Martial Inverse

Chapter 245 Suzaku (Part 2)

Feng Hao hasn't figured out the specific reason yet, he only felt a cheerful and agile breath coming from the moment his palm touched the light curtain, and he wished he could quickly enter the light curtain.

So Feng Hao was forced to enter the light curtain. The strange thing is that the transparent light curtain looks very weak, but he took more than ten steps to pass through the light curtain completely.

At least it can be proved that this light curtain is very thick, so thick that it is almost impossible to use brute force to get in.

Monkey King is the same as the generation of demon kings. At this moment, he is carrying a golden cudgel the size of a bucket, smashing it crazily towards the light curtain, and there is a loud bang...

Although Sun Wukong's strength has been greatly reduced after he came to the earth, his cultivation has already reached a very high level after eating the demon saint fruit. Not to mention destroying the world, it is not difficult to destroy a city with a stick, but Seems to be having a problem right now...

"Feng Hao, find a way to let my old grandson in, it's a great opportunity, a great opportunity..."

Monkey King was circling anxiously outside the light curtain, and the aura of heaven and earth stirred up by the golden cudgel was turned upside down, but he still couldn't do anything to the light curtain.

He wanted to go in so badly, how powerful was the treasure inside the light curtain that could even be blocked by him fighting the Holy King?

Afterwards, the qi refiners who came frantically from behind saw the scene of Monkey King's earth-shattering invincibility, they were so frightened that they quickly stopped, opened their mouths, and froze in place.


"You read that right, what's going on?"

"I want to go home, you play..."

"The combat power that is fascinating, this person's cultivation is against the sky, could it be the great power from the capital of Xianyang?"

Countless qi refiners watched from afar, not daring to get too close, and the timid qi refiners even gave up in fright and waited and watched from a very far away.

Gusu Ziheng and others who came later looked at the mighty Monkey King, their expressions were moved, and they were even more grateful for what happened in the restaurant.

Fortunately, they didn't have a bad relationship with Monkey King, but they were also very confused, why... Monkey King would choose them.

I thought that Sun Wukong's performance in the restaurant was already good enough, but I didn't expect... the real strength is in the back.

"Young Sect Master, did our Sect Master save him before?"

A Jianzong disciple looked at Gusu Ziheng,

In his eyes, he suspected that Jianzong had a deep relationship with Monkey King.

Otherwise, why tempering the young suzerain's natal flying sword alone is simply the rhythm of an illegitimate child.

Gusu Ziheng glared at the man.

If his father really saved Sun Wukong, he would be very lucky, but the problem is, if he is as strong as Sun Wukong, his father may not be qualified to save him.

People who are not in the same realm, where did the intersection come from.

Suddenly, a dazzling red light erupted from the light curtain, which once again affected the alchemists outside the light curtain.

"My grandson can't take it anymore!"

Monkey King was almost on the verge of going berserk, and the golden cudgel almost collapsed the mountains, but the light curtain showed no sign of breaking apart except for ripples.

Feng Hao shook his head at Sun Wukong who was outside the light curtain. He had thought about breaking the light curtain, but there was no way.

This layer of power comes from the land of mist, which is equivalent to the power of a world.

Feng Hao guessed that the reason why he was able to come in had something to do with the spirit of the Suzaku in his body. After all, Gusu Ziheng said that the one who descended from the sky might be the spirit of fire, the Suzaku.

In addition, he couldn't think of the reason why he was unimpeded.

The fluctuation in the depths of the mountains became more and more intense, and Feng Hao also felt a wave of will, which seemed to be calling him to go.

So he didn't stay any longer, but turned around and entered the depths of the mountains, and handed over everything outside to Monkey King.


At this moment, Sun Wukong gave up, and he could see that this was entirely Feng Hao's exclusive opportunity, and it had nothing to do with him.

"My grandson is not convinced..."

Sun Wukong had an aggrieved expression on his face, then turned to look at the group of qi refiners behind him with fierce eyes.


Everyone looked at Monkey King in astonishment, and felt that there was something wrong with Monkey King's eyes, which sent chills down the spine.

"What are you looking at?" Monkey King shouted.

The corners of the mouths of all the qi practitioners twitched slightly.

"Look at the scenery, I heard that the scenery here is pretty good..."

"Yes, yes, we all came here for a casual stroll, hey, it's really strange, what is this light curtain, it looks very dangerous..."

A group of qi refiners hurriedly apologized, looking at Monkey King's stick, they couldn't help shaking their bodies.

"Go away, this is not something you can get your hands on."

Sun Wukong has chased people away, since he has no way to get a share of the pie, these shrimp soldiers and crab generals don't even think about it.

The Qi refiners are definitely not reconciled, but... under the powerful and despotic power of Monkey King, they have to succumb.

Anyway, Monkey King can't get in, and they probably have no hope, but the light curtain will always disappear, and it doesn't matter to retreat temporarily.

As a result, the alchemists retreated for a few miles cursing, rested cross-legged in different camps, and kept paying attention to the changes inside and outside the light curtain.

"Why isn't my grandson so lucky?"

Sun Wukong sat on the grass outside the light curtain and worried, the golden cudgel was reduced to a toothpick by him, picking his teeth boredly.

At the same time, Feng Hao in the light curtain followed the call and entered the deepest part of the mountains. The naked eye could already see the flickering fires rising and falling, and the rhythm was like human breathing.

"Have you finally waited for you? The Lord of the Great Thousand..."

A voice seemed to come from eternity, full of the vicissitudes and gravity of history.


Feng Hao frowned, looked at the source of the sound, and his divine sense swept over, but it seemed to be blocked by an unknown force.

Feng Hao's expression was calm, but in fact, there was a huge storm in his heart. This existence in the misty land actually knew his identity as the Lord of the Great Thousand.

What is the origin of this thing?

"I know you're confused, but... except for the Lord of the World, no one can enter the Middle Realm. The Emperor Yun, the Lord of the Heavens and Worlds, has not descended on the earth, and there is no one else except the Lord of the Great Thousand."

That voice sounded again.

"Who are you? Why do you know this?" Feng Hao asked.

The owner of that voice knew his identity, and his origin must be very important, obviously not just Huo Ling.

As Feng Hao's voice fell, a fireball like a scorching sun suddenly flew out of the mountains, hanging in the air, and there was a creature resembling a Vermillion Bird in it.

And exudes a will and coercion to control everything.

Then a voice full of vicissitudes came from the huge fireball in the sky: "I am the true spirit Suzaku in charge of the southern land."


Feng Hao shook his head and said: "Suzaku is just a divine beast, but your aura is not like that, it is very powerful."

The existence in the fireball can't be seen by Feng Hao's current divine sense and eyesight, which is enough to show the strength of the other party.

As for him who has integrated the talent of Suzaku, he is very familiar with Suzaku, but the existence in the fireball does not have the breath of Suzaku at all.

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