Martial Inverse

Chapter 303 God Devouring Pill

"Wha... What is the remnant of the Demon Emperor?"

Du Yan's eyes were wide open, and she looked at Feng Hao in shock. Although she wanted to keep calm, Feng Hao's words made her unable to calm down at all.

Demon Emperor...

How did Feng Hao know about the Demon Emperor?

The remnants of the Demon Emperor... No, that is the head of the Demon Emperor's army, the supreme demon god.

"If you guessed right, your panacea should come from the remnants of the demon emperor!" Feng Hao said.

pedal! pedal!

Du Yan took a few steps back, looked at Feng Hao and said, "Who the hell are you? How do you know this? Are you the head of the legion?"

Du Yan panicked in her heart, if Feng Hao was the leader of the Demon Emperor Army, then...the Du family would surely perish.

The Du family has worked for the Demon Emperor for seven or eighty years, and only in the past ten or twenty years did they begin to hide some spiritual pills for the Du family to cultivate themselves.

The effect is also very good.

Because the spirit pills may fail, the Du family has been stealthily absorbing the source of life in the spirit pills these years, without being noticed by the demon emperor's people.

However, after hearing Feng Hao mentioning the remnants of the Demon Emperor, a strong sense of crisis filled his heart.

"You work for the Demon Emperor, you must know the position of the legion commander you mentioned, tell me..."

Feng Hao now feels that the Du family is just a young man, and the real person behind the scenes is the head of the Demon Emperor Army.

In fact, just as he guessed, the remnants of the demon emperor are still in the world of Lin Zhou, the purpose is to build the demon army belonging to the demon emperor.

Of course, this does not mean that bringing these innocent people into the Du family and then taking the elixir has nothing to do with the Du family.

To be precise, without the help of the Du family, there would be no birth of those monsters from the Demon Emperor Legion.

The Du family cannot escape the blame.

However, Feng Hao didn't think he was some kind of just judge. The Du family did such a thing to decide the life and death of others, which was already against the law of heaven.

Although it is said that the weak are prey to the strong, at least one must have a steelyard in his heart.

So... the Du family must be banned!

People like the leader of the demon emperor's army must also die. This is related to the matter between him and the demon emperor transformed by another ray of soul of Pangu.

According to the normal trajectory... There must be only one of them alive.

And after seeing the demon emperor who looked the same as him in the ruins before, he found that... the other party's cultivation was also very strong.

It's a good match.

Du Yan is in a panic now. She was shocked when she saw that Lin Yu had the idea of ​​looking for the head of the Demon Emperor Army.

That is the existence that the emperor of Daxia looks up to, did Feng Hao go to give the head? And it can also be seen that Feng Hao is not the leader of the army.

This also made Du Yan breathe a sigh of relief.

"We don't know where the legion commander is... Usually he comes to us..." Du Yan said.

But... Then he realized a very serious problem, it seems...Feng Hao didn't show too much strength.

Moreover, there are some supernatural powers in this world that have clairvoyance and wind ears, but this does not mean that Feng Hao is very powerful.

After Du Yan's mood stabilized,

I also thought of the more critical point, that is, Feng Hao also took the panacea...

Qi Ling Pill is an existence refined by the Demon Emperor, and there is no way to break it, no matter who takes it... how high is the cultivation level.

Even if Yipin Fansheng took it, he would be reduced to the level of a demon.

And the higher the martial artist's cultivation base, the stronger the cultivation base after becoming a monster...

Thinking of this, Du Yan suddenly smiled, very happily, as if she had returned to the previous appearance full of holiness.

She looked at Lin Yu with a smile and said, "My lord... I don't ask who you are anymore, but you seem to have swallowed the panacea... Oh no, it also has a beautiful name called God Devouring Pill..."

"Is this the pill you're talking about? Although the name is beautiful, it doesn't seem like much..."

Black air began to emerge from the palm of Feng Hao's right hand, and then condensed into a black pill.

It just hovered quietly above Feng Hao's palm.


Du Yan, who had calmed down in her heart, wanted to use this to threaten Feng Hao, but when she saw the God Devouring Pill condensed in Feng Hao's palm, she almost collapsed.

Du Yan really couldn't figure out how Feng Hao turned the swallowed soup into a finished God Devouring Pill in his palm.

In other words, this God Devouring Pill is useless to Feng Hao at all.

call out!

At this moment, Feng Hao directly flicked out the God Devouring Pill, Du Yan couldn't avoid it, and swallowed the God Devouring Pill directly from her throat.


Du Yan screamed, and then her face suddenly turned pale.

She actually swallowed a God Devouring Pill just now, that is to say... she will also become a demon just like those people killed by the Du family.

Or be disemboweled in advance and take out the God Devouring Pill to strengthen yourself.


Du Yan's tender body trembled uncontrollably, and her whole body was in a state of madness. She was not reconciled, she was still so young, she had infinite possibilities, and she would become the empress of this world in the future...

But I didn't expect the dream to be destroyed before it even started.

"I am going to kill you!"

Du Yan's broken nails grew wildly here at this moment, and the black air was lingering. It was obvious that he was practicing the monster way of cultivation, and he killed Feng Hao.

Because of the hysterical anger and hatred, she did not conceal her third-rank Martial King's cultivation at all.

At that moment, the Du family was full of evil spirits.

However, when Du Yan was two meters away from Feng Hao, her body seemed to have hit an invisible wall.

Then the whole person was thrown out.

He fell to the ground in embarrassment, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, but... the God Devouring Pill rolled out.


The air seems to be quiet...

Even Feng Hao was stunned. Didn't the God Devouring Pill dissolve after swallowing it? How could he spit it out after being hit hard.

Du Yan was also stunned, and then a look of joy appeared on her face, and said: "Because I have refined the God Eater Pill... the poison of the God Eater Pill cannot be dissolved..."

Speaking of which, Du Yan quickly grabbed the God Devouring Pill condensed by Feng Hao, and said in a serious voice: "If I refine this God Devouring Pill that has absorbed your life essence, I will definitely break through..."

Du Yan has confirmed Feng Hao's cultivation level, it is very likely that he is a first-grade mortal, or even a half-step emperor...

And as long as her lotus, the God Devouring Pill that has absorbed Feng Hao's life essence, she will definitely break through...

After becoming a second product, she has the ability to protect herself.

At the same time, the movement caused here naturally attracted the strong men hidden in the Du family.

Then seven or eight powerful second-rank Martial Emperor auras instantly covered the entire Du family's courtyard.

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