Martial Inverse

Chapter 316: One's own power

Mo Wanli was filled with shock and anger, and Mo Yao, who was being protected, felt even more incredible.

She is like a prisoner in the whole Mo family, she is watched everywhere she goes, let alone someone protecting her in secret.

But what is going on now?

Mo Yao looked at the light curtain in front of her that was protecting her, her eyes were slightly red, which reminded her of her father who always doted on her...

"Is my father back?"

Mo Yao said happily, looking around the courtyard, hoping to see his father Mo Wentian.

But Mo Yao found that there was no one else in the courtyard except Feng Hao and Mo Wanli.

"Could it be him?"

Mo Wanli looked at Feng Hao, now she had to seriously think about what Feng Hao said just now.

Because although Feng Hao looks like an ordinary person, what he just said seems to be beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Who, come out!"

Mo Wanli even took out his hole cards, but he still couldn't break through the light curtain, which was as thin as a cicada's wing. While trembling with fear, he thought of using his voice to attract the masters of the Mo family to come.

He felt particularly aggrieved right now, the majestic second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouse couldn't even break through the light curtain that came out of nowhere.

It's like holding a rock in your hand, but you can't even break an egg.

At the same time, the movement here also alarmed the strong men of the Mo family, and immediately from various courtyards of the Mo family, more than a dozen figures stepped out of the air and landed in the small courtyard.

When Feng Hao saw these people approaching, with a thought, he dissipated the condensed power of law.

Then Feng Hao saw Elder Mo among these people.

"What happened?"

Elder Mo seemed to have a very high majesty among this group of people. When he spoke, the others chose to remain silent.

Elder Mo's eyes first fell on Mo Yao, then Mo Wanli... and finally the insignificant Feng Hao.

Mo Yao looked at Elder Mo with hatred, and said coldly: "You should ask your good grandson..."

Elder Mo frowned imperceptibly,

Looking at Mo Wanli, he said, "Say!"


Mo Wanli seemed to be very afraid of Elder Mo, and when Elder Mo yelled at him like this, he knelt down on the ground.

"Grandpa, I...I just want Mo Yao, who is an eyesore, to go away, but...but someone secretly helped her..."

Mo Wanli didn't dare to hide anything, so he said it in detail.


Elder Mo turned his head and took a deep look at Mo Yao, with a smile in his eyes.

He felt that someone was helping secretly, it was definitely the secret treasure left by Mo Wentian that was protecting Mo Yao.

"Mo Yao, I think you should hand it's good for everyone." Elder Mo said.

Mo Yao said coldly: "It's absolutely impossible..."

A chill flashed across Elder Mo's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't toast and refuse to drink fine wine, if it wasn't for killing you, the secret treasure would have collapsed too, I would have killed you long ago..."

Mo Yao sneered: "Since you know, don't say such useless words!"

Elder Mo suddenly laughed, and said: "However...don't act like you're won't be long...maybe this old man won't need your secret treasure. When the time comes...don't beg me on your knees."

Mo Yao's expression sank, her eyes were slightly red.

This is her family...

Unexpectedly, a person from the collateral line now threatens her, Miss Mo, the kind who is merciless.

The world is so cold, people who lost their father are so helpless and helpless.

Then Elder Mo's gaze fell on Feng Hao, and he said, "What are you doing here?"

"According to the elder's order, monitor the Seventh Miss of the Mo family." Feng Hao said.


Elder Mo was stunned at that time, where is the clever person he promised? How could you be so idiot?

At the same time, those who came with Elder Mo all looked at him strangely.

They all seem to be thinking... Who are the people sent by Elder Mo?

This is the seventh...

Could it be that any servant would become so dull when facing Mo Yao?

That secret treasure has such great magic power?

Mo Yao also looked at Feng Hao with some surprise at the moment, never expecting him to be so honest.

Isn't this embarrassing Elder Mo among the other senior members of the Mo family...

The more Elder Mo thought about it, the more he felt uneasy, and then, under everyone's gaze, he strode towards Feng Hao, and slapped Feng Hao's head directly with his big hand like a futon.

The others smiled wryly and shook their heads. It was indeed that Elder Mo Zhuiyun who acted vigorously and resolutely.

However, just when everyone thought that Feng Hao must die, suddenly the whole yard seemed to be quiet.

Then a light suddenly burst out from somewhere, so everyone turned their heads to look in the direction where Feng Hao and Elder Mo were.

Then everyone froze in place, only to see that the ordinary servant unexpectedly grabbed Mo Zhuiyun's neck with one hand.


Mo Zhuiyun's face turned red instantly, while the jaws of the others dropped all the way.

Their faces are all green, what's going on? Isn't this a servant?

Why did he pinch Mo Zhuiyun who was in the realm of a mortal saint?

The key... Mo Zhuiyun's two legs are dangling in the air. After struggling violently, the spiritual power in his body seems to have disappeared.

Mo Yao's beautiful eyes widened in surprise, at this moment...she suddenly understood what Feng Hao said.

Maybe...Feng Hao is the one who witnessed it. He came from Du's house in Xieyang City, and entered Mo's house with a very clear purpose.

It also mentioned Mo Wentian...

"You met my father, right?" Mo Yao suddenly became excited.

Feng Hao suddenly exerted force in his hand, and the void collapsed under his five fingers, and Mo Zhuiyun's neck was directly broken...

He died without saying a word.

Feng Hao looked at Mo Yao, shook his head and said: "I haven't met your father, but I just need you to tell me the relationship between Mo Wentian and the Mo family... This is your only choice."

Then Feng Hao's eyes fell on those ten or so people, and his eyes narrowed slightly, the expressions of those ten or so strong men changed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible force squeezed and deformed their bodies, and then spit out God Devouring Pills from their mouths one by one.

"Sure enough..." Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

He knew that there was nothing wrong with it. The Mo family was indeed the remnant of the Demon Emperor. Obviously, there must be a demonic aura scattered from the Demon Emperor's avatar in the Mo family...

Those few people lost the God Devouring Pill, and suddenly they all became mummies, as if their blood had been sucked dry.


Seeing this scene, Mo Yao jumped up in fright, and then saw the God-eating Pill on the ground, and said, "This is the kind of medicine my father said. He said that all the children of the Mo family took this kind of medicine. This is the demon pill that can turn them into demons..."

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