Martial Inverse

Chapter 312 Tennojo

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Feng Hao saw the middle-aged people enthusiastically introducing jobs to those who went to the city, and not long after, he recruited twelve youths who looked like "lone wolves".

That is, the single person.

Such a person happens to be the best host of the Soul Eater Pill, because even if it disappears accidentally, no one will know.

In addition, Feng Hao is also very curious, where did these people who turned into monsters end up...

If he hadn't left Lin Zhou, he should have been hiding somewhere in Lin Zhou.

But the strange thing is... Lin Yu, the master of Lin Zhou, seems to be unaware of this matter.

At the same time, the middle-aged man saw that today's harvest was not bad, so he looked at Feng Hao and the twelve strong young men with a smile, and said, "Your bodies are all a bit weak..."

The young people looked at each other in blank dismay, are they so strong?

Anyway, it is also the existence of the fourth-rank Wuzong, at least it is the treatment of the senior guards of the rich and powerful families!

They are all warriors who travel the world, and they can do it anywhere, the key is that they have the resources to train them.

So when the middle-aged man found them just now, he thought that it doesn't matter, it's good that heroes have a place to use.

But just after coming here, this guy said that they are weak, what does this mean?

After seeing everyone's gazes, the middle-aged man smiled slightly and said: "Don't get me wrong, although you are all fourth-rank martial arts experts, you are really nothing in this Heavenly King City... the place I will take you to later will be It is a place where you can quickly become stronger..."


When everyone heard this sentence, they all took a few breaths and became stronger quickly? What is so powerful?

However, the middle-aged man was right. The Heavenly King City is the largest city in the Eastern Territory. The first-rank mortals can't count it with their hands. The city master, the Heavenly King, is even more like an emperor.

There is a fight with the Great Xia Renhuang.

Therefore, the fourth-rank Martial Sect is indeed a bit out of place in Tianwang City. After thinking about it, everyone thinks that the middle-aged man is right.


I'm weak...

"Sir, shall we... go?"

The twelve young people were all very interested, and they could not wait to go to the place the middle-aged man said immediately.

Feng Hao was the only one standing aside, obviously he was also one of the middle-aged people who wanted to take away, but he showed an attitude of watching from the sidelines.

But yes, beings as strong as him are basically watching everything in the world.

When it's time to make a move, you can make a move, everything is as you like.

"Then let's go!"

The middle-aged man then took Feng Hao and the twelve youths to a large mansion in Tianwang City.

This mansion is not very luxurious, but in the Heavenly King City where every inch of land is expensive, owning such a mansion shows that the foundation and strength are quite solid.

Tianwang City is the largest city in Daxia, far exceeding the prosperity of the Imperial City.

Legend has it that one of the successive Human Emperors once wanted to make the imperial palace the capital of the Heavenly King City, but was directly rejected by the then Lord of the Heavenly King City.

And that battle between the Human Emperor and the Lord of the Heavenly King City was fought in a dark and dark environment, with no light in the sun and the moon, and in the end, the Human Emperor was slightly inferior.

Since then, Tianwang City has also become a city of freedom, free from the checks and balances of the Great Xia imperial power, but there are also various rules in Tianwang City centered on the owner of Tianwang City.

Anyone who steps into the City of Liberty must abide by the rules of the City of Heavenly Kings.

In addition, the identity of the city owner of the Heavenly King City is usually one... that is the Heavenly King.


Among the big families that the middle-aged man brought Feng Hao and those twelve youths was the Mo family, which ranked among the top ten ancient families in the southern city of Tianwang City.

When Feng Hao knew that this family was called the Mo family, he suddenly thought of a person Du Yan had mentioned before——Mo Wentian.

Du Yan had asked Feng Hao if he belonged to Mo Wentian.

"Who is the head of the Mo family?"

After Feng Hao entered the Mo family's house, his spiritual thoughts directly covered the entire Mo family, and he had a simple understanding of the overall strength of the Mo family.

Sixteen second-rank Martial Emperors, four first-rank mortal saints, one half-step emperor...

This configuration is already very scary, at least far surpassing the first Martial God Sect in the Southern Region of Great Xia.

Feng Hao was a little curious about the half-step emperor in the Mo family, but he thought... this person should not be the head of the Mo family...

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Hehe, this question... I don't know either."

Immediately, Feng Hao and the twelve youths were stunned for a moment.

"Aren't you from the Mo family?" a young man asked suspiciously.

"I didn't say I was from the Mo family, I just worked for the Mo family and introduced you to the Mo family as senior guards..."

The middle-aged man said with a smile, there is nothing to hide.

Anyway, people came in. As for what these people want to do with the Mo family, it has nothing to do with him. He only charges a little service fee from the Mo family.

As soon as these lone wolves heard that the Mo family ranked in the top ten in the southern city of Tianwang City, it was a very good job to be a high-level guard.

So it doesn't really matter whether the middle-aged people belong to the Mo family.

"The way to quickly become stronger?" Someone asked.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You can rest assured that I, Xue Cai, are well-known in Nancheng. If you say that you can become stronger, you can definitely... I have seen it with my own eyes..."

At this time, a white-haired old man in Mo's family received Xue Cai, and at the same time looked at Feng Hao and the twelve young people.

Finally, his eyes fell on Feng Hao.

The white-haired old man frowned suddenly, and said, "Why bring an ordinary person here? My Mo family doesn't need such a person..."

"This man is smart, he can be a slave in the Mo family... how about the other twelve, they are all fourth-rank Martial Sect experts..." Xue Cai said flatteringly.

The white-haired old man nodded slightly and said: "Generally speaking, it's okay... But we still need fifty-seven people, and we can find them all within half a month, right?"

Xue Cai nodded frequently and said: "Elder Mo, Xiao Xue, I will take care of things, don't worry, you will be satisfied..."


The white-haired old man nodded, then took out a few high-quality spirit stones from his sleeves and handed them to Xue Cai.

After Xue Cai took the Lingshi, he immediately looked grateful, and then bowed and retreated...

"Emotion is a human trafficker..." Feng Hao smiled.

At first I thought that Xue Cai belonged to the Mo family, but in the end they sold them to the Mo family. This human trafficker is really good...

Even he, the Lord of the world, was 'abducted' in.

Feng Hao knew very well, if he guessed correctly, this Mo family is probably the family under a certain army leader, or... this is one of the leaders of a certain demon emperor army.

Although Xue Cai didn't know who the head of the Mo family was, Feng Hao felt that Mo Wentian might have a lot to do with this Mo family.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Twelve of you, report to the guard with him."

Elder Mo then called a Mo family disciple and said, "Take them down..."

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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