Martial Inverse

Chapter 220 The Arrival of the Lord of Shura

"The audience in front of the TV, the era of spiritual recovery is full of opportunities, but it is also full of danger..."

"Relevant experts believe that the huge battleships and spaceships that appear in this universe may come from outside the domain..."

Some explanations and opinions of the host broadcast on TV.

But Feng Hao couldn't help laughing, and said: "This battleship and spaceship didn't come from outside the domain, could it... still come from the earth?"


"Heck, yeah..."

"It's really funny. The so-called relevant experts are still so unreliable."

Everyone in Xia Shilan burst into laughter. When they suddenly feel bad, it's good to watch this kind of news.

At least there are a lot of jokes that make people laugh out loud.

Everyone laughed, but Prometheus looked extraordinarily dignified. Obviously, he was very surprised that the Lord of Shura really came down.

If it's for chance, it's still too early.

So now there is only one possibility left, and that is that Promejes came here for her breaking through the Lord of Shura.

It also includes...the existence of Feng Hao.

Prometheus went to the balcony, and Feng Hao followed.

He is not too clear about her true thoughts now, but he also knows that there may be a battle to be fought next.

On the balcony, Prometheus was blowing the wind, and he never went to watch the warship of the Shura God Race in the Nine Heavens.

Just facing the wind, with a heavy heart.

"What are you thinking?"

Feng Hao intends to enlighten Prometheus, he is nothing more than the Lord of Shura, it is not a big deal.

"I was wondering what he would do to my parents..."

Prometheus feared for his parents' safety, and at the same time he was angry with his idiots.

He sold her so thoroughly.

I should have known,

After breaking through, those traitors should have been killed.

"Feng Hao, what is that in the sky? Do you want my old grandson to go up and have a look?"

Monkey King and Gu Suqin were walking in the villa manor, looked up, and happened to see Feng Hao and Prometheus.

"Sister-in-law, let's go for a walk together..."

Gusuqin looks like a little girl, she feels that she is very happy now, and she has someone who loves Monkey King.

There is also a strong sister-in-law, regardless of her cultivation base or her figure, she is really good.


Prometheus returned to her innocence, jumped off the balcony, and then followed Gu Suqin on the warm cobblestones in the villa, walking barefoot.

Monkey King jumped onto the balcony, stood beside Feng Hao, and said softly, "Do you need to go and see?"

"No, these warships can't get off, and if the foreign visitors want to come in that day, they have to measure their own strength first..."

Feng Hao wasn't too worried, even if the elite of the Shura God Clan came out, he wasn't worried at all.

After all, he is the master of the great thousand, and he has never counseled anyone.

Sun Wukong nodded, he felt safe and sound now, so why fight and kill.


At the same time, in the outer starry sky, on the Asura battleship that has not been fully repaired, an extremely noble and strong man ushered in.

He is the Lord of the Shura Protoss, Promejes who is in charge of a race!

Behind him, there are two middle-aged people who are over half a century old, they are somewhat similar to Prometheus,

"Meet the Lord!"

A group of disciples from the Asura battleship knelt down and said with incomparably pious expressions. Unexpectedly...the lord actually descended.

"Where is Lord Prometheus?"

Promejes said indifferently, his divine sense covered the battleship, but he couldn't find her.

"My lord left with an earthling!"

The powerhouse of the Shura God Clan reported the truth.

That day Feng Hao took Prometheus into the ancient road of starry sky.


Promejes felt like he was about to explode.

It's ridiculous that the majestic king of Shura actually left with the weak earthlings.

The two middle-aged men behind Promejes were also moved and exclaimed.


According to intelligence, those are very ordinary mortal planets.

"The King of Shura... has already broken through?" Promejes asked.


The strong man of the Shura God Clan nodded, feeling very proud at the same time.

Because their Shura Lord has descended, and it is time for the world to bow down.

The two middle-aged men behind Promejes gritted their silver teeth and fled directly.

"Want to run?"

Promijes sneered endlessly. As soon as he made a move, the void was shaken, and the two tribesmen who escaped stared at Promijes unwillingly.

"Why bother?"

The middle-aged man, somewhat similar to Prometheus, shook his head and looked at Prometheus.

"There is nothing to worry about. Before that, everything was fine? But after her breakthrough, she became different from before..."

Prometheus said coldly, before again, he could still receive a message from Prometheus.

But recently no more.

The only message came from a strong man from the Shura Protoss. Think about him making a small report, saying that Prometheus ran away with the earthlings.

"Maybe it's just a misunderstanding, why don't you go to Earth to see?"

The middle-aged man is weak.

He is getting old, and the source of life has already begun to decline sharply, and he is no longer a strong man who will never fade.

Promejeus' eyes lit up.

He felt that this method was feasible, so he began to prepare, planning to go to the earth to find Prometheus.

However, before that, he needs to understand the earth more thoroughly, and also know the cultivation base of the strongest...

He had a good laugh about it.

The strongest is actually not inferior to his road-building protoss. Such a race can be easily wiped out, and the earth is quite suitable for their development.

Half a minute later, Promejes prepared everything and left the two middle-aged men in the battleship, while he went directly to Earth.


In the villa, after lunch, everyone wanted to find something to do, otherwise they would feel a little boring.

"Since the Great Qin, there have been so many dynasties, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing... each has a glorious history..."

Qin Huang couldn't put it down holding the computer, he had already learned to look up information on the Internet.

In particular, the history he found broadened his horizons.

"Feng Hao... that guy can't really be Shihuang, can he?"

Zhang Yi heard the exclamation from upstairs, so he looked at Feng Hao curiously, and now she has an intuition.

That guy doesn't look like a temporary extra for the crew, but more like... the real Shihuang.

Because news was also reported on TV that the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang had been robbed and flooded the entire underground palace.

This reminded her of Feng Hao and the middle-aged man in the black dragon robe...

Zhang Yi's words also attracted the attention of all the girls, and they all looked at Feng Hao.

Regarding this, Feng Hao nodded and said: "That's right, he is the First Emperor..."


All the girls were horrified, if it wasn't for the fact that too many strange things happened by Feng Hao's side, all of them would have been just a dream...

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