Martial Inverse

Chapter 214 Killing Immortals

"You have a prehistoric aura..."

An old immortal with a whisk in his hand frowned, and the ascended immortal in the prehistoric world... could be counted as their juniors.

It's just that they are very surprised, the prehistoric world should have cut off the way to ascend, why... this guy in front of him can still pass through the ancient road in the starry sky and come to the transit station on earth?

As for Qin Huang, who was equivalent to a half-immortal, the three immortals did not immediately want to kill.

After all, as long as he flies, he will be regarded as a colleague in the heaven and fairy world in the future.

"Oh? Do you know the Emperor?"

Qin Huang raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't expect that this world still knows the prehistoric world, but...

He also noticed that these three old men with white beards were not from this world, but from other worlds.

As Qin Huang, who had been in contact with powerful men in the God Realm, these three old men with white beards did not pose much threat to him.

The three fairies looked at each other.

They don't know Emperor Qin at all...

So, they shook their heads subconsciously: "I don't know, but after all, we are your predecessors... because countless years ago, we flew from the prehistoric to the heaven..."

Qin Huang's heart was slightly moved, these three old men actually also ascended from the prehistoric world.

But... at first glance, he was born in the prehistoric world and had a great opportunity to ascend.

There are completely two types of people like him who rely on their own talents and aptitude to soar.

After all, he was no weaker than the three old men, and even... much stronger.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road, maybe these three old men might not be able to cross, and died in the ancient road.

"Well, the emperor knows, now you can go!"

Qin Huang kept the words of the protoss powerhouse in his mind, and completed the integration with him in this world as soon as possible.

Achieve eternal supremacy, vertical and horizontal in the universe.


The three immortal elders froze for a moment, then frowned. Are they the juniors of the prehistoric world?

Too arrogant, too presumptuous.

"I don't care who you are, leave this place immediately, otherwise... I will kill you here for the sake of the same source..."

The fairy scolded angrily.

"It's up to you? Get out!"

Qin Huang's sleeve robe rolled up and directly attacked the three immortal elders. The sleeve robe gradually rose with the wind, like a universe bag.

The three immortal elders underestimated the enemy for a moment, and were directly rolled to the ground, quite embarrassed.


Qin Huang smiled happily. When he first came to this world, he was not used to every aspect of this world.

But now...he has almost recovered, the law is not much different, and the realm has reached, and it is easy to understand.

"You, presumptuous!"

The three immortal elders were furious. Although they were shocked by Qin Huang's strength in their hearts, but...they are veteran powerhouses in the immortal world, how could they lose to someone who had just ascended.

Each cast their magic powers, and the light flashed over the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, just like bright fireworks, extremely gorgeous.

Immortal magic powers inherit Taoist mantras, including some common magic powers, and their combat abilities... are not very strong.

But Qin Huang was different. He practiced with the strong gods, and practiced body training and Taoism together. His combat power was very terrifying...

To be precise, he is actually a war machine built by the protoss powerhouse.

He is equivalent to the heart now, and... the one buried in Qin Shihuang's mausoleum is the physical body.

The combination of the two is the capital of the invincible God of War.


Qin Huang was so powerful that he killed one of the immortals with one punch, and his body was violent.

Immortal energy overflows, and finally returns to heaven and earth.

"What... he actually killed the immortal..."

The eyeballs of the two immortal elders who are alive are about to pop out. They cultivated to become immortals, and they are almost immortal.

And the physical body is already a fairy body, powerful and unparalleled.

However, the guy who flew up from the prehistoric world directly tore the fairy in half.

He was killed alive.

Panic began to occupy the hearts of the two immortals...

"Claiming to kill the emperor? It's ridiculous..."

There was no emotion in Qin Huang's eyes,

The people he killed in his life were too many for him to count.

The prehistoric demon has also beheaded before, but this is the first time for an immortal...

Very fulfilling.

The two immortals sensed the hostility in Qin Huang's eyes, gritted their teeth, and used all their strength to strike, using various immortal spells.

But Qin Huang's fists seem to contain some kind of law, and they all suppress everything.

He seized the opportunity, stepped forward, and his figure appeared directly in front of the immortal, his fists turned into palms, and passed directly through the immortal's chest...


The immortal cried out in pain, and a strong and dazzling white light began to diffuse from the chest, which was overflowing immortal energy.


With the withdrawal of Qin Huang's palm, the immortal wanted to repair the wound, but it didn't take long before the immortal body exploded...

There are no remnants left.


At this moment, the only immortal who was still alive was trembling with fright.

The immortal was also a human being in his previous life, so he didn't have the supernatural powers for Qin Huang. Now that two immortal friends have died, he has lost the will to fight.


The white-bearded fairy was terrified to the extreme, and unfolded his figure, trying to escape from this place.

"Tsk tsk, this is the so-called senior? The fairy of the prehistoric world? Vulnerable..."

Qin Huang said with a contemptuous smile, he straightened his figure, rolled up a black afterimage, and then appeared directly in front of the fleeing fairy with white beard.

"Want to run?"

Qin Huang blocked the way of the white-bearded fairy, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a bloodthirsty arc...


Qin Huang's right hand transformed into a fist, directly piercing the white bearded fairy's body...


The white beard fairy couldn't understand why the guy who had just ascended could fight three with one enemy?


Fate did not give the white bearded fairy too much time to think, and he died directly.


"My God, this person is too powerful, he actually killed the immortals, all three immortals died..."

The eyeballs of the official staff who watched Qinhuang almost burst open.

It's too scary to exist.

May I ask, is there anyone in Huaxia who can stop it?

Nuclear weapons with small-scale destructive power can be used, but... that location is the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, and nuclear weapons must never be used.

There are many residents living around.

The chief of staff of the troops stationed at Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum immediately contacted the highest official level through special channels.

"Chief, the man who called himself Emperor Qin killed three Heavenly Court Immortals. He is very powerful... and now he is planning to enter the imperial mausoleum..."

The chief of staff said in a deep voice: "I suspect that this man who calls himself Emperor Qin is Qin Shihuang from another plane. The purpose of his coming to Earth is for the corpse of Emperor Qin..."

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, and then said: "Stop it at all costs, and at the same time ensure the safety of the people around you..."

"and many more……"

The chief of staff originally planned to hang up the phone, but the order came again, with a little excitement in his tone: "He is back... The relevant departments will contact you immediately, and your army is on standby for now..."

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