Martial Inverse

Chapter 279 Immortal Ancient

In the distance, the island suspended in the void, the spirit of the Five Elements in the light curtain of the World Tree, after feeling this breath, panic appeared in the eyes.

Even the tree of the world also sent a wave of frightened thoughts.

As a result, the light on their bodies and the tree of the world were finally out of sync.

But without the mind shared with the World Tree, their cultivation base and spiritual mind have all fallen back to the realm of ordinary big monsters.

The Xuanyuan sword was pulled out, and suddenly the sky above the land of the North Ming was full of light.

Not sunshine.

But Jianmang.

The sword light of Xuanyuan Sword was as bright as the scorching sun, and under Feng Hao's slashing, it directly broke the light curtain wrapping the World Tree.

At the same time, the Beiming Black Sea below him was also directly divided into two by Xuanyuan Sword's sword energy.

Bottomless, bottomless abyss.

With a sword, Bei Ming was illuminated.

The branches of the World Tree shook violently, as if they were being swept by a strong wind.

"Haha, little bastards, let's see how you are still pretending to be aggressive, pretending that my old grandson can't cure you anymore?"

At the moment when Feng Hao split the light curtain of the World Tree, Monkey King laughed, swung the golden cudgel and charged towards it.

The five-headed monster was frightened out of its wits and fled in all directions.

Without the ability to resonate with the World Tree, they are nothing more than giant monsters in the Transcending Tribulation Stage.

It is thousands of miles away from Monkey King.

What's more... Feng Hao who can kill even Shi Kun, the guardian god of the World Tree.

Panic occupied all of their hearts.


Sun Wukong hit the big snake with a stick, and the latter's body exploded directly.

A ray of Qinglong Yuanshen fused with the spirit of the five elements escaped.

But before escaping far, the branches of the tree of the world stretched out, directly penetrated the primordial spirit, and then absorbed it.

"Good job,

Is this absorbing the spirit of the five elements and then strengthening the Yaosheng fruit? "

Monkey King felt that this must be the case, and he worked harder to kill.

It was struck again with a stick, and the old turtle's shell was shattered into slag, and then the primordial spirit was also absorbed by the tree of the world.

Feng Hao is very interested in the spirits of the five elements, because they are almost weaker versions of the five world spirits.

It just so happens that he possesses these supernatural powers.

If it is fused with supernatural powers, can it contain a kind of talent.

For example, the burning fire of Huo Qilin gave him even more supreme combat power in the Qilin arm.

Holding the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, Feng Hao landed on the island suspended in the air as if he was in the world.

But now the island has been split in half, and the World Tree alone occupies more than half.

"Are you going to hurt me?"

The branches of the World Tree trembled, sending out an old and desolate idea.

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "Aren't those five big monsters hurting you? Instead of using it for them, it's better to leave it to the emperor."

"Ha ha!"

The idea of ​​the World Tree laughed: "Just relying on them, they are just puppets of this seat, and the extreme demon holy tree in your world is just a stem of this seat, even the one in your hand The Excalibur is just a piece of scrap iron from the Immortal Ancient Period..."

"Your worldview is too small, you think... the Lord of the World is the end of the Tao, no..."

The branches of the World Tree trembled faster and faster, and the sent out thoughts revealed an astonishing secret.

Immortal Ancient Period?

What kind of period is this?

Feng Hao frowned, he felt that there was no need for the World Tree to lie to him, and said sternly: "This Emperor is very clear that the World Lord is not the end, otherwise, this Emperor would not have appeared in this world."

The trembling speed of the branches of the World Tree slowed down, and the desolate thoughts said again: "Even if you want to hurt me, it is impossible to do it, unless you can restore all your cultivation..."

"This seat is the tree of the world. It is a seed transformed from the king of the god tree world. It floated to this starry sky following the heart of the world. This seat will nourish the spirits of the five elements. The first batch of five world spirits will be born. One batch originally wanted to cultivate the second batch, but it was a pity that you destroyed it..."

The World Tree's thoughts were full of anger: "Tell me, how will I punish you, or you... how will I compensate you?"

"How about...just use your original power?"


Thousands of branches of the tree of the world trembled, and then all wrapped around Feng Hao, trying to swallow and absorb Feng Hao just like the primordial spirit of the spirit of the five elements.

"This emperor has been fighting all his life, and countless powerful people want to take his life, including Daozu... And you, a seed, are just a speck of dust, trying to absorb the origin of this emperor?"

Feng Hao smiled arrogantly and said, "You are not worthy!"


The thoughts of the World Tree were angry, and the divine lights were drawn towards Feng Hao like iron chains and leather whips.

The void is torn apart, this world is full of avenues intertwined, the divine light is shining, it is being repaired in the smashing, and the restorer is broken.


The powerful Dao law interweaves the profound meaning of destruction.

Feng Hao felt as if the world was collapsing, but with the Xuanyuan Divine Sword in his hand, the space he was in was orderly and never chaotic.

He always exists in the world.


A stern light appeared in Feng Hao's eyes, and when he raised the Xuanyuan Sword, the power of the source and the power of order merged, and the feeling of controlling everything in the world returned.

Feng Hao's eyes were bright, and Xuanyuan Sword directly chopped off a branch of the World Tree.


There was an angry roar from the World Tree, obviously he didn't expect... the once broken copper and rotten iron could cut off his roots.

The sea water of Beiming poured backwards, pouring water on the body of the World Tree.

Immediately, the broken branch immediately recovered.

"Junior, this seat not only needs your original power, but also the power of order in this world..."

The voice of the World Tree came out, but this time it was no longer the voice of the mind.

I saw, on the huge tree of the world, a wrinkled human face suddenly appeared, extremely old.

Those thousands of branches are its hair, and at this moment, it is like a group of demons dancing wildly, and a mighty breath comes from the tree of the world.


The lightning from the Nine Heavens struck down, and the World Tree baptized itself with the lightning, and then the whole body became scorched black.

Immediately afterwards, the root of the word number in the world was struck down by the divine thunder. No, to be precise, the World Tree climbed out of the floating island with the help of the divine thunder.


A huge sacred tree no smaller than the prehistoric dragon crocodile has become a treant standing in the sky and the earth.

A mighty aura and antiquity filled this land of the Northern Darkness.

"It's such a powerful aura, even if the beast god's cultivation is restored, I'm afraid he won't be able to fight him for a long time!"

The little balloon had an incomparably dignified expression, and the horror of the World Tree simply shouldn't appear in such a place.

The strange thing is that although this piece of heaven and earth collapsed and was destroyed,... the heaven and earth still withstood this kind of power.

Feng Hao's expression was also incomparably solemn, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand hummed excitedly.

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