Martial Inverse

Chapter 249 Roasted Suzaku (Part 1)

Pan Gu's divine ax slashed down, and in the dark night sky, a ray of light burst out, intertwined with the avenue, and struck at the fiery red figure with the power to destroy everything.

Frightened eyes appeared in the eyes of everyone, kneeling on the ground and yelling 'God descends into the world', their crotch was wet a lot.

It was such a terrifying scene, it could be called the epoch-making.

"This is what the Lord of the World should look like..." Sun Wukong stared blankly, this kind of demeanor is so desirable.

Suzaku, the spirit of the Southern World, stared wide-eyed, feeling that all the energy in his body had been locked, and all he could do was resist.

It was too unexpected, never expected Feng Hao's cultivation to be so terrifying, especially this ax was the most amazing, it was stained with the aura of chaos, and this aura was enough to destroy it.

Suzaku's face was ferocious, his body was full of flames, and he turned into a huge fire shield to protect himself, almost displaying his spiritual power to the extreme.


However, Feng Hao slashed down with the Pangu Divine Ax in his hand, and the blade of the ax was like an aurora, slashing across Suzaku's fire shield.

The sound of gauze being torn resounded through the sky, and the fire shield of Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, was directly broken, and the remaining power of the Pangu ax remained undiminished, and it slashed straight towards its wings.

"What a powerful force..."

Suzaku, the spirit of the Southern World, turned pale with fright and hurriedly dodged, but no matter how fast he was, how could he pass the light in such a short time?

A wing was chopped off by the root, and the incision was extremely smooth.


The tragic sound of the Suzaku, the spirit of the southern realm, spread throughout the Wuling Mountains. Some birds and beasts were so frightened that they died, and the villagers in the mountains were even more frightened.

Those Qi refiners from various sects who were far away felt even more numb in their scalps and trembled all over.

The Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, screamed so fiercely, it was even more hysterical than a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

"This magic ax can really cut off my old grandson's wishful golden cudgel..." Sun Wukong murmured in a low voice.

Feng Hao glanced at Sun Wukong who was in a daze, and said, "Where is the firewood I asked you to prepare?"

"Ah... I'm going right now!"

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, knowing that Feng Hao had already won the game,

Thinking of the Suzaku Meat Teeth Ceremony later, he was as happy as a hundred-year-old monkey.

"Don't stand still, all of you are looking for firewood. This is Suzaku meat. Bring some spiritual wood, the meat will be more fragrant..."

Sun Wukong saw Gusu Ziheng and others of Guiyuan Jianzong, and quickly gave orders. The Monkey King is not stupid if there are ready-made manpower to spare.

"Grilled Suzaku meat?"


Gusu Ziheng's eyes were dull, and he couldn't help swallowing. He looked up at Feng Hao who was holding a magic ax in the air, and felt that all this was like a dream.

The young man who was similar to the brother next door in the restaurant before was so terrifying that he even dared to kill the sacred bird Suzaku and even ate Suzaku meat.

Be good.

"Young Sect Master, what are you still doing? There is Suzaku meat to eat, so we have to hurry to find the spirit wood."

"Yes, young suzerain, this is our chance, an unprecedented chance..."

These qi refiners of Guiyuan Sword Sect are all red-eyed. If they can eat a bite of Suzaku meat, it will be better than practicing for five hundred years.

Gusu Ziheng was also stunned. It seemed a bit unrealistic that this kind of opportunity came to him so suddenly.

From the county town to the present, everything seems too unreal, I pinched my thigh, and it hurts.

This is not a dream, it is real.


With a wave of his hand, Gusu Ziheng led the disciples of the Sword Sect into the forest, looking for spirit wood to build a fire.

In the distance, Qi refiners from other sects vomited blood depressedly, and looked at Monkey King eagerly, hoping to join the team looking for the spirit wood.

Sun Wukong was in a beautiful mood, and he waved his big hand and said, "This majesty is in charge. Whoever brings more spirit trees will eat more."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was overwhelmed, it was like a pie in the sky, so they all displayed their magical powers and rushed towards the mountains. Everyone's eyes were red, and there was a tendency not to turn back until they found the spirit tree.

Suzaku, the spirit of the Southern World, had one of its wings cut off, and its powerful spiritual power leaked out. Coupled with the splash of golden blood, it was no longer able to support it hovering in the void, falling like a kite with a broken thread.


The huge flesh body smashed onto the ground, splashing sand and stones.

"seal up!"

Suzaku, the Spirit of the Southern Realm, endured the severe pain and sealed the meridian of the broken wing. Only then did the blood stop. At the same time, the divine fire entangled it and turned into the broken wing.

Without wings, the strength of Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, has been greatly reduced. Hearing that Feng Hao and Sun Wukong wanted to roast Suzaku meat, his eyeballs were about to burst into flames.

"Don't be complacent, this world spirit doesn't believe that you can use this ax again..." Southern World Spirit Suzaku said coldly.

From its point of view, Feng Hao would definitely not be able to use this powerful power a second time, because it contained the power of chaos, which was the power at the beginning of the world, and it was above all things.

Even if it is a world spirit, it will be severely injured.

Feng Hao stared at Suzaku indifferently, without any nonsense, picked up the Pangu Divine Ax and swung the second ax again.

"Really come?"

The feathers all over Suzaku's body suddenly popped up, and its eyeballs protruded. When Feng Hao raised the Pangu axe, it felt the smell of death.

call out!

The Southern World Spirit was frightened. He didn't expect Feng Hao to be able to use the second axe. At this moment, he didn't dare to confront Feng Hao head-on. His wings fluttered and he fled away.

Suzaku, the spirit of the southern realm, is in the southern realm. Although his cultivation is invincible, Feng Hao is even more special. He is not a strong person in this world, and he has received very little influence.

In particular, the divine ax in his hand can be regarded as Suzaku's greatest nemesis.

At this moment, Suzaku, the spirit of the Southern World, just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, away from the madman with the divine axe, but one of its wings was broken, and the condensed wings of the divine fire could not exert its speed at all.

Feng Hao looked at the speed at which the spirit of the southern realm fled far away, and shook his head in disappointment. At the same time, a pair of fiery red wings stretched out from his back.

Talented supernatural power Suzaku wing.

call out!

The same fiery red Suzaku spread its wings, and Feng Hao chased after him like a streamer of red piercing the night sky.

In just a few breaths, Feng Hao surpassed Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, and stood in front of him. He turned around and swung the Pangu Divine Axe, and slashed across.


The Southern World Spirit Suzaku howled miserably again, its left wing was also cut off, blood stained the sky, and its figure fell rapidly.

Sun Wukong, who was on somersaulting clouds, rushed over and saw the Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, descending from the sky, with golden eyes flashing golden light, just like seeing delicious Suzaku meat.

"My old grandson won't eat vegetarian food anymore, this red bird meat is very delicious, ahaha~"

Sun Wukong was very excited, and the golden cudgel hit the southern world spirit Suzaku's sky cap, directly shattering the skull.


Suzaku, the spirit of the Southern Realm, was completely hopeless. She never imagined that she would play such a grand game of chess, using the common people in the world as pawns. Who knew...but the pawns would defeat its army instead.

The consciousness of Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, began to blur. It lost its wings and blood. How could it stand up to Monkey King's blow?

At this moment, the seven orifices are bleeding, dying.

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