Martial Inverse

Chapter 222 Sky Flame Heavy Ruler

Feng Hao glanced at the young man with the heavy sword on his back, and always felt that these holy sons of the God Realm were very awkward, and almost all of them had this defiant posture.

"You have the guts to call me by my name directly!" Feng Hao's mouth curled up like a sneer.

"There have been great emperors in the world since ancient times, but in front of my God Realm, they are just ordinary people."

The Holy Son of Epee Sword also sneered, as if he had regarded Feng Hao as a secular emperor, such as the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. As for the great emperor in the secular world, the Holy Son of Epee, as a person in the God Realm standing on the top of the world, he really didn't take Feng Hao seriously.

Even if the holy sons in the lower realm were beheaded by him just now, their cultivation was not as good as human beings. In addition, the black puppy who couldn't see the depth of his cultivation was shot, so he lost several holy sons.

But this has nothing to do with Feng Hao, the Holy Son killed by him is Qingyan Holy Son, not the most powerful one, and the eighth-level cultivation base is only one level higher than the Purple Flame Holy Son who escaped back to the God Realm little bit.

But the Holy Son of Epee Sword is different. Known as the Holy Son of Tianyan, he is the number one Holy Son of the entire Shenyan clan, and his cultivation is second only to the Holy King.

His Heavenly Flame Heavy Ruler had beheaded countless powerful men, and this time, he would also add the soul of a human emperor.

"Emperor of the world?"

Feng Hao froze for a moment, could it be that he killed so many great monsters from outside the territory, killing the Holy Son like a dog, in the eyes of the people in the God Realm, he is still just a great emperor of the earth?

"It's useless to talk too much. Today, you broke into the dojo of my Shenyan clan. You must die. You killed the holy son of the Shenyan clan. You and my clan are already sworn enemies. Die!"

With a high fighting spirit, Tianyan Shengzi slowly pulled out the Tianyan heavy ruler behind his back, as if lifting a sacred mountain. After the Tianyan heavy ruler emitted a dazzling black light, Tianyan Shengzi's eyes were fixed, and he directly slashed at Feng Hao. .

In an instant, the wind and clouds were thundering, and seven or eight tornadoes suddenly rolled up on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, creating a doomsday scene.

And the Heavenly Flame Heavy Ruler was also slashed straight towards Feng Hao's head, as if all the power of the world was blessed on it.

Feng Hao's expression was extremely calm. As the Lord of the Great Thousand, he has fought countless times in his life. How can a mere Holy Son move him?


Facing the epee that destroyed everything, Feng Hao stretched out his hand and grabbed the blade violently, and a mighty force struck, which seemed to weigh tens of millions of tons.

Feng Hao smiled slightly, this kind of power is certainly powerful,

But to him, it was nothing more than a few taels.

Slightly flicked his fingers.

The sound of '铛' resounded throughout the entire world, and Tianyan Shengzi also felt an irresistible force rushing towards him like a mountain torrent.

Tianyan Shengzi's face changed, he held the sword in both hands, and firmly grasped the epee that was about to be thrown away. The internal organs in his body felt as if they had been stirred by a dung stick, which was extremely uncomfortable.


With a muffled groan, Shengzi Tianyan finally couldn't resist, and flew out backwards, crashing into the Zushan in the Duanmu family.


The Heavenly Flame Heavy Ruler was dropped from his hand and directly inserted into the ground, causing the whole ground to tremble violently, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

"Holy Son of Flame!"

"His Royal Highness Son!"

Those members of the protoss in the lower realm of the Duanmu family saw this scene and were so frightened that their souls trembled.

How terrible is it that even the most powerful Holy Son of Heavenly Flame is no match for a finger of the earth?

I am afraid that only the Holy King and the Holy Emperor can compete with him.

"Too weak..." Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

I thought that Tianyan Shengzi would have some powerful means this day, but who knew it would all depend on a divine weapon. And for Feng Hao who owns the Pangu God Axe, this artifact is like a child's toy.


Tianyan Shengzi climbed out from the ancestral mountain, looking ashamed, like a beggar

Shengzi Tianyan stared at Feng Hao, his eyes flickered, he was stupefied, he miscalculated, he never expected Feng Hao to be so terrifying, with just one finger, he broke his body. nirvana.

"Who are you?"

Tianyan Shengzi stared at Feng Hao, and his tone softened. It is impossible for an ordinary emperor in the world to be so powerful. He Ning Yuan believed that Feng Hao was the emperor of the fairy world.

"It's not something you can know if you want to know."

Feng Hao shook his head slightly, his body swept out directly, and he arrived in front of Tianyan Shengzi in an instant, raised his hand to grab Tianyan Shengzi's neck, and picked it up like a chicken.


It was too fast, so soon that Shengzi Tianyan blinked his eyes, and then he found that Feng Hao had pinched his neck.

A sense of suffocation and the feeling of being on the verge of death struck, and panic appeared in the eyes of Shengzi Tianyan.

Under this great opportunity, he really didn't want to die, the only way to get that supreme opportunity is to live.

Tianyan Shengzi is planning how to beg for mercy, but Feng Hao intends to occupy Jade Dragon Snow Mountain as his dojo, how could it be possible to leave the lives of these remnants of the God Realm?

With a little force, he directly crushed the neck of Sheng Zi, which was as hard as alloy, and the latter's eyes were wide open, and then his pupils were dilated.

At the critical moment, without even escaping his soul, he was attacked and killed by Feng Hao's divine sense, and his soul flew away.

Throwing the body of Tianyan Shengzi casually, Feng Hao's figure floated to the place where the Tianyan heavy ruler was. After pulling out his right hand, the unicorn arm flashed red.

In a moment, the Heavenly Flame Heavy Ruler exuding black light directly shed a layer of black rust on the outside, and turned into a fiery red epee.

After weighing the weight, Feng Hao felt that it was very handy, and with his innate supernatural power unicorn arm, he could explode more powerful power.

"He, he picked up my clan's artifact..."

"How can a mortal be able to move the divine weapon? This is the Heavenly Flame Ruler..."

The strong man of the Shenyan Clan trembled uncontrollably, looking at Feng Hao who was holding an epee with one hand in horror, feeling that all this was fake.

"From now on, this place is the dojo of this emperor, do you have any opinions?"

Feng Hao's epee was stuck on the ground, and he stared sternly at the powerful members of the Shenyan clan in the lower realm.

"Don't be crazy, my family..."

A strong man from the Shenyan clan stood up and yelled at him, but before he finished speaking, Xiao Qiuqiu's claws appeared from nowhere, and with one palm, he slapped the holy son into ashes.

"No, no comment..."

Seeing this scene, the other strong members of the Shenyan clan dared to stand up and shout. At this moment, they are obedient like a group of lambs.

Feng Hao nodded in satisfaction, and said with a light smile: "Now the opportunities on Earth are getting bigger and bigger, I'm really worried that the opportunities will never run out..."

"Fengdi, the little Yanqi is willing to follow Fengdi, and will never rebel in eternal life."


A strong man of the Shenyan tribe rolled his eyes, knelt down on the ground, bowed to Feng Hao, and chose to be loyal.

Feng Hao was even more satisfied. It is impossible for the three of them to manage the ashram of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. A dojo requires many people to maintain normal operation.

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