Martial Inverse

Chapter 231 Immortality (Part 2)

Yuanshi Tianzun was thrown into the starry sky by Feng Hao, but it didn't seem to hurt his foundation. When he returned again, his aura remained undiminished, and his eyes were full of murderous intent and fury.

"It's pretty quick to come back." Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

Feng Hao himself didn't believe that he killed an immortal emperor in the fairy world with one blow, but he didn't expect the opponent to return so quickly.

Putting down the unconscious Huo Qilin, Feng Hao began to face up to Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the founders of the Three Qing Dynasty.

After sorting out that Yuanshi Tianzun in Qing Dynasty was just a ray of Qi from the great god Pan Gu on the earth, Feng Hao looked down at Yuanshi Tianzun even more.

Among the crowd, the old member of the alliance who respected Yuanshi Tianzun the most was the old member of the alliance. When he returned from Yuanshi Tianzun, he waved the flag to cheer like chicken blood.

But Yuanshi Tianzun was in a very bad mood, and the cheering of the old members of the alliance was more like a humiliation to him.

So Yuanshi Tianzun was so angry that he tossed his sleeve robe, and a majestic immortal energy burst out, directly beheading the old member of the alliance.

The old councilor didn't understand until his death why the Immortal Emperor would kill him, so that his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't rest in peace.

In fact, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't know why he killed the mortal monk who was not easy to practice, maybe... he just wanted to kill someone to vent.

It just so happened that the other party bumped into his muzzle.

Feng Hao's heart was very calm from the beginning to the end, Yuanshi Tianzun can kill whoever he likes, it has nothing to do with him, as long as the person he kills has nothing to do with him.

A saint would be merciful, but Feng Hao is not a saint.

"Feng Hao, do you want to be an enemy of the fairy world?" Yuanshi Tianzun looked Feng Hao squarely.

Feng Hao shook his head lightly: "I don't mean that."

Yuanshi Tianzun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "But in fact you are doing this... Before that, you bullied the weak and killed a strong Xianzong in my fairy world at the Fairy Welcome Conference, and now it is even more so. Openly attacking this Tianzun, isn't this an attempt to make an enemy of the fairy world?"

Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said: "You have said that, then this emperor is considered an enemy of the fairy world... Then, how do you plan to deal with me?"


Yuanshi Tianzun choked for a while, but the killing intent in his eyes became stronger, and he said coldly: "For my fairy world, I can pretend that nothing happened.

Since then, he has guarded the mortal world for the fairy world. "

There are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests. Yuanshi Tianzun suppressed the unwillingness and anger of being beaten by Feng Hao in his heart. For the benefit of the fairy world, he can let go of his hatred, provided that Feng Hao is loyal to the fairy world.

Yuanshi Tianzun felt that immortals like him who smiled and wiped out all kindness and hatred were almost extinct.

What's more, as the patriarch of the Three Qing Dynasty, he persuaded Feng Hao to surrender and gave Feng Hao such a big face, Feng Hao has no reason to refuse.

However, the reality gave Yuanshi Tianzun a resounding slap, and Feng Hao was looking at him with contempt at the moment, like looking at an idiot.

"Let this Emperor be used by the Immortal Realm? If you say that the Immortal Realm will surrender to this Emperor, maybe this Emperor will consider accepting your surrender..."


The veins on Yuanshi Tianzun's forehead were throbbing, and the immortal energy in his body was on the verge of exploding, but he...was willing to give Feng Hao another chance.

"I will give you another chance to return to the fairy world, and I will make you the number one god of war in the fairy world, and you can be ranked in the fairy class."

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Feng Hao, the number one god of war in the fairy world, this title is extraordinary, and only the strongest general in the fairy world can have this honor, and after ranking in the fairy class, he can live the same life as the sky.

Tut tut!

This kind of benefit, Yuanshi Tianzun felt that he was giving Feng Hao too much face. If it were someone else, Bi Ma would be gentle.

"It's so stupid."

Feng Hao shook his head in disappointment, Yuanshi Tianzun hadn't recognized the situation until now, he really wondered if he was beaten stupidly.

Yuanshi Tianzun was stupid, Feng Hao didn't have time to be stupid with him, he turned around and dragged the unconscious Huo Qilin to the tomb of the first emperor.


Yuanshi Tianzun was furious like thunder, and raised his hand to pinch out a fairy formula, manipulating the power of heaven and earth to carry out a devastating killing on Feng Hao.

It has to be said that Yuanshi Tianzun's immortal art still has two brushes, perhaps because the immortal energy and the divine crystal come from the same source, Feng Hao really felt the pressure exerted on him by heaven and earth.

It is like a drowning person being hit by the whirlpool in the water.

If it were the Bull Demon King or Monkey King, it might really have an impact, but... Feng Hao just took a small step forward, and the pressure suddenly disintegrated.

The space is also like a stone falling into the water, causing ripples visible to the naked eye. Against the background of the vision of the mausoleum, it adds a bit of shock.

Feng Hao casually broke Yuanshi Tianzun's fairy art, and the corners of his mouth raised, obviously looking down on Yuanshi Tianzun even more.

Yuanshi Tianzun jumped up and down, holding his hands in circles, and a huge Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish formed in the void. In an instant, there was a strong wind, thunder and lightning roared, and the Tai Chi Dao Diagram crushed Xiang Fenghao like a millstone.

"Taste the power of this Tianzun!" Yuanshi Tianzun shouted.

The Taiji Dao map was pressed down with an aura of destruction, and all the living beings in the entire Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, including those monks and strangers, felt the chilling intent of heaven and earth, and their legs were as heavy as lead.


It's too scary, Huanghuang Tianwei is really not something that mortals can contend with.

It was too late and then too soon, Taiji Daotu directly crushed Feng Hao, as if to completely crush Feng Hao into slag.


A loud bang resounded through the world, and the Tai Chi Dao Diagram was pressed down like a millstone, but... Feng Hao was holding the Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish Dao Diagram containing the ultimate principles of heaven and earth with one hand, showing a disdainful expression on his face.

In an instant, Yuanshi Tianzun's body twitched without warning.

"This gift is not bad, the so-called reciprocity, I will return it to you..."

Feng Hao kicked away the Yin-Yang Fish Dao Diagram condensed with the power of heaven and earth, blessed the integrity of the Dao Diagram with the power of dominance, and also blasted at Yuanshi Tianzun who looked bewildered.

"How can he manipulate the Tai Chi Dao Diagram?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was dumbfounded, seeing the Tai Chi Dao map that descended from the sky, and kept playing the fairy formula, but after finding that it was useless, the hair all over his body suddenly stood up, and the eyeballs were about to pop out.

Just when he wanted to escape, he found that the air mechanism had been locked. In desperation, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and make a last desperate fight.

"I am immortal and immortal..."

Immortality does not mean that there will be no pain. When the power of dominance contained in the Taiji Taoist map was suppressed, Yuanshi Tianzun used thousands of defensive magic spells.

He was lying on the ground, with seven or eight layers of tortoise shell-like body guards on his back, thinking that he would be able to resist this wave of damage.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.


Only a deafening bang was heard, and the Taiji Taoist map was suppressed like a sacred mountain, and the entire ground was smashed and collapsed.

At this time, even nuclear bombs may not be able to blow up a big hole in the ground. One can imagine the power contained in the Tai Chi Dao Tu.

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