Martial Inverse

Chapter 282 World Seed

"Co-lord of the two worlds, you deserve it!"

In the palace, the black shadow in the void disappeared after saying this sentence.

And the light in Qin Huang's eyes became even hotter.

Being the Lord of Great Qin in the prehistoric world could not satisfy his ambitions. Immortality and the Lord of the world were his pursuits.

For this, everything can be given.


The journey to the Southern Territory is long, but Sun Wukong's Somersault Cloud is extremely fast, crossing the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty, and arrived at Guiyuanzong in the Southern Territory within a few hours.

Feng Hao opened his eyes from the state of recovering his original power.

Xuanyuanjian lying on the somersault cloud beside him was as quiet as an ordinary bronze sword.

"Emperor Feng, this is the Guiyuan Sword Sect in Changsha County in the southern region. My old grandson has left spiritual thoughts on the guardians of the tribulation period."

Sun Wukong looked at the majestic mountains, and at his feet was a stone step leading to the deep mountains and old forests.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, and inhaled the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his mouth and nose, which was much more comfortable than being in the North Dark Black Sea.

Beiming Black Sea is full of dead silence, and he doesn't like that atmosphere very much.

Only the place in front of him with abundant aura and picturesque landscape is the place he yearns for the most.

He once thought that if one day he could not recover his cultivation in this world, he would find a place like this, with mountains and water, a bamboo house, bring a small balloon and Xiao Hei, and sit and watch the mountains and rivers change, and the times change.

"Let's go!"

Feng Hao spoke, and then climbed up the stone steps.

Feng Hao didn't fly to Guiyuan Sword Sect because they needed Guiyuan Sword Sect's sword pond to nourish Xuanyuan Sword this time.

Furthermore, Gusu Baiyu, the lord of the Sword Sect, is the father of Xuanyuan Sword Sword Spirit.

Do as the Romans do.

Even if he is the Lord of the Great Thousand, his status does not determine how he must act.

For example, the domineering entry of King's Landing.

Then forced Gusu Baiyu,

Take out the sword pool to cultivate Xuanyuan sword?

He has no such bad taste.

"How is the original power restored?"

Xiao Qiuqiu lay on Feng Hao's shoulder and said softly.

Along the way, Feng Hao was silent, which made him somewhat worried.

In the battle with the World Tree and Shi Kun, he could see that Feng Hao had tried his best and even raced against time to complete the battle.

It's the kind of thing that damages the road base.

Feng Hao smiled and said: "It's okay!"

"How much is okay?" Xiao Qiuqiu asked.

Feng Hao's eyes darkened: "There is a crack in the Dao Foundation, and if you want to restore the original power, you must repair the Dao Foundation, but in this world, I am afraid it will be very difficult..."


A look of horror appeared in Xiao Qiuqiu's eyes.

That is the foundation of the Great Thousand World, and now that there are cracks, it is really difficult to repair in this world.

It's just...if he can't restore his original power, won't Feng Hao be unable to exert his strongest combat power in the future.

Can only use innate supernatural powers?

"However, I was too worried. The seed of the World Tree was planted in the crack of the foundation of the avenue... I have an intuition that this seed is a world..." Feng Hao said through voice transmission.

He wasn't too sure, but... when the seed of the World Tree merged into the crack of Daoji.

Looking inside, he seemed to see a new world, a world that... was controlled by him.

His way is the way of the seed world.

However, the world is still not stable, it is still in the process of slowly improving, absorbing... is also his original power.


The little ball's eyes suddenly widened, this was an earth-shattering event.

The seeds of the world were actually planted in Feng Hao's Dao foundation.

According to legend, before every world is born, it is formed from insignificant seeds

And the first living beings in the world were nurtured by the Lord of the World.

Although Feng Hao is the master of the Great Thousand World, he has mastered the Great Thousand World, and he also has the means of creation that reach the sky.

But he is not detached from the world.

"Feng Hao, I suspect... this world seed may make you the master of the new world, and you may be detached from it..."

Xiao Qiuqiu said surprisingly.

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, it seems that there is really such a possibility.

But everything is just guesswork.

No one can be sure.

But the world inside the seed really exists...


Guiyuan Sword Sect has a profound background, and many legends of sword immortals have been born. When Feng Hao, Xiao Qiuqiu and Monkey King entered the gate of Sword Sect.

A mighty sword energy came across.

"A bit of background!"

Feng Hao said with a light smile, this kind of place is indeed very rich in Xuanyuan Sword.

But at this moment, the disciple of Guiyuan Jianzong guarding the mountain gate came with his sword and looked down at Feng Hao and Monkey King.

"Who broke into my Jianzong mountain gate?"

Sun Wukong hit the ground with his golden cudgel, and the mountains trembled.

The disciple guarding the mountain fell directly from the sky.

"My old grandson is here, it is your sword sect's blessing, let that kid Gusu Baiyu come out to pick up the guests."

Monkey King glared directly at the disciple.

The latter shivered under the strength displayed by Monkey King, and then ran to report.

Not long after, all the senior officials of Guiyuan Sword Sect arrived.

There are eighteen people in total.

They are all elderly people, but the familiar Gusu Baiyu is much younger, and there is a temperament of a superior in his brows.

When Gusu Baiyu saw Feng Hao and Sun Wukong coming, he didn't dare to neglect, and descended from the radiant flying sword.

"Senior, what a neglect to come here! Please..."

Gusu Baiyu knew the strength of Feng Hao and Sun Wukong, existences that even the prehistoric dragons and crocodiles feared.

For him, this is no less than a god descending to earth.

Extremely honored.

The other senior executives don't know the origin of Sun Wukong and Feng Hao, but the stick in Sun Wukong's hand...

But it caught their attention.

Feng Hao and Sun Wukong were invited into the main peak of Guiyuan Sword Sect, which is the mountain where Gusu Baiyu sits.

The aura of heaven and earth is the most abundant.

"I don't know if the two seniors have come here, do you have important orders? If the juniors can do it, they will definitely do their best."

Gusu Baiyu bowed and saluted.

Feng Hao put the Xuanyuan Sword on the table, and said softly: "Jianzong has a sword pool, put Xuanyuan Sword in the sword pool to nourish it, it will fight with me, and it has fallen into a deep sleep..."


Gusu Baiyu took the Xuanyuan Sword solemnly, with a very complicated look in his eyes.

His son, Gusu Baiyu, is the sword spirit of this divine sword...

Unfortunately, this sword is owned by the young man in front of him.


Suddenly, a voice sounded outside the main hall, and Gusuqin walked in like a cheerful butterfly.

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up.


When they came to the prehistoric world for the first time, the first person they met was this woman with a flying sword, Gusu Qin.

Somewhat similar to Gusu Ziheng.

"This is the little girl, Gu Suqin."

Seeing that Monkey King and Feng Hao were looking at her daughter, Gusu Baiyu immediately introduced with a smile.

"We know each other……"

Gu Suqin smiled lightly, and then looked at Monkey King, but in the fell on Feng Hao.

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