Martial Inverse

Chapter 251 World Spirit Soul

not reconciled...

Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, was very unwilling. The feeling of being shrouded in death was too scary. It wanted to beg for mercy, but found that its neck was broken, and it was difficult to make a sound.

Its fate is sealed.

"You silly bird, what are you doing so nonsense? Just sit and wait for the grill! If it wasn't for ensuring the delicious meat, my old grandson would have smashed it with a stick."

Monkey King turned his head to look at Feng Hao, and asked: "If there is no problem, my old grandson will pluck the hair..."

Seeing Sun Wukong's expression of hunger and thirst, Feng Hao waved his hand and said, "As you wish..."

Sun Wukong looked overjoyed, blinked his fiery eyes, turned his head suddenly to look at Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, bared his teeth and said, "Take a stick from my old grandson..."


The golden cudgel pierced through the body of Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, and strung it up. After that, he tore off a bunch of yellow hair from his head, and let out a demonic breath.

Swish! Swish!

Immediately, that bunch of yellow hairs turned into hundreds of monkeys, jumping directly on the body of Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, and began to pluck the hairs...

Suzaku, the spirit of the Southern World, was dying, its wings were cut off by Pan Gu's axe, its neck was twisted by Feng Hao, and now its body was pierced by Monkey King, but it was still not dead, and it was still hanging.

But... when Sun Wukong's supernatural power of plucking hairs and transforming into a human being, when hundreds of monkeys pulled its fire feathers, he was finally extremely annoyed, died, and died unwillingly.


Suzaku, the spirit of the Southern Realm, died, and he died extremely aggrieved. The qi refiners in the southern region were shocked at first, and then they saw that Monkey King was really going to roast Suzaku, and their attention was immediately attracted.

As long as you can eat Suzaku meat, it doesn't matter if it lives or dies.

Feng Hao was just talking casually, but he didn't expect Sun Wukong to handle things very neatly. Not only did he dig the pit, but also moved the spirit tree, and even the final plucking process was carried out in an orderly manner.

Suzaku's meat is a great tonic, that's for sure, ordinary people can be invulnerable to all poisons after taking a bite, stay young forever, and rejuvenate easily.

But if ordinary people don't know how to refine these spirit meat, the real effect can't be brought out, and if a monk eats Suzaku meat, tsk tsk, even a person with extremely poor aptitude can soar into the sky.

These qi refiners estimated the size of the lower southern world spirit Suzaku,

After all, everyone seemed to be able to share a bite, almost laughing from ear to ear.

They fought hard, and they looked like they were in full swing, full of the enthusiasm of the Chinese people to catch up with the Premier League and the United States.

The flying sword of Guiyuan Jianzong's disciple was very sharp, but it couldn't cut Suzaku's flesh, instead it splashed a little spark.

Feng Hao couldn't stand it anymore, he waved casually: "Sword Come..."

call out!

Immediately, the flying sword controlled by Gusu Ziheng seemed to have been slapped with chicken blood. As the sword glow soared, it seemed to turn into a silver dragon. , without breaking a sweat.

Until now, they really felt the strength of Feng Hao and Sun Wukong. They couldn't cut Suzaku's fur, but Feng Hao and Sun Wukong cut off Suzaku's wings, their necks were broken, and finally their bodies were pierced. ...

Power makes people awe-inspiring, no matter which world or era it is in, the words are the same.

Afterwards, Sun Wukong held the golden cudgel with one hand, and smashed Suzaku's internal organs, and the golden blood flowed out in an intoxicating direction.

"The blood of the divine beast is called fine nectar and jade dew. If you want to drink it, come and line up!" Monkey King greeted.


In an instant, more than a hundred people flocked to him, seeing the amount of blood overflowing from Suzaku's mouth, they couldn't help swallowing wildly.

In their opinion, any feces that are associated with divine beasts may have astonishing spiritual power.

Not to mention the blood of divine beasts, which is almost the essence.

They looked at Monkey King eagerly, with pitiful expressions on their faces. If they had a bowl in their hands, they would be no different from those beggars.

"Haha, everyone has a share, the boy who brought the spirit wood, there will be Suzaku meat to eat later..."

Monkey King laughed out loud, and seemed to be in a very good mood, and the Qi refiners who heard his words were even more moved to tears.

Truly an honest man.

Sun Wukong waved his hand, and more than a hundred drops of golden blood splashed into the air. The qi refiners went crazy immediately, stretched out their hands to grab a drop of blood essence, and swallowed it while it was hot.


Immediately, the faces of the qi refiners were flushed, and they crossed their legs one after another, and began to cut the hair and wash the marrow, going through the biggest turning point in their lives.

Feng Hao has been standing quietly by the side, staring at Suzaku's corpse, occasionally a few gleams of light appeared in his eyes.

Seeing Feng Hao's strange behavior, Monkey King put away his smile, walked up to Feng Hao, and asked in confusion, "Brother Feng, what's wrong?"

Feng Hao glanced at Sun Wukong, he was quite satisfied with this title, and said with a light smile, "I'm waiting for the soul of the Southern Realm Spirit to come out, after all, it said, to revive the heart of the world, without it..."


Sun Wukong trembled all over, his face was extremely ugly, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Brother Feng must be joking, didn't I just it the same with it or without it?"

Monkey King regretted so much that he stabbed Nanjieling to death with a stick.

If because of the death of the Southern World Spirit, the five world spirits cannot be assembled, and the Heart of the World cannot be revived, it will not forgive itself even if it dies.

"I seem to just say that I don't need it to live..." Feng Hao looked at Monkey King.

Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief, but then his heart tightened, and he said, "If he dies, wouldn't he be unable to eat Suzaku meat?"

Feng Hao couldn't help but hold his forehead, rolled his eyes and said to Monkey King: "So I'm waiting for its soul to come out, it's good to catch the soul, the body is useless."

Regarding this aspect, Feng Hao still has a great say. As the Southern Realm Spirit Suzaku, even if it is really the key to revive the heart of the world, it has nothing to do with its physical body.

After all, if this kind of strong man died physically, wouldn't everything be empty? But if the body dies and the soul is immortal, it can still revive the heart of the world.

That is, the core god crystal that came from the ancestral star of the gods.


Sun Wukong was finally relieved, without any sense of guilt in his heart, instead frantically whipped Suzaku's corpse, trying to force Suzaku's soul out.


The soul of the Southern World Spirit couldn't come out, Feng Hao had no choice but to ask Sun Wukong to roast the Suzaku meat, he still didn't believe it, it couldn't force the soul of the Southern World Spirit Suzaku.

chi chi!

Sun Wukong used a golden cudgel to set up Suzaku's corpse and put it on the bracket prepared by the Qi Refiner. Then a Qi Refiner who was playing with fire lit the spiritual wood. They cheered and sang the battle song, a sense of sight of a bonfire party.


Suddenly, without any warning, gusts of wind blew up here, adding a bit of intrusive atmosphere under the night.

At the same time, the burning spirit wood fire was extinguished for no reason at this moment, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by a few points.

"Is it finally coming out?"

Feng Hao's expression was solemn, he knew that the truly powerful one was not Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world, but... the soul of the spirit of the southern world, who acted as the key.

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