Feng Hao meant, and immediately said in a serious voice: "This does not conflict with what I am doing now. If there is any situation, I will report it to you in time."

"it is good!"

Feng Hao nodded.

With Zhao Yang acting as the eye behind him, he can go to see where there is a special phenomenon. Whether it is a chance or a human disaster, he can rush there immediately.


The doors of the offices were knocked, and a young man in his thirties walked in. When he was about to report, he saw Feng Hao on the sofa, and immediately froze in place.

"This is Fenghao, our god!"

Zhao Yang made a small joke, looked at the young man who was stunned by Feng Hao with a smile, and said: "What's the matter, tell me!"

The young man gave a military salute, and said in a serious voice: "In the YN territory in the southwest of China, there are abnormal energy fluctuations, and they are gradually increasing. They are not earthquake waves, but... energy fluctuations of the same frequency as the big monsters outside the territory... ..."

Zhao Yang frowned, and said: "That is to say, a big monster appeared in the southwest? Didn't it descend from the sky, but from the ground?"

The young man nodded and said, "You can think so!"

"What level of energy is initially determined?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Level seven..." the young man whispered with his throat twitching.


Zhao Yang was taken aback, and suddenly cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he murmured in a low voice: "This is just the beginning, and there are such big monsters appearing, it seems that the prophecy is true..."


Feng Hao's mind moved, and he caught a fresh vocabulary.

Zhao Yang then waved the young man back and asked him to pay close attention. At the same time, he established information sharing with relevant official departments, and connected the military satellites he could use to monitor every move of the big monster.

After the young man left, Zhao Yang looked at Feng Hao dumbfounded, and said: "You just said that if there is any special situation to report to you, it is not...he really has it."

Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu looked at each other, but there was some emotion in the depths of their eyes. The big monster from the bottom of China must be related to that god crystal.

This is a great way to get to know Shenjing.

"What happened to the prophecy you just said?" Feng Hao asked.

"Push back the picture!" Zhao Yang said in a serious voice.

"I see..."

Feng Hao nodded, and this book is known as the first book of prophecy in China. The two Taoist priests who compiled the book relied on the gossip of the Book of Changes to calculate the fate of China more than two thousand years later, which is very mysterious and magical.

Feng Hao happened to read this push back map when he was learning about the history of China, but he didn't care about it at the time, and he didn't deliberately calculate it, but he knew the push back map, which showed the final direction of mankind to future generations.

People are partly black and white, land is not divided into north and south, there is no city, no house, no self, no self, the world is one family, and all religions are unified.

Especially the last sixtieth image: one yin and one yang, without end and without beginning, the end is the end, the beginning is the beginning, which impressed Feng Hao deeply.

It made him think of the Great Thousand World Pan Gu himself, splitting the chaos and giving birth to yin and yang and heaven and earth.

He couldn't help thinking that the earth is a divine crystal, if the opportunity is taken away, wouldn't the final destiny be that everything returns to the beginning?

The end is like the end, and the beginning is like the beginning.

"There is a phenomenon in the Tuibei map. If there is a change in the land of Huaxia, many visions will follow."

Zhao Yang said softly: "It's a pity that I don't know much about Zhouyi gossip. This was once said by a famous master of Chinese studies in China."

Feng Hao is not sure whether the prophecy of Tui Bei Tu is true or not. After all, even he does not have the ability to predict the future in the Great Thousand World. At most, he can change many things with his will.

But since the pushback map has predicted and successfully predicted it, it still has a certain degree of credibility.

"Then I'll go to the southwest, you send me the exact location... This is the first energy wave measured so far, maybe I can know something..."

Feng Hao already had a plan in mind.

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