Martial Inverse

Chapter 446: Benevolence

When Feng Hao appeared in the palace, the five Great Xia princes bowed and said, "I have seen the Heavenly Emperor."

Although Feng Hao is not the Heavenly Emperor of Lin Zhou World, in the eyes of Prince Da Xia, Feng Hao, whose cultivation has surpassed the realm of God Master, is no different from the Heavenly Emperor.

"Calling Fengdi, maybe I like it better..." Feng Hao said with a light smile.

Now he really wants to know what the answer sheet of Great Xia Renhuang will be like in three days.

The Great Xia Renhuang seemed to know what Feng Hao was thinking, and immediately said: "Emperor Feng, these five princes are my favorites. I gave them three days to investigate the remnants of the demon emperor. Whoever has the most perfect answer will be the one who has the most perfect answers." Crown Prince Daxia, I hope Emperor Feng can be this witness!"

There was a trace of expectation in the expression of Great Xia Renhuang.

Similarly, the five princes of Great Xia also became energetic because of this. With the witness of a strong man like Emperor Feng, whoever should be the crown prince among them, when considering brother-in-law, must also consider the power from Emperor Feng. anger.

So, almost at the same time, the five Great Xia princes held the files in both hands, bowed their bodies and handed them over their heads.

Feng Hao smiled, and then nodded lightly. If the answer sheet submitted by the Great Xia Renhuang can satisfy him enough, this request is not difficult.

Then Feng Hao stretched out his hand and sucked it in. Immediately, the five dossiers were unfolded in the void in front of his eyes. Feng Hao knew the contents clearly with a sweep of his thoughts.

At that moment, a look of shock appeared in Feng Hao's eyes.

The Yaoshuai, the heads of the Twelve Great Legions, and the families developed by each legion head are all listed above.

Even the thirteen evil spirits that scattered across the continent were recorded above.

The demon handsome minister Tiange, in a certain city to the southeast, turned into an ordinary old man.

Except for Qi Lin and Hua Tianchen, the commanders of the Twelfth Army also wrote down their current locations in detail.

Feng Hao had no doubts about the authenticity of the dossiers, because he had seen the credibility of these five dossiers from the materials of Qi Lin and Hua Tianchen.

Qi Lin died in Xieyang City, and the Du family disappeared, Hua Tianchen died in Tianwang City, Mo Yao was the only one left in the Mo family, and the former head of the family, Mo Wentian, appeared in the surrounding cities...

all these kinds,

It made Feng Hao look at the five princes with admiration.

With such a careful investigation in three days, it was obvious that the intelligence organization in Daxia had already figured out the details of Yaoshuai and those legion commanders.

It's didn't startle the snake.

Until now, when they need the information of these people, they only need to confirm the current movements of these demon emperors, and then everything will come naturally.

Feng Hao memorized all the contents of the five-point dossier in his mind, and was most satisfied with the third dossier.

Because, this dossier contains many details, and these details save Feng Hao a lot of trouble.

For example, the Yaoshuai Chen Tiange is currently in Wugang City in the southeast, absorbing two evil spirits from the sky, and his current cultivation is estimated to be in the Supreme Realm.

Moreover, in addition to the ten surviving legion commanders under his command, he also recognized a new godson.

A strong man at the level of a great emperor is currently the lord of Wugang City, Guo Xu.

At the same time, the appearance of Yao Shuai was copied by an artist.

Although Feng Hao doesn't need this point, but the prince's carefulness makes Feng Hao feel very good.

Feng Hao walked up to the prince, slightly surprised.

This prince's cultivation seems to be the weakest of the other four, and he looks quite weak.

As for the other four princes, there was a heroic spirit between their brows.

And when Feng Hao walked up to that prince, the other four princes couldn't help being stunned.

Because, they never thought that the Seventh Prince would be favored by Emperor Feng.

But the scene before them made them startled, and they were also curious about what the Seventh Prince's dossier was.

It's a pity that Emperor Feng destroyed all the files when he finished reading them.

Afterwards, Feng Hao turned his head to look at Daxia Renhuang, and said, "Human Emperor thinks, what is the most important thing as the king of a country?"

Daxia Renhuang said seriously: "Look at the overall situation!"

Feng Hao then looked at the five princes and asked one by one: "What do you princes think?"



"Absolute cultivation!"


"Government ability!"

The five princes have their own answers, and this can also tell what their personalities are like.

Among these answers, Feng Hao also expected the prince of the No. 3 file, and gave an answer he wanted to hear.


The benevolent is invincible!

Because in Feng Hao's feelings, he hopes that the future monarch of Daxia will have a benevolent heart that loves the people like a son.

However, Feng Hao also knows very well that in this world, benevolence is the last thing an emperor should have.

Perhaps the other four princes are the most suitable candidates, but Feng Hao still has to uphold the original intention of justice and said: "The answer given by this prince, the emperor is most satisfied..."


The faces of the other four princes were all green at the time. What can benevolence do in this world?

Which sect, which city, isn't the strongest sitting in the highest position?

Strength is the right to speak.

Just like their father, and they, the reason why they respect and humble Emperor Feng is not because Emperor Feng's cultivation made them afraid.

Feng Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "It has nothing to do with the emperor's question, it's just the file that the prince handed over, which is the most perfect... As for the Crown Prince of Daxia, this emperor will never interfere, no matter who it is, this emperor will abide by it." Promise, act as a witness..."

Only then did the other four princes breathe a sigh of relief, but the seventh prince was very calm.

However, almost at the moment when Feng Hao's voice fell, Daxia Renhuang's eyes flickered, and he had already made a decision, and said seriously: "The seventh prince is a gift from heaven, and he is the Daxia Crown Prince!"


"Father... son..."

The eyeballs of the other four princes almost popped out, and the seventh prince, who was the most hopeless, would be appointed as the crown prince by his father.

The key... Now that Emperor Feng is a witness, they have no possibility of changing this result.

But at the next moment, the Great Xia Renhuang continued: "Although the crown prince is the heir apparent, if the ability is insufficient, I will reconsider..."

After saying these words, the unwillingness and dissatisfaction of the other four princes disappeared.

And Feng Hao also saw the emperor's balance, and with a slight smile, Feng Hao disappeared into the palace.

But his voice echoed in the palace: "This Emperor owes you Daxia a favor, thank you!"

"Congratulations to Fengdi!"

Daxia Renhuang trembled slightly, he didn't expect Fengdi to give Daxia a favor in the end, he was quite moved.

Comparable to a favor from the Emperor of Heaven, its value is incomparably precious.

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