Martial Inverse

Chapter 287 Still Alive

At that time, Nie Yuan was prepared to go to the underworld with the enemy, and went to hunt and kill the suzerain and those second-rank elders of the evil sect.

His idea is very simple, to solve the trouble for Martial God Sect while he still has the strength to kill.

He didn't want to die, so Wushenzong was buried with him.

But he didn't expect that Feng Hao would knock him unconscious...

Of course, before Nie Yuan passed out, a thought flashed through him, that is: How could he knock me out...

He is an ordinary saint.

At that time, he was not at the end of his strength, and even his first-rank mortal saint was directly knocked out, which is a bit powerful and terrifying.

"If I didn't knock you out, you wouldn't be able to see me now...Since the suzerain is awake, we should leave too..."

Feng Hao then left the source of the dragon vein with his hands behind his back.

But before leaving, he deliberately checked the situation of the dragon veins, and found that in order to restore the foundation of a first-grade mortal saint, he had exhausted the last trace of aura of the dragon veins...

Nie Yuan also noticed the abnormality of the dragon's veins, and probably knew the reason for his basic restoration now.

Obviously exhausted the power of the dragon veins.

Nie Yuan followed Feng Hao and walked out from the dragon's veins. When Nie Yuan felt the blood in the air, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

The river that flows through Wushenzong is still the color of blood, and there are small dirt bags everywhere in the mountains.

Obviously those are the graves of dead warriors, densely packed next to each other, as if there are mourning music playing in the world.

"All... all dead?"

Nie Yuan saw that the Martial God Sect was extremely desolate and lifeless.

Although he can't use any spiritual power now, his naked eyes are still very sharp, but he has scanned the entire Wushen Mountain, but he has not seen any disciples of the Wushen Sect.

There are only those tombs and burned caves.


Nie Yuan knelt down with his legs bent, kowtowed three times towards the tomb of the disciple of the Martial God Sect, and said loudly, "It's the suzerain who is sorry for you..."

Feng Hao saw that Nie Yuan was touched by the scene, and his whole body was extremely depressed. He said softly: "Except for those who sacrificed their lives for the sect at the beginning, everyone else is still alive..."


Nie Yuan was stunned for a moment, looked left and right, looked up and down, but didn't see the disciples of the Martial God Sect, looked at Feng Hao and said, "Then what about them?"

Feng Hao took out the imperial decree of Great Xia Renhuang from his sleeve robe, and handed it to Nie Yuandao: "The Martial God Sect is already the first in the Southern Region, and the elders and disciples of the sect think that the Tianluo Sect is a good place. The migration has passed..."

"Hehe, I don't believe it..."

Of course Nie Yuan didn't believe it. After all, if the sects of the other sects join forces, and if the sect masters of the major sects join forces with the elders, his chances of winning are not high.

Although Feng Hao has the ability to stun him, but... somewhat like a sneak attack.

Therefore, if the Martial God Sect wants to occupy the gate of the Tianluo Sect, at least the suzerain and elders of the Tianluo Sect must all die.

Even the powerhouses of the other sixteen sects will die.

But...if all the sects of the Great Xia were destroyed, how could the Emperor of Great Xia declare that he would bestow the Martial God Sect as the first sect in the Southern Territory.

In such a situation where one family dominates, the Great Xia Renhuang is not worried that the Southern Region will be out of his control?

"If you don't believe me, you will find out for yourself..."

Feng Hao did not expect that Nie Yuan, the lord of the Martial God Sect, would also be aware of it by the Queen Mother, and his abnormal behavior during this period of time...

Can't you see that you are much stronger than him?

Not to mention the fact that the ** sects joined forces, even if the twenty-seven sects joined forces, it would be doomed.

" flying boat is at the main peak, let's go to Tianluozong..."

Nie Yuan was a little hesitant but also looking forward to it.

Feng Hao glanced at the main peak that was burned into ruins, and flew over with Nie Yuan, and found the flying boat that was still intact from the cave of the main peak.

This flying boat is different from the flying boats of other members of the Martial God Sect. It is made of colored glaze, and the moment it sees the sun, there are even colorful lights shining.

"Let's go, I know where Tianluozong is..."

Although Nie Yuan's current state is not able to control the flying boat,

But he can still point the way...

Lin Yu had no choice but to act as a boatman and steer the glazed flying boat to break through the sound barrier.

The southern region has a vast area, and it should be the most extensive area in Lin Zhou.

But because they are all deep mountains and old forests, compared with the other big domains, they are much poorer, and the strong ones are not as good as other domains.

Especially people from the other domains like to call the warriors of the southern domain Nanman.

The speed of the glazed flying boat is very fast, but after all, it has only broken through the speed of sound. When it arrived at the gate of Tianluozong, it was already two hours later.

From a distance, Feng Hao saw a group of people, although they were wearing the clothes of Tianluozong, they looked like handymen no matter how they looked, and they were being strictly guarded by the disciples of Wushenzong.

And those disciples of the Martial God Sect didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, they just sorted out some items and registered them well.

In other words, from now on, there will be no Tianluo Sect in the Southern Region, only one Martial God Sect.

Nie Yuan stood on the glass flying boat, staring blankly at the surviving disciples of the Martial God Sect, who were furiously arranging and cleaning the house.

At this moment, Nie Yuan's eyes turned slightly red.

"Okay, that's great..."

Nie Yuan murmured in a low voice, suddenly felt that everything he had paid before was worth it.

Even if he becomes a mortal from now on, he has no complaints, as long as his Martial God Sect is strong.

Nie Yuan looked at Feng Hao and asked, "Where are the Sect Master of Tianluo Sect and other allies?"

Feng Hao said softly: "Of course they are all dead, otherwise how did the Martial God Sect get the first sect in the Southern Region?"

"How did you die?" Nie Yuan asked.


"Killed by who?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Yu looked at Nie Yuan with a smile, his words were so clear, it's impossible for Nie Yuan not to know...

Nie Yuan thought for a while and said, "Yang Jian?"


Feng Hao expressed that he did not want to communicate with Nie Yuan anymore.

Seeing Feng Hao's speechless expression, Nie Yuan said, "Except for Feng Keqing, who else in the entire Martial God Sect can lead them to this step..."

Feng Hao was delighted.

It seems that Nie Yuan is not confused, he can still know his contribution.

"So, I think Feng Keqing is actually very suitable to be the suzerain..." Nie Yuan also looked at Feng Hao with a smile at this time.

Just like ordinary ordinary friends.

Feng Hao was taken aback. The interim suzerain was already a great concession from him, and he had no interest in the suzerain of the Martial God sect at all.

If it's a heavenly emperor...that's about the same.

Maybe he became the emperor of heaven, and he probably knew the relationship between Lin Zhou and the earth. Why is there an entrance to this world in the land of mist.

"Forget about the suzerain, it's good to be a guest..."

Feng Hao didn't come to Lin Zhou to be the suzerain. Ever since he knew that this world was called Lin Zhou, he felt that perfecting Feng Zhou was an imminent thing.

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