Martial Inverse

Chapter 294 Goodbye Black Robe

When the White Tiger Gang rushed towards the pagoda, Lei Hu closed his eyes and said in a low voice: 'It's over...'

Because he could feel that Feng Hao attached great importance to the ruins.

But Lei Hu really couldn't figure it out, the chances contained in this ruined land seemed to have no benefit to Feng Hao at all.

But Feng Hao showed eagerness to try.

Therefore, when Lei Hu saw his brothers rushing towards the entrance of the ruins and each showing their abilities, he knew that Feng Hao would definitely make a move.

At that time, the members of the White Tiger Gang will definitely suffer.

In fact, Lei Hu, who is a first-class fan saint, still has some ability, and his judgment is very accurate.

Almost at the moment when the Baihu gang rushed to the entrance of the pagoda, Feng Hao jumped off the city wall.

And it turned into a stream of light, appearing at the entrance of the ruins, in front of the pagoda that drilled out of the ground.

It blocked the way of hundreds of White Tiger Gang members.

At this time, although the governor of Fucheng also wanted to get his hands on the ruins, he weighed everyone's cultivation.

He wisely chose to give up.

He may not be afraid of those White Tiger Gang members, but he is afraid of Feng Hao.

Feng Hao has already intervened in the ruins, he has no reason to compete with Feng Hao...

But at this moment, Feng Hao directly sent a voice transmission to the governor of Fucheng, saying: "Could it be that the governor is not interested in the chance in the land of relics?"


The governor of Fucheng was very excited at that time, and immediately picked a few confidantes, jumped off the city wall, and headed to the entrance of the pagoda in the ruins.

Lei Hu sneered when he saw that the governor of Fucheng also wanted to make an idea of ​​the ruins.

Doesn't he know how much Feng Hao attaches importance to the ruins?

However, when Lei Hu saw that the Governor of the City Mansion and his confidants entered the entrance of the ruins under Feng Hao's nose, he was completely stunned...

"You want to go in?"

Feng Hao looked at this group of menacing members of the White Tiger Gang. Although he didn't want to interfere in this matter, Jintianfu City was ransacked by this group of bandits.

If they get more opportunities, it will be a greater disaster for others.

So Feng Hao had to stop it.

In fact, what he is looking at is not the chance in the ruins, he doesn't need these, he just wants to confirm one thing.

That is, after the opening of the ruins, will the black-robed man who once appeared in the ruins of the imperial city appear with the ruins.

The land of the relics is the fastest shortcut for Feng Hao to find the man in black. He can't make the man in black appear in ruins, right?

What if... the Lord of Lin Zhou is stronger than him?

Therefore, in other people's world, there is absolutely no harm in being safe and being kind.

"Where did you take our leader?"

All the members of the White Tiger Gang have seen Feng Hao before, and their leader Lei Hu was taken away by this young man before him.

But they didn't dare to question too loudly, but had stiff smiles on their faces.

"Your question is very good, your leader is drinking tea in the city, don't worry too much..."

Feng Hao looked at the hundreds of White Tiger Gang members in front of him,

There are seven or eight second-rank Martial Emperors, and the rest are fourth-rank Wuzong and third-rank Martial Kings.

It can be said that it is not a small force.

But compared with those sects, it is still too far away, but... the White Tiger Gang helping Leihu is an odd number.

Originally, with Lei Hu's cultivation base, it would be no problem to go to the southern region to be a suzerain, but in this eastern region, he is just a bandit leader.

Kind of weird.

However, Fenghao is a bit too shabby for a city like Jintianfu City without a strong man of the first rank of ordinary saints.

If there was a rank of mortal saint in Jintianfu City, it would not have been ransacked by the White Tiger Gang twice.

The members of the White Tiger Gang looked at each other, and then the second-rank strongman who was recommended as the temporary head of the White Tiger Gang stood up and said, "No matter what, please let us in... The opening of the ruins is everyone's chance. "

Feng Hao sneered and said, "When you ransacked Jintianfu City, did you ever think that those things don't belong to you?"


The faces of the members of the White Tiger Gang suddenly turned ugly.

"Facing the weak, you are superior, but now facing me, you say it's fair, is there such a good thing in the world?"

Feng Hao stared at the group of people coldly, and said coldly: "Today I am sitting in the ruins, any of you dare to move forward, you will be killed without mercy!"


The members of the White Tiger Gang gasped one after another. While they looked anxious, they were also a little terrified.

Even their help Leihu can't do anything to the young people in front of him, let alone them.

"How can we let us in? You make a condition..."

The temporary assistant of the White Tiger Gang said.

In front of a strong man like Feng Hao, they can only make concessions or even retreat...

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me..."

Feng Hao said indifferently.

Afterwards, Feng Hao turned around and entered the pagoda.

Although Feng Hao didn't know what opportunity was contained in the land of the ruins this time, judging from Lei Hu's eagerness, at least there was an opportunity to be a half-step emperor.

And in this kind of place, Feng Hao felt that the youth in black robes would appear most likely.

Because when I was in the ruins of the imperial city, it was just a chance of a first-grade mortal, but it attracted the black-robed youth.

So this time the black-robed youth will definitely appear again.

After Feng Hao entered the ruins, the expressions of the hundreds of White Tiger Gang members suddenly became extremely tangled.

In the end or not to enter?

At this time, Lei Hu, the leader of the White Tiger Gang, ignored the guards on the city wall of Jintianfu City, and directly flew into the air, appearing in front of the members of the White Tiger Gang in front of the pagoda.


Hundreds of members of the White Tiger Gang knelt down on one knee and greeted them respectfully: "See the leader..."

"Get up!"

Lei Huxu raised his hand, then looked at the gang members who looked hopeful, took a deep breath, and said: "Everyone obeys the order, follow me into the land of He, and fight for the opportunity..."

"Fight for chance!"

A group of gang members shouted in unison, the sound shook the sky.

Then Lei Hu turned around and entered the pagoda, completely forgetting Feng Hao's advice just now, and those members of the White Tiger Gang who saw Lei Hu entering the ruins also followed closely.

The pagoda is indeed the entrance to the ruins. When they entered the pagoda, they went through a short dark passage, and when they came out, they were shocked to find...

They actually came out from the gate of the pagoda.

The sky also suddenly darkened.

"We haven't gone in yet, so we're coming out?"

A disciple of the White Tiger Gang asked doubtfully.

Lei Hu glanced around, felt the breath of heaven and earth, and said softly: "If you didn't come out, this is the land of the ruins. If you guessed right, this should be what Jintianfu City used to be..."

The city of Jintianfu City in the distance is not as tall as the city wall outside, but at this moment, the city wall is full of people.

The most conspicuous among them is a young man in a black robe, who has the aura of dominating the world.

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