Martial Inverse

Chapter 319 Heavenly King

"Hua Tianchen?"

Hearing this name again, Feng Hao acted very calmly, because Mo Yao, the seventh miss of the Mo family, had told him about this person before.

He is one of the commanders of the Twelfth Army under the command of Yaoshuai.

It is also the object of Mo Zhuiyue, the current head of the Mo family.

But Feng Hao didn't expect that Mo Zhuiyue still had two skills, and he became a half-step emperor by relying on the God Devouring Pill.

Now he is favored by the demon emperor's avatar, and even gave Mo Zhuiyue the demon aura with the demon emperor's aura, and he is about to become a strong emperor.

"Yes, this is the army commander of the Yaoshuai under your command, the emperor and the strong..." Mo Zhuiyue said.

"Do you know where he is?" Feng Hao asked.

"Returning to the monarch, Master Hua Tianchen's whereabouts are erratic. There may be traces of him in the entire Eastern Region. Where exactly... I don't know."

Mo Zhuiyue's attitude was very respectful. As someone who was lucky enough to witness the face of the Demon Emperor, he certainly knew that the Feng Hao in front of him was carved out of the same mold as the Demon Emperor.

The only difference is probably that Feng Hao doesn't have the awe-inspiring evil spirit of the Demon Emperor.

Yes, it is evil.

Although Mo Zhuiyue was puzzled in his heart, he didn't show it, and he didn't dare to show it.

At this time, Feng Hao shook his head in disappointment, and said: "I thought I could learn about the whereabouts of other demon emperor remnants from you, but it's a pity..."


Mo Zhuiyue's heart suddenly paused, and a great chill suddenly rose on his back.

He felt a killing intent from Feng Hao, which made him feel suffocated.

"Monarch Demon Emperor, you, what do you mean?" Mo Zhuiyue asked in a panic.

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "This emperor is not a demon emperor, but his destined enemy..."


After Feng Hao said this, Mo Zhuiyue felt the world spinning, and the next moment he saw his body.

The last remaining ray of consciousness told him that he died after being separated from the corpse...

Mo Zhuiyue couldn't figure it out until his death, how could Feng Hao not be a demon emperor?

Mo Yao stared at this scene with wide eyes, she was stunned, it was another silent battle.

Even... the battle was over before it even started.

Mo Yao couldn't believe it, you know, Mo Zhuiyue is a half-step emperor powerhouse, who can turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain.


But in front of Feng Hao, he didn't even have time to resist, and he died directly, with his head in a different place.

"Hua Tianchen..."

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice, Hua Tianchen, as the army commander under Yaoshuai's command, is the same as Qi Lin who the Du family took refuge in. Only they can absorb the essence of the God Devouring Pill that the Mo family has devoured.

Save these people in Mo's family.

Otherwise, there will be hundreds more monsters in Lin Zhou.

Now that Mo Zhuiyue is dead, Feng Hao feels that the most urgent task is to find Hua Tianchen.

"Hua Tianchen...has a little relationship with the Lord of the Heavenly King City..."

Mo Yao heard Feng Hao's words, and whispered to the side at the moment.


After Feng Hao heard Mo Yao's words, his energy suddenly rose.


The next moment, Feng Hao disappeared directly into the Mo family's mansion.

The city lord of Tianwang City, that aura is very obvious, in the entire Tianwang City, it is as dazzling and eye-catching as the sun hanging in the sky.

It is impossible not to be felt.

After seeing Feng Hao disappearing, Mo Yao subconsciously thought that Feng Hao must have gone to the City Lord's Mansion of Tianwang City.

So he twirled his skirt and ran directly outside Mo's house. With Feng Hao's killing just now, no one in Mo's family dared to despise Mo Yao anymore.

"Prepare the carriage and go to the City Lord's Mansion!"

After Mo Yao left the Mo's house, she directly boarded the carriage waiting outside the Mo's mansion.

The coachman knew Mo Yao's identity, so he just looked at Mo Yao with a sneer.

Suddenly, a shoe flew from nowhere and hit the coachman directly in the face.

Mo Yao was stunned for a moment, and then saw a strong man from the Mo family standing at the door of the Mo family's mansion, and angrily scolded the coachman, "Why are you still standing there? Miss Seven is going to the city lord's mansion, is she deaf? Do you still want to be blind?" Lose?"

"Grandpa, I know I was wrong, so let's go..."

The coachman was almost scared out of his wits, so he hurriedly drove the carriage and took Mo Yao to the Palace of the Lord of the Heavenly King City.


At the same time, on Donghu Island in Tianwang City, there is an extremely luxurious palace located on the island.

There are countless guards with sharp edges patrolling outside the palace.

Everyone in Tianwang City knows that the person living on Donghu Island is none other than a great emperor who even the Emperor dare not despise.



He is also the king of heaven in the hearts of everyone in Tianwang City.

At this moment, a special guest came to the Palace of the Heavenly King, the only one who was entertained by the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon with the highest standard.

Hua Tianchen!

Others may not know Hua Tianchen's identity, but as the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon of the Heavenly King City, he knows it very clearly.

Hua Tianchen is the head of the twelve army commanders under Lin Zhou Yaoshuai, a... ruthless emperor.

"Brother Tianchen, how come you come to Tianwang City to find my younger brother for tea when you have time?"

Heavenly King Lei Long smiled and looked at the middle-aged Hua Tianchen who was sitting across from him.

This is a man with a bookish face, and he doesn't look like a general under the demon emperor's command.

But the evil spirit occasionally exuded from Hua Tianchen's body was impossible to ignore.

This is indeed a person full of evil spirits, not a person in the righteous way.

Hua Tianchen chuckled and said: "The world has changed, and the demon emperor and monarch sent us a message in the starry sky of hundreds of millions of miles...We need to cultivate a demon army as soon as possible... Wait for the demon formation to come, and everyone rushes to the battlefield...So we can only Personally supervise the situation of each family."

To Hua Tianchen being so honest, Heavenly King Thunder Dragon also smiled, and said: "It seems that my Heavenly King City is also Brother Tianchen's blessed place, but I don't Brother Tianchen plans to fulfill the original promise now?"

Hua Tianchen smiled slightly, and then remembered that when he first developed the Mo family, he once greeted Thunder Dragon of Tianwang City Skynet...

He needs a top ten family in Tianwang City to cultivate a small group of forces belonging to him.

And Hua Tianchen's promise to the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon is a magic pill that can make the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon go one step further.

Nine-turn Nishen Pill.

This is a magic pill that can allow the great emperor to peek into the realm of the gods...

This temptation was so great that the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon could not resist this temptation at all.

But now, the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon has fulfilled what Hua Tianchen promised, and the Mo family now belongs to Hua Tianchen.

Hua Tianchen smiled bitterly, and then a elixir with colorful light appeared in his palm, like a pocket-sized baby, vivid.

After Heaven King Thunder Dragon felt it for a while, the light in his eyes became hot, and his breathing became short of breath.

And the emotional changes of the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon also caused ripples like annual rings to appear on the calm surface of East Lake. (Wu Ni..9494227)--(Wu Ni)

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