Martial Inverse

Chapter 287 The Orderbreaker


Master Lanyue's seemingly slender palm, but the moment he confronted Gusu Baiyu of Guiyuan Sword Sect.

Gusu Baiyu's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.


Gusu Baiyu's body was directly smashed into the mountain, his face turned pale, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, Gusu Baiyu's Lingzhu sword was directly chopped off by the Banyue spirit blade.

The Lingzhu sword was inserted into Gusu Baiyu's side, losing most of its luster.


The disciples from the Gusu lineage exclaimed, their eyes full of despair.

Even the suzerain is no match for the Lingzhu sword, this...


Gusuqin covered her mouth in horror, then flew all the way, ran over, and helped Gusu Baiyu up from the mountain.

Gusuqin stared fiercely at Master Lanyue: "You are so hateful, I will fight you..."

Saying that, Gusuqin directly sacrificed her natal flying sword and flew towards Master Lanyue, her eyes were full of hatred and despair.

It's just... the appearance of Monkey King emerged in her mind, this may be her biggest reluctance now.


The guardians of the Gusu lineage were scared to death. Gusuqin is the goddess in their hearts. Is she going to die now?

"Qin'er, don't!"

Gusu Baiyu was trembling all over. He had already lost his son Gusu Ziheng, and now only Gusu Qin was left.

How can something happen to her.

"The mayfly shakes the tree!"

Master Lanyue sneered, he was a hundred years old, but he was like a green girl, because she loves beauty.

So for those female monks who are more beautiful and more beautiful than him, they are very hostile.

From the moment he saw Gusuqin, Master Lanyue had already regarded Gusuqin as a dead person.

As a few strangers who came from the earth, it was a pity. Looking at Gusuqin's beautiful face, I suddenly felt that those concubines in Cang Yuezong were like Sister Feng.

It's just... such a beautiful fairy is about to be destroyed by Master Lan Yue.

It's a pity.

Gusuqin is not yet at the Nascent Soul Stage, but to challenge the real Lanyue who is in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage is really like a fly shaking a tree.

Gusuqin was far away before, so she didn't feel the terrifying coercion of real Lanyue.

It wasn't until she approached that she realized that this coercion was like an unattainable mountain, which made her breathless.


Master Lanyue said coldly, the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a bit, and a thought directly imprisoned Gusuqin.

Then the palm of the hand was printed on Gusuqin's chest mercilessly.

This palm once defeated Gusu Baiyu.

Now, it is enough to kill Gusuqin...

The disciple of Jianzong exclaimed, closing his eyes and not daring to look directly.

"Wu that old monster, dare to hurt a hair of my Qin'er, my old grandson will kill you..."

Guiyuan Jianzong suddenly heard a voice.

Master Lanyue was taken aback, what a powerful coercion, but before she could react, a long stick that came out of nowhere hit her chest directly.

"So strong..."

Master Lan Yue's beautiful eyes showed horror, and he wanted to turn around immediately, but the stick turned a strange corner...


In just one moment, Master Lanyue vomited blood and flew out backwards, as if his Yin Yuan had been sucked dry, and he fell limp on the ground.

At the same time, a golden light came violently from the depths of Guiyuan Sword Sect, and directly blocked Gusu Qin.

Holding the golden cudgel in one hand and pointing at the Gusu Qin with the other, he said with a sneer, "You fell down before I even made a move..."


Master Lanyue opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood, then his eyes widened suddenly.

"My Dao body..."

Master Lanyue showed a horrified look on her face. She found that her cultivation base had disappeared out of thin air, and her skin that could be broken by blows suddenly became wrinkled at this moment...

And spread throughout the body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Now she has become an old woman, extremely ugly.


Several aliens from Earth almost vomited.

Originally the face of an Internet celebrity, now she has become an extremely ugly old woman, and the evil fire rising in her lower abdomen was extinguished immediately.

No more sexual interest.


Gusuqin was ready to die, but after hearing Monkey King's voice, she opened her eyes and saw the stalwart Monkey King.

For a moment, I was completely moved.

There is nothing more shocking and inconceivable than Monkey King appearing in danger, as if closing the door of hell for her.


The eyes of several aliens on the earth changed slightly.

"Why is this yellow hair familiar?"

"I also feel like I've seen it somewhere before. He claims to be my old grandson... Could it be the guy who appeared in Huashan?"

"Hiss! Feng Hao is also here at Guiyuan Sword Sect?"

The bodies of the strangers began to tremble without warning, and they were so frightened that they wanted to turn around and leave.

They may not know Monkey King very well, but they are too familiar with Feng Hao who once fought side by side with Monkey King.

That is simply the god of the human world.

Marvel, Avengers, Thor, Thanos, etc. must be GG Smecta, okay?

"Who are you?"

A strong man who attacked Guiyuan Sword Sect frowned and said that he was the deputy lord of Cang Yue Sect, Pang Shanshan, and his cultivation level was higher than that of Master Lanyue.

The Mahayana period has been reached.

He came to supervise the battle this time and was not ready to make a move.

Because the real Lanyue alone is enough, but the hair-changing guy who suddenly appeared now seems...a bit scary.

"My old grandson does not change his name when he walks and sits without changing his surname, so does Sun Wukong, the Holy King of Fighting..."

Sun Wukong flicked the golden cudgel twice, staring at Pang Pang Mountain with aggressive eyes. After taking a look, Monkey King suddenly lost his temper...

It's so scumbag.

Mahayana period?

Tooth gaps are not enough!

"Wu Zhan Sheng Wang? I haven't heard of it... But, you don't seem to be a strong man in the prehistoric world."

Pang Dashan's eyes were particularly stern.

It seems that Sun Wukong didn't shrink back because of his strength, but instead started to question him.

"That's right, my old grandson is indeed not from the prehistoric world, do you have an opinion?" Sun Wukong was rebellious.

The golden cudgel directly hit Pang Pang Mountain.


The speed was too fast, and the realm was very different. The huge mountain in the Mahayana period was directly blown away.

This scene... directly terrified the Cang Yue Sect disciples who attacked Gui Yuan Sword Sect.

The originally high fighting spirit turned into trembling at this moment.


Pang Dashan's eyes showed horror, and then he suddenly laughed out loud, and climbed out of the big pit with difficulty.

"Do you know that your cultivation has exceeded the boundaries of the prehistoric world, and if you meddle in the secular world of the prehistoric world, you will bear the wrath of the gods..."

A hideous look appeared in Pang Da Shan's eyes, and then from his body, a column of soaring air shot straight into the sky.

"The Cang Yue Sect of the Southern Region invites the gods to come down to earth and kill the order breakers from the other world!"


The Nine Heavens of Guiyuan Sword Sect suddenly thundered, and a powerful aura and energy was brewing...

The world has changed!

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