Martial Inverse

Chapter 239 New World

For the fact that Monkey King is willing to go with him, Feng Hao is not too surprised. If Monkey King can't be moved by a demon saint fruit, Feng Hao really doesn't know the meaning of Monkey King's crossing over.

It's just that Sun Wukong said that he summoned him, which is quite surprising. Feng Hao just muttered casually. Could it be that Monkey King can perceive all this?

Feng Hao glanced at the eager Sun Houzi, and seriously suspected that there must be some connection between him and Monkey King.

After sweeping the consciousness, there is no difference between the physical body and the sea of ​​consciousness, but where does the connection between them come from?

"Feng Hao, my old grandson heard that you set up a dojo in the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Is this Zhanshan becoming the king?"

Sun Wukong stepped on the somersault cloud, turned his head and smiled at Feng Hao.

"It's just a place of spiritual practice, are you interested?" Feng Hao looked at Sun Wukong and said.

"My old grandson is used to being loose, and I don't want to be bound in one place, so forget it..." Sun Wukong shook his head.

He was purely curious, why would someone as strong as Feng Hao set up a dojo for others to practice, and waste resources.

Feng Hao seemed to know what was going on in Sun Wukong's head, and said with a light smile, "There's no special purpose, just follow along. And the place is not bad, enough to train a group of strong people, and it will definitely be used in the future."


"That's right, the holy son of the gods came to the Duanmu family of the ancient clan and threatened to challenge the emperor, but they died, and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain took over." Feng Hao wrote lightly.

For him, this is really a small thing.

However, in the eyes of Sun Wukong, it is not a trivial matter. The arrival of the Son of the God Realm represents the pioneer elite of the God Realm. Take it away.

Still, as always, the tiger's push!

The land of mist in the southwest is very large. Looking down from the sky, it is a continent covered by mist. The territory is vast and it seems to be a world of its own.

Feng Hao felt the majestic fluctuation of spiritual power in the mist. Obviously, the land of mist is the real sacred place for practice, much stronger than places like Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

It's a pity that the current state-of-the-art scientific equipment is still unable to detect the situation inside, and monks and strangers dare not enter rashly.

Although Huaxia officials also sent a small part of the advance troops,

But so far no reply.

Feng Hao has seen many posts on online forums, all of which are ordinary people risking their lives to enter the foggy land in order to seek immortality. As a result, they completely lost their traces, the wireless communication equipment completely failed, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead.

As for the old mountains and old forests in those famous mountains and great rivers, although there are many risks, and there are many big monsters who have enlightened wisdom, there are monks sitting in these places, and the risks are within the controllable range.

But the land of mist is an uncontrollable place, you have no idea what's inside.

However, these are not problems for Feng Hao. A ruthless person who can walk sideways in the universe, can a small foggy place trap him?


Feng Hao and Sun Wukong fell directly from the sky above the Misty Land, and only after entering the Misty Land did they find that the inside seemed to be a world of its own.

The aura is abundant, without any modern industrial atmosphere, the mountains are sprawling, and the wild beasts are running, chasing and playing in the mountains and forests, a very harmonious scene.

Feng Hao took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that the mobile phone was completely in a state of garbled codes, as if it had been greatly disturbed, and all the buttons were out of order.

"A very familiar smell...Monkey, do you feel it?" Feng Hao looked at Sun Wukong and said.

This place... reminds Feng Hao of the sea monster world, but it is much wider than the sea monster world, and there is no formation fluctuation.

What's even more commendable is that Feng Hao actually found the feeling of Tianwu Continent here, as if he had returned to the Warcraft Mountains of Xilan Country.

Sun Wukong looked at the mountains in a daze, nodded dully and said: "Well, my grandson also feels very familiar, as if he has returned to the mortal world of the heavens and myriad worlds..."

Feng Hao closed his eyes, and his spiritual thoughts spread out, unexpectedly without any hindrance, all the troubles thousands of miles away were under his control.

It's just... what makes Feng Hao rush to it is unbelievable that this foggy land is too big, it looks...not only a few hundred square kilometers more simple, but also a new world inside.

"Feng Hao, where is the way...?"

Sun Wukong was in a state of bewilderment. Not only did this place make him feel familiar, but what was even more frightening was...the surroundings were boundless, and there was no fog to be seen.

He somersaulted a few times, and found that... he didn't jump out of the border of the land of mist.

This like a new world.

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "The land of mist is a world of its own, and I'm not sure if it's on the earth. This is not an illusion, but more like another plane of the earth..."

Feng Hao has a headache, but unfortunately his realm has not yet reached that level, and he cannot see through the essence of this world.

He had guessed whether this was the plane where the Great Qin Empire was located, but... the place where he surrendered the Fire Qilin before that was able to enter and exit freely, unlike now where he can enter and cannot exit.

"My old grandson also thinks that this is actually true." Sun Wukong said solemnly.

Feng Hao patted Sun Wukong on the shoulder, and said: "If you come, you will be safe. First, I will find some guys with this emperor. If they are there, the holy tree of extreme demons must be here."

Feng Hao is not too worried. He has experienced many things in his life. He has never seen such a big storm. Wasn't he also in such a state of bewilderment when he first came to the earth?

Later, it was not just playing with the earth in the applause, and becoming the best actor if you want to be the best actor.

What's more, at that time, he hadn't recovered his cultivation, he only had innate supernatural powers.

"Could it be the five little guys who got the opportunity of the Demon Sacred Tree?" Sun Wukong asked suspiciously.

"It's them……"

The corners of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and he wanted to maintain a sense of mystery at first, but Sun Houzi was very enlightened.

"These five little fellows are lucky. They rushed over this time, so it's possible that they still want to snatch the fruit? Hey, my old grandson's golden cudgel doesn't recognize anyone..."

Sun Wukong was in a hurry, if the spirit of the five elements got the Yaosheng fruit first, he might not even be able to eat the core.

Feng Hao looked at Monkey King who was anxiously scratching his head and scratching his ears, and said with a light smile, "Let's go, if the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree comes out, the world will not be so peaceful, let's find them first!"

"Okay, isn't it just five little demons, it's not enough to eat my old grandson..."

Sun Wukong nodded again and again.

Listening to Feng Hao is absolutely right, he knows Feng Hao's background, the Lord of the Great Thousand... is much stronger than those god kings in the heavens and worlds.

What can be difficult for him?

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