Martial Inverse

Chapter 323 New City Lord

The Heavenly King Thunder Dragon curled up in the corner and shivered, completely lost the spirit and arrogance of the previous Heavenly King.

Now he is like a down and out beggar.

Moreover, the cultivation base of the God Master Realm on his body is fading rapidly, just like a discouraged ball.

"No, I am the God Lord, I am the God Lord..."

The Heavenly King Thunder Dragon frantically operated the exercises in an attempt to restore the lost cultivation base, but under such forceful operation, he immediately suffered backlash, vomiting blood and donating blood.


The Heavenly King Thunder Dragon was in such a state of embarrassment that the townspeople fell silent when they saw this scene.

The invincible existence that was once in their hearts is now in such a desolate state, which is embarrassing.

"Save me, Heavenly Emperor, save me... I will be your slave from now on..."

Lei Long didn't want his whole life of cultivation to go to waste, he wanted to survive, he was only over 200 years old now, after attaining the Divine Master Realm, he was expected to become a powerful person in the Supreme Realm in this life.

He is not reconciled!

Therefore, Thunder Dragon prostrated himself on the ground, showing more sincerity.

"If I knew today, why did I..."

Feng Hao shook his head, Lei Long's sincerity was due to fear, but true repentance... was impossible for Lei Long.

He has seen too many people like this in his life.

If everyone could be forgiven for making big mistakes, what would the world be like?

I'm afraid that if anyone commits a heinous crime, and when he is caught, he only needs to kowtow and beg for mercy.

"no no……"

Heavenly King Lei Long saw Feng Hao like this, and knew that Feng Hao could not forgive him.

"Don't force me, don't force me..."

Heavenly King Thunder Dragon suddenly roared hysterically. He performed his exercises, and a terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly brewed in his body.

Feng Hao frowned slightly,

Lei Long wanted to threaten him with self-destruction... He shook his head at this, as expected, it is impossible for such a person to truly repent.

Just when Thunder Dragon was about to blow himself up and threatened, Feng Hao stuck out his right hand, and suddenly, a huge force burst out.


Thunder Dragon's whole body was directly pressed into the ground, forcibly interrupting Thunder Dragon's self-destruction.

"I want Tianwang City to be buried with me..."

However, Feng Hao still underestimated Lei Long's anger and unwilling determination, he wanted the entire Heavenly King City to be buried with him.

The moment the voice fell, Lei Long directly moved his dantian with the essence of essence and blood.


Feng Hao's voice also turned cold, this Thunder Dragon is too flattering, actually trying to let the millions of people in the entire Tianwang City be buried with him?


If something like this happens, let Feng Hao's face be king?

In that instant, Feng Hao rushed out like lightning, holding Lei Long's neck.

At the same time, the power of law instantly invaded Thunder Dragon's body, disintegrating the energy in his body on the spot.

All cultivation bases were forcibly abolished by Feng Hao.

The moment the dantian was shattered, the energy generated in Leilong's body created a black hole the size of a fist in the depth of his dantian.

With his miserable howl, Thunder Dragon's body was directly swallowed by the black hole in the dantian, turning into nothing.



All the city residents who saw this scene couldn't help gasping for air. The Thunder Dragon, the city lord of the Heavenly King City, who was as tall as the Emperor, died just like that...

No bones remained.

I'm afraid no one will believe it.

But...if the person who killed the Heavenly King was the Heavenly Emperor, then...all this is possible.

On this day, people in Tianwang City were panic-stricken. Among the top ten families, except the Mo family, an emergency alliance meeting was held.

A middle-aged man, Chen Jinbei, the head of the Chen family from the head of the top ten families, was selected to go to the Mo family to meet the powerful man who was like a heavenly emperor.

Under tremendous pressure, Chen Jinbei went to the restaurant where the Emperor of Heaven was currently staying to ask for an interview under the attention of the whole city.

The restaurant now only serves Feng Hao alone, and all the residents have left.

Only the behind-the-scenes shopkeeper of the restaurant... Mo Yao, the seventh lady of the Mo family, accompanied her.

"Is this restaurant owned by the Mo family, or your father?" Feng Hao asked.

Like the Du family, the Mo family was reduced to powder under the absolute power, and Feng Hao did not choose to leave immediately.

After all...he killed the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon in the Heavenly King City, and he would not be able to leave the Heavenly King City without an owner.

He was waiting, waiting for someone who had the courage and the qualifications to bear this burden to appear.

"This is my father's property... Now the Mo family is gone. Fortunately, there are still many restaurants in the city, all of which are owned by my father. They... used to be my dowry..."

Mo Yao's face blushed, she lowered her head, not daring to look directly into Feng Hao's eyes.

After seeing Feng Hao's strength, although Mo Yao was frightened, but... the heart that longed for a hero to save the beauty couldn't help but flooded.

So in her eyes, Feng Hao is more like the hero who saved her, rather than the powerful 'Emperor of Heaven'.

"The person who marries you will take advantage of it..." Feng Hao laughed.

His heart towards Mo Yao is very simple, he simply approves of her, except for the first time, there is no dissent.

At this moment, Feng Hao felt someone walking towards the restaurant hundreds of meters away.

Hundreds of meters away from the restaurant, there were many people walking around and watching, but Feng Hao could feel who was coming towards him.

"Other than Thunder Dragon, who is the second strongest in Heavenly King City?" Feng Hao asked suddenly.

Mo Yao thought for a while and said, "It should be Chen Jinbei, the head of the Chen family who is the head of the top ten families..."

"A strong man who has just entered the realm of the Great Emperor?" Feng Hao whispered.

"I showed up a few years ago, it seems to be half a step to the peak of the Great Emperor..." Mo Yao said.

"This person has good talent, he is a suitable candidate for the city owner, and...he is here too!"

Feng Hao originally thought that if no one had the courage to come to see him, then...he would not mind pushing Mo Yao to be the Lord of the Heavenly King City.

Mo Yao's talent is good, it's just that his cultivation base has been abolished, is easy for him to restore the foundation.

However, now that Chen Jinbei is here, as long as the other party passes the assessment, he will be the City Lord of the Heavenly King City.

"Patriarch of the Chen family, Chen Jinbei, please see the Heavenly Emperor!"

Chen Jinbei's voice sounded outside the restaurant, and the eyes of countless townspeople immediately fell on Chen Jinbei.

"It turned out to be Patriarch Chen..."

"Didn't Patriarch Chen retreat to break through the realm? Has he already broken through?"

"Oh my god, isn't Patriarch Chen a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm?"

People commented, looking at Chen Jinbei outside the restaurant, their eyes were bright, and everyone was quite familiar with Chen Jinbei.

A top powerhouse second only to the Heavenly King Thunder Dragon.

Feng Hao stood up, walked to the window of the restaurant, looked down at the outside of the restaurant and bowed to Chen Jinbei, who had a humble attitude, with a smile on his lips, and said in a serious voice: "Come in and see you!" (Wu Ni.. 9494227)--( Wu Ni )

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