Martial Inverse

Chapter 255: You're Done

"Because this emperor is the master of the universe, whether it is the universe or the universe, the the same, never changing from the original purpose, this emperor naturally knows that it has no way out, and besides, it will be grateful for today's choice in the future .”

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on the Southern World Spirit wrapped in the light curtain. The corners of his mouth were curved. There is still a long way to go, but it must go smoothly...

There is no shortage of strong people around him.

Of course, the more of these things the better, and it's pretty good to have a group of strong people on the earth who act as background.

"Then do you think my old grandson will also be grateful for the choice now?"

Sun Wukong blinked.


Feng Hao took it for granted: "Then you will definitely regret it."


Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, would he regret following Feng Hao? Judging from the current situation, there is absolutely no need to regret it.

Just when Sun Wukong was wondering, Feng Hao said again: "For example, I regret that I didn't dedicate a wisp of soul like the spirit of the southern world..."

All right!

Sun Wukong was completely convinced. I have never seen someone who is narcissistic like Feng Hao.

Will he, the majestic Monkey King, regret not dedicating his soul? Just kidding, he escaped from the three realms, he is not in the five elements, and he doesn't know how to write the word "regret".

You didn't regret it when you made a big disturbance in God's Domain and turned God's Domain upside down. Will you regret it?

Unless he, Feng Hao, can become the master of the Three Realms.

After Feng Hao subdued the Southern World Spirit, he had accomplished a major event, and he was getting closer to touching the Heart of the World.

When Feng Hao and Sun Wukong returned to the Wuling Mountains again, the spirits of the Qi refiners on the ground were shaken, and they all looked at Feng Hao.

It was this man who beheaded the Fire Spirit Suzaku, and then almost broke Suzaku's soul, he could be called a god.


The Qi refiners on the ground knelt together,

With infinite fanaticism in his eyes, it is a great fortune to be able to get in close contact with such a great power.

If you are lucky enough to get guidance, or be accepted as a true disciple, traveling in the void in this life will not be a dream.

It's a pity that they don't have this life.

Because Feng Hao didn't have any idea of ​​accepting disciples at all, with a flick of his sleeves without a trace, more than a hundred Qi refiners stood up uncontrollably, with surprised expressions.

"What are you doing in a daze? This is Suzaku meat, if you miss it, you will miss it forever..."

Sun Wukong licked his lips, and the golden cudgel once again strung up the Suzaku and put it on the spirit wood. The flame was lit, and the fragrant meat fragrance was overflowing.

Just smelling this fragrance gives people the illusion of attaining enlightenment and ascension, which is extremely wonderful.

How about a bite? Isn't it better than a fairy?

Soon, the meat of the Suzaku was roasted golden and golden, and the aroma was even more attractive. There were pieces of drooling Qi refiners, and there was no way to resist the temptation of the meat of the Suzaku.

Feng Hao also had a big appetite, and had the urge to feast, but in the end he held back, he is also the master of the world, and it's a shame to compete with this group of qi refiners!

"Why don't you try it? This is Suzaku meat, especially after being nourished by my soul, it can be called a miracle medicine. These ants have a good chance..."

At this moment, the resentful voice of the Southern World Spirit rang out behind Feng Hao.

Feng Hao turned his head and glanced at the human-shaped Southern Realm Spirit, his eyes lit up, and he gasped softly. The Southern Realm Spirit fused with soul beads could no longer tell whether it was a human or a soul with the naked eye.

Not only does it not have the slightest yin energy, but it is also full of divinity.


"No matter how miraculous medicine is to this emperor, it is nothing, but you, really don't feel sad?" Feng Hao said softly.

"The physical bodies of the five world spirits have nothing to do with the spirits. They are just bodies. There is no heartache."

The Southern World Spirit was very free and easy, and didn't mind the heat of these qi refiners at all. He even went down to help add a fire, and looked at these qi refiners with a warm smile, just like the cute strange sorghum next door.

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, this was definitely a subversive scene.

Monkey King was also stunned, and forgot to shake the golden cudgel, and a small area was immediately burnt.

Monkey King, who smelled the burnt smell, twitched his nose, and hurriedly continued to turn it, trying to make every inch of Suzaku meat as delicate as possible.

The Qi refiners who were in charge of tinkering with firewood saw the Southern World Spirit in human form, and at first wondered where it came from.

But when Sun Wukong yelled 'Southern Realm Spirit', many Qi practitioners jumped up in fright and their bodies trembled.

so awkward……

This person is actually the Southern World Spirit, and they are roasting the body of the Southern World Spirit. The most surprising thing is that it has also joined the army of roasting Suzaku meat.


Time passed quickly, and under the blessing of the spirit wood flame, the meat of the Suzaku was almost roasted, and the alchemists stared at the meat of the Suzaku longingly, swallowing wildly.

"Everyone has a share, where is the Gusu boy?"

Sun Wukong suddenly yelled at the crowd of qi refiners, and everyone looked at each other, and then Gusu Ziheng walked out from the crowd.

He was in a daze at the moment, nervous and confused at the same time.

How did Sun Wukong call him Gusu boy, he didn't seem to tell Sun Wukong his name.

Trembling out of the crowd, Gusu Ziheng behaved like a kid who made a mistake.

"Virtue, the great sage tempered the flying sword for you, and I will entrust you with the task of cutting flesh. I have to find out how many copies there are in total."

Sun Wukong also learned from Feng Hao, who was indifferent and didn't care about cutting up the meat piece by piece.

This kind of work is definitely right for Gusu Ziheng.

The qi refiners whispered, everyone had heard about the name of Gusu Ziheng, the young master of the Guiyuan Sword Sect.

But they don't want to be in vain, why is it Gusu Ziheng?

In terms of meat cutting methods, some of them used to be butchers in the secular world, and they are very skilled.

At this moment, Gusu Ziheng was also moving very fast. He sacrificed the promoted flying sword, and with the force of thunder, he cut directly around the body of Suzaku supported by the golden cudgel.


Three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, within a few breaths, Feijian cut hundreds of knives neatly, and the Suzaku meat was broken into diced meat.

Thus, the Qi refiners finally wept with joy, and thankfully took the diced piece of Suzaku meat that fell into the palm of their hand.

After swallowing it, the spiritual energy in this place suddenly surged, and many Qi refiners directly broke through the shackles of the current realm and benefited a lot.

Sun Wukong is the most ruthless, he monopolizes the area above the neck of Suzaku meat, but no one dares to compete with him for food, his mouth is full of greasy food, and the breath he exhales is full of extremely rich aura.

Feng Hao saw all this in his eyes, couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said to Nan Jieling: "It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter in your heart..."

Nan Jieling looked at Feng Hao contemptuously, stretched out his hand, and a piece of thigh meat flew towards him, biting twice fiercely, and said: "See? I even ate myself..."

All right! you win……

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