Martial Inverse

Chapter 212 Golden Winged Roc

"If the little old man tells a lie, there will be a thunderbolt from the sky..."

The little old man immediately glared and his eyes cracked, but just as he finished speaking, there was thunder roaring above the nine heavens.


A bolt of lightning directly struck a willow tree outside Dashi Village, and immediately the tree burst into flames.

Huo Qilin was stunned for a moment, then sneered and said: "God couldn't stand it, and said there was no nonsense.

Then turned his head away slightly, and said softly: "Great Emperor, do you think we can leave? Didn't you mean to take this holy beast to the outside world to see..."

Seeing Huo Qilin's appearance, Feng Hao knew that this guy must have a ghost in his heart, otherwise, he would not be in a hurry to leave with him.

The old man was also shocked by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, he gritted his teeth and said: "Xianjia, the little old man is absolutely true, if you can subdue the big monster deep in the mountain, the little old man will kneel down for you..."

The old man was in tears and wanted to kneel down as he spoke.

Before that, he didn't believe in Feng Hao's strength, thinking that he was simply going to the mountain to give away the head, and he couldn't stop it, so he had no choice but to lead the whole village to move out of this place.

Unexpectedly, in less than half an hour, Feng Hao actually surrendered Huo Qilin, which turned out to be a good thing...

But this fairy family who suffered a thousand swords broke the formation to prevent the big monster from making trouble. Although the harm of the fire unicorn is gone, there is a more powerful beast inside. Will be ruined.

Seeing the old man's expression, Feng Hao knew that the beast deep in the mountain was definitely fierce enough, otherwise, the old man wouldn't be so cowardly.

Before that, the old man seemed to be a respectable old village chief, but now... he looks like a frightened ordinary old man.

"Emperor, master, are you going or not? If you don't, I'll go back..."

Huo Qilin tried every means to get Feng Hao to leave quickly. If the beast knew that it was "abandoning darkness and turning to light", it would definitely tear it apart.

Thinking that if Feng Hao went in to attack the beast, the Huo Qilin would be a trembling, ignorant beast, thinking that Feng Hao was brought there to suppress it, and when the beast got angry, it would obediently go to see it. ancestors.

"Are you afraid?"

Feng Hao sensed Huo Qilin's uneasy mood, and he probably knew it too.

That ferocious beast was something even the fire unicorn feared.

Now that the formation is broken, if he doesn't get rid of the beast inside, not only Dashi Village, but also the outside world will definitely be affected.

The world is already chaotic enough, if the beast in this mountain goes out, it will add fuel to the fire.

Moreover, with the recovery of the divine crystal at the core of the earth, the entire Chinese land seems to overlap in time and space, and the Chinese Great Qin era actually overlaps with the modern era.

The key point is that the descriptions in the Book of Mountains and Seas were written during the Qin Dynasty. With the appearance of the Huo Qilin, Feng Hao seriously suspects that more and more fierce beasts will be born.

Although it is not necessarily related to the Qin Dynasty, since it appeared, there must be more than one.

"Old man, get up, I'll go in and have a look..."

Feng Hao looked at the depths of the mountain, but unfortunately, under the influence of the god crystal at the core of the earth, his consciousness could not spread to the depths of the mountain.

The old man was grateful to Dade, but what greeted him was Huo Qilin's eyes that were about to breathe fire.

Seeing that the Huo Qilin was restless, Feng Hao slapped its head, and the Huo Qilin immediately behaved.

"If you don't hit a few times, you don't know how to be safe." Feng Hao whispered.

"Brother, this matter is really not a joke. If this saint dies, the lineage of the fire unicorn will become extinct..."

Huo Qilin is still a little unwilling, this is a choice about life and death.

"Master, is that what you call my buddy? Even if you are a holy beast, you are not qualified!"

Feng Hao didn't speak, but Beast God Xiao Qiuqiu scolded him first.

"I fuck you!"

The Huo Qilin was so angry that he jumped and rushed directly to the little ball of the beast god standing in the void.

"court death!"

Xiao Qiuqiu's tiny paws, which were as thick as a baby, slapped the fire unicorn directly. It looked like a mayfly shaking the tree, but it actually contained the power of a monstrous beast god.


With one paw, Huo Qilin was shot three inches into the ground, foaming at the mouth... slumped on the ground like a dead dog...

Feng Hao hovered in the air, looked at Xiao Qiuqiu with a wry smile, and said, "You are more ruthless than me..."

"This guy doesn't know how to flatter you, and he even got involved with you. I didn't pick off his head, but I took out the only fire unicorn inner alchemy that can be regarded as a treasure. I already gave him a lot of face..."

Xiao Qiuqiu raised his head proudly, looked down at the Huo Qilin in the pit, and said coldly: "Isn't it fun to play dead? Would you like me to give you a ride?"

Huo Qilin greeted Xiao Qiuqiu's ancestor all over in his heart, shook his head, and crawled out of the pit.

Looking at Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu in the air, Huo Qilin felt the greatest shame in his life, especially... he was beaten by a cat and a dog, and he was powerless to fight back...

"Don't dare..."

Huo Qilin has really learned how to behave, he knows that Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu are the kind of existence that cannot be provoked, but since they want to go in and challenge the majesty of the beast, it doesn't matter if it gives them a ride.

Huo Qilin shook his dizzy head and said, "Let's go, but this beast does not guarantee your safety."

"You don't need to promise." Xiao Qiuqiu said coldly.

Feng Hao said with a half-smile, "Let's go, that beast's good days are coming to an end. By the way, report some monsters you know. I haven't tried barbecue-flavored beast meat yet."

Huo Qilin shuddered all over, and strictly suspected that he had met two guys who had become lunatics.

Huo Qilin took Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu into the depths of the mountain, and the village head and villagers of Dashi Village became grateful again.

However, for the sake of safety, they still have to move out of this place. If the beast is not suppressed, they don't want to be buried with them...


Entering the depths of the mountain, it is obvious that the aura of heaven and earth inside is becoming more and more abundant. Ordinary people who come to take a few sips will probably have a feeling of being reborn.

When he reached the hinterland of the mountain, Feng Hao felt a strange aura, but his spiritual consciousness swept out, and he didn't find any trace of the beast.

"Did you lead the wrong way?" Xiao Qiuqiu stared at Huo Qilin coldly.

"You can find this place even if you close your eyes, you should look up and see for yourself... This beast runs first as a respect!"

Huo Qilin's body trembled, and after leaving this sentence, he ran away with his hooves.

At the same time, Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu raised their heads to look at the sky, and sure enough... In the sky thousands of feet high, suddenly a golden shadow gradually enlarged, accompanied by a majestic pressure.

Of course, to Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu, this coercion is only in name only.

The golden shadow got closer and closer, Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu also saw clearly that this beast was exactly the same as the legendary golden-winged roc.

The roc was huge, with golden wings like sharp blades. When it swooped down, it went straight to the fleeing fire unicorn.

This scene surprised both Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu...

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