Martial Inverse

Chapter 263 Fusion (Part 2)

"It's interesting, if I don't surrender to you, this world spirit will live so many thousands of years in vain..." The southern spirit was aroused with ferocity, and its soul power gushed out like a waterfall.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Sword became much slower.

At the same time, the unconscious soul body of Gusu Ziheng hovering next to Nan Jieling, suddenly the golden light relaxed like breathing, and joyful fluctuations came from the soul body.

"Aren't you afraid of the power of this divine sword? Its will can kill you, ruthlessly!"

The Southern World Spirit stared at Gusu Ziheng's soul body, and while reminding it, his heart was extremely shaken.

Ordinary souls, seeing the sword intent of Xuanyuan Sword, would probably be frightened out of their wits, let alone showing waves of joy.

What surprised Nanjieling even more was that the originally unruly sword turned slowly and pointed at Gusu Ziheng.

The blade of the sword trembled without warning, and a ray of sword light broke through the control of the Southern World Spirit and penetrated to Gusu Ziheng's soul body light cluster.

Gusu Ziheng's soul body was shocked first, and then he calmly accepted the spurting sword light, without dodging or resisting, but instead enveloped the sword intent.

The guardians of Guiyuan Sword Sect, except for Ji Xingkong, watched this scene with tense nerves.

The Xuanyuan Sword's sword light was overwhelming, and even they felt their souls trembling after they survived the first catastrophe.

Can Gusu Ziheng's weak soul bear it?

In fact, no one dared to guarantee it, including Feng Hao who had resonated with Xuanyuan Sword. This sword can be used by him, but he can't control its sword light, so as not to hurt a fragile soul.

The sword glow was quite scary, but when it rushed into Gusu Ziheng's soul body light group, it seemed to sink into the sea. Except for the splash of water at the beginning, there was basically no other movement.

"Born to be one?"

The Southern World Spirit Prisoner was confused. In his perception of powerful world spirit power, Gusu Ziheng's soul body was impacted by the sword light. Not only did it not collapse immediately, but it became more solidified.

He is using Xuanyuan Sword's sword light as nourishment to solidify himself.


As the demon king, Monkey King saw the clue, a gratified smile appeared on his face.

The kid didn't disappoint him,

The physical body was destroyed by lightning, but the soul body was miraculously immune to Xuanyuan Sword's damage.

You know, this is the sword of killing that is said to be sealed, and even he wants to avoid its edge, but Gusu Ziheng not only resisted, but also regarded the sword light as food.

Xuanyuan Sword's simple and simple blade trembled, and more sword lights shot at Gusu Ziheng's soul body intensively.

"Interesting, it's rare for the spirits of this world to fuse a sword and a spirit so easily."

The Southern World Spirit no longer worried about Gusu Ziheng's soul body, these sword glows could not hurt Gusu Ziheng anymore.

It seems that Gusu Ziheng was born to be a sword spirit for this divine sword, and the heavenly punishment and thunder calamity that passed through the calamity tempered Gusu Ziheng's soul and body, and even more perfectly merged with the Xuanyuan Sword's sword light.

Countless sword beams shot at Gusu Ziheng's soul light cluster overwhelmingly. At first glance, it seemed to kill Gusu Ziheng, but on closer inspection, it seemed that the sword established a certain connection between the soul.

Jianmang is the link.

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth raised a curve, Xuanyuan Sword is no longer an ordinary Xuanyuan Sword, it will have infinite possibilities.

Gusu Ziheng failed to cross the tribulation, but was reborn in another more powerful form.

He is the sword son of Guiyuan Sword Sect. From now on, he will be the sword spirit of Xuanyuan Sword, and he is also destined to become Feng Hao's other heavenly artifact besides Pangu Axe.

At this moment, Gusuzi's constant soul body, which had absorbed more sword light, began to become different, and the light cluster gradually took shape.

Just like a baby in the placenta, curled up, like a phoenix, reborn from Nirvana.

The guardians of Guiyuan Jianzong were very excited. They felt the breath of the young suzerain, and they were still alive.

Even, this breath contains endless sharpness.

Powerhouses from other sects have mixed feelings. If Gusu Ziheng succeeds, this sword will be able to sweep away all Qi refiners in the world in the future when it sits in the Guiyuan Sword Sect.

When all the sword light on Xuanyuan Jianjian's body was withdrawn, Gusu Ziheng's soul body also underwent a greater change.

He has become a child around four or five years old, and at this moment, he has the imprint of Xuanyuan Sword on his body.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Sword has also faded away many spots of rust, and there is a faint golden light overflowing, just like Gusu Ziheng's soul body.

A vertical mark opened between the eyebrows of Nanjieling, like a third eye. As soon as this eye shines on Xuanyuanjian, the sword body will shine brightly, stand upright in the void, and move horizontally towards Gusu Ziheng's soul body.

Jie Ling used the power of this world directly to start fusing Gusu Ziheng and Xuanyuan Sword. Everything was not so easy at first, but the fit between Gusu Ziheng and Xuanyuan Sword went beyond phenomena.

Gusu Ziheng's soul body turned into a child, but with joy, he slowly crawled towards Xuanyuanjian, as if he was about to fall into a warm embrace.

And Xuanyuan Sword also released a soft power that is completely opposite to killing, enveloping Gusu Ziheng's soul.

call out!

A dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed, shaking everyone's eyes.

When all the light was gone, everyone opened their eyes, and there was only a simple bronze sword in the world, and there was no Gusu Ziheng's soul.

"Young Sect Master..."

The protector of Gusu Ziheng exclaimed, the breath of Gusu Ziheng had disappeared from the world, as if he had completely disappeared from the world without leaving any trace.

"This sword belongs to that great emperor. Gusu Ziheng is only in the tribulation period, and he is only protecting his body. How could he really merge?"

Ji Xingkong sneered, he never thought that Gusu Ziheng would succeed, so he kept silent.

He didn't speak until now, very rebellious.

Guiyuan Jianzong lost Gusu Ziheng, and Jianzong will be under the control of their Ji family line, and it will be in the near future to conquer the world.

"Ji Xingkong, don't be complacent, I will follow the Gusu clan to the death..."

Guardians are loyal.

In the past, their value was very humble, and they were pawns that could be discarded at will in the sect.

But now, they got a great opportunity and became the strong ones in the tribulation period, not just one, but five.

This will be a force that cannot be ignored, and can dominate the life, death and prosperity of a sect.

Ji Xingkong frowned, and said softly: "My Ji family will not treat you badly, you can enjoy the resources of the sect as you like, and the seat of the Supreme Elder is reserved for you two."


The five guardians gasped.

What is the rarest thing in the sect? There is no doubt that it is the cultivation resources and the superior status and rights.

But Ji Xingkong opened his mouth to enjoy the resources at will, and to become the Supreme Elder, the temptation is very great.

They were a little shaken in their hearts.

Ji Xingkong looked at this scene with a smile. He is good at understanding the weaknesses of human nature. As a protector, he knows what these people want deep in their hearts.

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