Martial Inverse

Chapter 292 The Last Chance

Lei Hu was stunned.

Martial arts practitioners, in fact, everyone has reached a consensus on many things.

For example, the division of realms from the ninth rank to the first rank, including the existence above the first rank, etc... are all based on evidence.

For example, a rank-1 mortal is already a master of martial arts, and can use the power of heaven and earth.

And the legendary half-step emperor is the power to control the world.

The realm of the Great Emperor and above is even more astonishingly mastering the laws of heaven and earth.

In Lin Zhou's legend, someone was lucky enough to see the Heavenly Emperor, whose whereabouts are vague, as if he does not exist in the world, and with a wave of his hand is the power of the world that crushes all forces.

No one has seen that kind of power, but as long as you touch it, you will definitely be able to recognize it. This is a very strange feeling.

When Lei Hu fled just now, he was caught up by Feng Hao in one step, and Lei Hu had an intuition that it was the power of the world.

So far, it has been said that only the Emperor of Heaven can control the power of the world.

So Lei Hu subconsciously thought that Feng Hao was the Emperor of Heaven, and he knelt down on the ground with his forehead pressed against the ground.

He didn't have the look of being the leader of the White Tiger Gang at all, and he didn't even have the aura that a first-rank mortal saint should have.


After Feng Hao heard Lei Hu's exclamation, he couldn't help being puzzled.

He is an outsider who certainly doesn't know what the realm subdivision of this world is, but in general, it is closer to the Great Thousand World than the cultivation level of the earth.

The strength he used just now was negligible, just a trace of the power of the world.

But Lei Hu called him Emperor of Heaven.

Feng Hao has reason to suspect that the Heavenly Emperor in Lin Zhou is someone who can use the power of the world, which makes him easily think of the black-robed youth in the ruins of the previous imperial city.

Being able to travel freely in the forest is basically already a powerhouse beyond the emperor, that is, a god?

If the god is the emperor of heaven...

Then Feng Hao felt that the master of Lin Zhou might not be the Emperor of Heaven.

Being able to own such a mature world, Feng Hao reckons that Lin Zhou's master is at least a supreme level existence.

Even up to the Old Gods.

Feng Hao just guessed a little bit, the specifics are like this, he has to meet Lin Zhou's master in person.

Feng Hao wanted to make a big incident directly and force Lin Zhou's master out.

But after thinking about it for a while, this idea is too crazy. It is very possible that after the world is destroyed, there will be good and evil in the world.

It is because the means and methods of doing things are different between good and evil.

One is to use the means to achieve the end, and the other is the exact opposite.

Feng Hao has never advertised that he is righteous and evil, but in terms of the means of doing things, he is considered righteous.

Because he will not use any means to achieve his goals.

Therefore, it would be too much to force out the Lord of the Forest and Universe for things that caused massacres or violated heaven and earth.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Feng Hao is not sure whether he is the opponent of the opponent.

After all, Lin Zhou is much stronger than his Feng Zhou, and the degree of mastery is far beyond his own.

So go forward step by step, there will always be a day when the truth will be revealed.

Feng Hao walked up to Lei Hu,

Condescendingly said: "Come with me!"


Lei Hu was trembling as he spoke, knelt on the ground, his body was swaying.

"Tianjinfu City..."

Feng Hao brought Leihu directly to Jintianfu City and appeared in the Governor's Mansion.

The governor of Fucheng and the guards were discussing how to deal with the White Tiger Gang in the dark, but a light flashed in front of them.

Suddenly two people appeared.

It was Feng Hao and Lei Hu, the leader of the White Tiger Gang.

"Thunder Tiger?"

After the governor of Fucheng recognized Lei Hu, he jumped up from the grand master's chair with a look of disbelief.

The leader of the thieves who detailed the two times in Jintianfu City, is now kneeling on the Governor's Mansion.

The governor of Fucheng subconsciously looked at Feng Hao who was at the side.

He suddenly understood.

Before Feng Hao said that bringing Lei Hu here, how much benefit he can provide as the governor, he said at that time that he could do what he could.

The premise is not allowed to violate morality.

At that time, the governor of Fucheng did not think that Feng Hao would succeed, because the White Tiger Gang was not an ordinary bandit force.

But unexpectedly, Feng Hao really brought Lei Hu over now, and the latter knelt on the ground with a bewildered expression.


"Leihu, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and you have today... I ransacked my Tianjin City twice before and after, and now I have finally received retribution..."

The governor of Fucheng pulled out the sabers from the waists of the guards and put them directly on Lei Hu's neck.

Lei Hu originally wanted to yell.

But seeing Feng Hao standing next to him, he didn't have the courage to open his mouth to shout, so he just knelt on the ground and remained silent.


The governor of Fucheng hated Lei Hu of the White Tiger Gang very much, and the enmity that occurred twice before and after has reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated.

So this time he didn't hesitate at all, and ordered Lei Hu's head to be beheaded directly.

At this time, the governor of Fucheng never asked for anything extravagantly. He educated Lei Hu of the White Tiger Gang and took it for his own use.

Because no matter where you look at Fenghao, he is the most suitable partner for cooperation.

Just when the defenders of the city were planning to behead Leihu directly, Leihu, who was a rank one mortal saint, had his cultivation base sealed by Feng Hao, and now he was almost like an ordinary person.

Therefore, his desire to survive was particularly strong, and he quickly said: "Don't kill me, I didn't come this time to loot Jintianfu City, believe me... I will pass by."

"and many more……"

The governor of Fucheng waved his hand to stop the defenders from killing, staring at Lei Hu and said, "Isn't it looting? Could it be just to see the scenery?"

I have suffered a lot from Lei Hu twice, so I don't believe that Lei Hu is just passing by.

So the governor of Fucheng still wanted to know what Lei Hu's purpose was for camping outside the city with his brothers this time.

Lei Hu hesitated to speak, looked at the guards and soldiers of the Governor's Mansion except Feng Hao and the Governor of Fucheng, and indicated that it was a bit inconvenient to speak.

The governor of Fucheng immediately asked the chief guard to lead the guards down first,

Immediately, there were only Feng Hao, the governor of Fucheng and Lei Hu in the main hall of the governor's yamen.

"Should the Heavenly Emperor know about this?" Lei Hu looked at Feng Hao.


Feng Hao was half-dead in surprise at that time, how could he be the Emperor of Heaven? So I don't know what Lei Hu's words mean.

Similarly, when the governor of Fucheng heard Lei Hu's words, his face turned pale with shock, and his body directly limp in his position.

With a look of astonishment, he said: "Heaven... Heavenly Emperor?"

Feng Hao smiled wryly and said, "The governor thinks I'm like the Emperor of Heaven?"

The governor of Fucheng subconsciously shook his head, but as a first-grade mortal, Lei Hu is very sensitive to the aura of the realm.

So... there is still some credibility.

So the governor of Fucheng began to look Feng Hao up and down, just like looking at a plate of delicious food.

Feng Hao was not used to being stared at like this, so he stared at Lei Hu coldly and said, "The last chance..."

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