Martial Inverse

Chapter 243 The Purpose of This Trip

"Fire Spirit? Suzaku?"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and looked at Monkey King, who just happened to also look at him blankly.

The two looked at each other silently.

It is true that the fire spirit of the spirit of the five elements is Suzaku, but Feng Hao always feels that this fire spirit has something to do with the crane demon in Huaxia.

Otherwise, why did the scene of the spirit of fire descending from the sky after the spirit of the five elements entered the land of mist.

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up and said, "Where did the fire spirit descend?"

?Gusu Ziheng hesitated for a while, wondering if he should tell Monkey King, but when he thought of the flying sword in the sea of ​​qi, he felt that it would be very ungrateful not to tell Monkey King.

Before that, they all had the idea of ​​killing Monkey King.

Gusu Ziheng glanced at the other qi refiners, then cupped his hands at Sun Wukong and said, "If you don't mind, senior, you can go with us..."

"Young Sect Master!"

The other eleven kendo gas refiners exclaimed, but soon they realized that this exclamation was very inappropriate.

It seems... There is no need to exclaim at all, if there are two powerful colleagues by your side, would you still worry about not getting the chance? Qi refiners from other sects are nothing more than chickens and dogs.

Young Suzerain's heroic name!

Just after Gusu Ziheng agreed because of Monkey King, he found that Monkey King turned around to ask the silent young man.

Gusu Ziheng was stunned. Could it be that this young man is more powerful than Monkey King who can forge a flying sword with just a breath?

"Feng Hao, there must be something strange about this matter. My grandson suspects that the spirits of the five elements entered the misty land, and they all dispersed. It just so happened that this fire spirit descended in this area..." Sun Wukong said through voice transmission.

It's better for these qi refiners not to know about the spirit of the five elements.

"Well, you can stay and take a look for a while." Feng Hao nodded and said.

"Okay! My grandson listens to you."

Sun Wukong blinked, obviously very interested in this action, he pressed Gusu Ziheng's shoulder and said: "Your grandpa is very interested,

But if your kid lied to your grandpa grandpa, be careful and give me a stick. "

Sun Wukong took out the golden cudgel directly from his ear. As soon as the golden cudgel was pulled out, Gusu Ziheng clearly felt the uneasiness and fear of the flying sword in his body.

Gusu Ziheng looked at the golden cudgel, and the other Qi refiners of Jianzong also stared at the golden cudgel, with fiery colors in their eyes.

As a Qi refiner, he is still quite sensitive to the aura of heaven and earth. The moment the golden cudgel appeared, the aura of heaven and earth directly formed a hole in the restaurant, absorbing all of it, which is simply outrageous.

Moreover, being able to be big or small, long or short, is so fascinating...

After Sun Wukong absorbed a wave of faith, he took back the golden cudgel with satisfaction, and hooked his hand at the shopkeeper of the restaurant hiding behind the counter.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant trembled like chaff, ran up to Monkey King, bent over and smiled flatteringly, "What orders does the Immortal have?"

In the folk, ordinary people call the qi refiners who can breathe out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth called Shangxian.

The shopkeeper of this restaurant is just an ordinary person, but because he is close to the mountain with abundant spiritual energy, he often meets with Qi refiners. He has seen Qi refiners with flying swords on their feet, and also seen all kinds of magical powers, but like Monkey King It's the first time I've seen Shangxian who swept away more than ten qi refiners lightly.

So panicked.

Afraid of being trampled to death like ants.

"All the fine wine and food will be served to my grandson..."

Monkey King licked his lips. Although he didn't feel hungry, he couldn't control his mouth when he smelled the restaurant.

Feng Hao looked at Sun Wukong and asked doubtfully, "Your master should not be Tang Xuanzang, right?"

"What Tang Xuanzang?"

Sun Wukong was taken aback for a moment, then he put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: "My old grandson is not the Bi Mawen in the earth film and television. Accompanying the monk to learn Buddhist scriptures, so... of course, you can eat wine and meat if you want."

Feng Haoming realized that many things are coincidences, but nothing is a coincidence.

But... Feng Hao always wondered if Wu Chengen, who wrote Journey to the West, came from all heavens and myriad realms.

The Qi Refiner of Jianzong heard Feng Hao and Sun Wukong's words, he was confused, he was stunned for a while, and he couldn't understand at all.

But Sun Wukong wants good wine, they understand this sentence.

"Senior, if you want good wine, the wine in this restaurant is not as good as Jianzong's strong wine. Come and taste a pot!"

Gusu Ziheng took the wine bag from the table and handed it to Monkey King with both hands.

"You kid, it's interesting..."

Sun Wukong smiled, he never refuses anyone, especially those related to alcohol.

If the monkey is tired of drinking wine, he can drink the fine wine brewed by the Qi refiners of the Qin Dynasty.

Poured a glass of wine for Feng Hao, Sun Wukong and Feng Hao just drank the wine as if no one else was there, it was indeed strong enough, like fire in the throat.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant brought a few dishes of freshly fried side dishes, which tasted very bland, not even half of the food stalls.


The night sky in the Qin Dynasty is beautiful, full of stars, and Feng Hao can't tell whether the night sky in the misty land is the same sky as the outside.

Feng Hao and Sun Wukong are lying on the roof of the restaurant, surrounded by several empty wine bags.

"My old grandson came to the earth for the sake of the demon holy tree. I didn't expect that the Chinese culture had been assimilated in a daze, and I was a little reluctant to leave..."

Sun Wukong recovered his half-human, half-monkey body, his golden hair was full of luster, and his body still exuded a faint fragrance.

After hearing Monkey King's words, Feng Hao thought of those faces in the Great Thousand World, and his thoughts flooded in for a while.

Although he is the master of a world, he was once an ordinary warrior with flesh and blood, and his heart is still the same.

"Chinese culture is very charming, and this emperor is also fascinated by it, but one day you and I will leave. Before that, enjoy every moment in this world."

Feng Hao took a deep breath, got up and jumped off the roof of the restaurant, and went back to his room to rest.

Sun Wukong was left alone to drink and sing to the moon.

With Feng Hao's cultivation base and realm, although he does not need to rest at all, and his energy is almost unlimited, but the habit formed is difficult to change, and meditation is also an indispensable part of cultivation.

This time when he came to the land of mist, besides investigating the spirits of the five elements and the holy tree of extreme demons, he also had more important matters to do was Qinhuang Yingzheng.

If Yingzheng of the Misty Land leaves the Misty Land, becomes one with the corpse in the tomb of the First Emperor of China, and opens the time-space gate connecting the God Realm, the earth will really be in catastrophe.

Therefore, Feng Hao came here with the purpose of killing or sealing Emperor Qin. As for bringing Monkey King, it was purely accidental.

Fortunately, I brought Sun Wukong, a funny comparison, at least the party in the foggy land will not feel bored.

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