Martial Inverse

Chapter 456: Lord of the Dragon Soul

? "Can we say no?"

Some high-level politicians in small countries looked at Feng Hao with stiff smiles. They really dare not make a decision on such a thankless matter.

Otherwise, it would be a pity to the people of the country.

Feng Hao looked at those high-level officials of small countries who didn't want to form an alliance, and said in a serious voice: "It's no longer a matter of willingness or unwillingness. Can this blue planet continue to exist, and can you continue to be the masters of this planet? It depends on your decision today..."


Feng Hao's words left all the high-level politicians present speechless, and their expressions were full of struggles.

The earth is the common home of mankind. As a member of it, everyone should also contribute their own strength.

Because the earth is gone, everything will be gone, and human civilization may completely disappear in the long river of history.

"On behalf of our country... I agree to form the Dragon Soul Alliance, is it similar to the 'Avengers Alliance' in the film and television drama?"

A senior executive of a small country agreed with the decision-maker of his own country and got a reply.

Feng Hao looked at the high-level representative of that small country, and knew that it turned out to be a country that had always been on good terms with China.

Regarding a metaphor proposed by the latter, Feng Hao nodded and said: "It's almost like that..."

"We also agree..."


Someone set a precedent, and high-level representatives of other countries, after obtaining consent, also expressed their support for the establishment of the "Dragon Soul" alliance.

It was agreed that Huaxia would be the Dragon Lord of the first Dragon Soul Alliance. At the same time, twelve member countries of the alliance were born at the meeting.

"Then...since Huaxia is the first dragon master, then...who will be responsible for the Dragon Soul Alliance?"

The high-level representative of country E asked, his question was also a concern of all the representatives present.

Huaxia is a country, but the Dragon the person in charge of the alliance, and after the establishment of the alliance, it must also prepare for the absorption of practitioners and high-tech R\u0026D personnel.

Including some training and training,

Formulation and implementation of various tasks.

Obviously, this is never an easy thing to do.

Fortunately... this is a thing that gathers the power of all countries in the world, and all problems will be perfectly resolved.

So... when the Dragon Soul Alliance is operating normally, the Lord of China's Dragon Soul must convince all countries in the world.

Feng Hao originally intended for the revived Emperor Qin to take the role. As the Emperor Qin who unified the six kingdoms in history, he should be able to take on the role of Dragon Lord.

Moreover, Emperor Qin is also a figure that everyone in the world who knows the Huaxia Kingdom knows.

This aspect is also reflected in foreign film and television dramas.

But before Feng Hao could speak up to make a suggestion, the old chief of Huaxia said with an extremely cautious expression: "I think... this Dragon Lord, Comrade Feng Hao will do his part."

"Whether it is in terms of influence, strength, or all aspects, he is the most suitable candidate. Dragon, as my China's totem, we Chinese people also call ourselves the descendants of the dragon. Here... we are very much in favor of and support, Feng Comrade Hao, become the first dragon master of the 'Dragon Soul' alliance, commanding the heroes of the world..."

Feng Hao originally wanted to refuse, but after the translator expressed the opinion of the old chief, what he did not expect was that representatives of political leaders from all over the world immediately applauded and strongly agreed with the old chief's proposal.

For a while, Feng Hao didn't know how to refuse.

As long as the Dragon Soul Alliance is born, basically, the earth will have a code name in the universe from now on.

Will be called Dragon Soul Star, or... Dragon Soul Clan.

The reason why they are not dragons is because they are humans with dragon souls...

Just like Prometheus' Shura Protoss, it is also because the Shura lineage is the most powerful race on the planet.

It is also called the Shura clan in the universe.

And as long as he agrees, then he is destined to become the master of the dragon soul clan in the universe.

Although the Lord of the Dragon Soul Clan is much inferior to his status as the Lord of the Great Thousand...but if the earth becomes the final victor this time, then...he is not inferior to the Lord of the Great Thousand.

Feng Hao was in Lin Zhou, and he also learned that the Great Thousand World and the Heavenly World where Monkey King and Bull Demon King live are just small worlds.

And the cosmic world is the big world, even big enough to accommodate the great thousand worlds and the heavens and myriad worlds.

The universe is the collective name of all things, the unity of time and space, that is to say... this is the ultimate world.

After a brief silence, Feng Hao thought a lot, then looked at Prometheus' expectant eyes, finally nodded and said: "Okay, I promise..."

Snapped! Snapped!

The old chief smiled and clapped his hands for the first time to congratulate, and high-level representatives from other countries also expressed their congratulations.

At the same time, with the efforts of think tank members brought by various countries to draft the documents for the establishment of the Dragon Soul Alliance, it took half a day to finalize a draft of nearly one hundred pages.

Eventually a consensus was reached.

So... the news about the establishment of the alliance "Dragon Soul" by various countries in the world was also transmitted to the whole world immediately.

All the people also know that from now on the earth will have an alliance formed by gathering the power of the whole world: Dragon Soul!

An alliance fighting against the invasion of alien races and fighting for the homeland of human beings.

From the moment the agreement took effect, countries around the world also began to flow assets into Huaxia Bank. Huaxia, known as the infrastructure madman, was the chief engineer designer. Build an alliance base.

When people all over the world are discussing "Dragon Soul", Feng Hao, as the dragon master, put forward relevant opinions, and then drove the McLaren with Prometheus to leave Beijing and returned to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo .

After seeing Feng Hao's return, everyone in the dojo looked at him with strong admiration.

This is the power of one person to move the whole world.

And everyone in the dojo is also very clear that as practitioners, they must also be members of the Dragon Soul Alliance, even because Feng Hao is the dragon master, including their dojo's ranking in the world...

They will definitely be the masters of the Dragon Soul Alliance, the kings of the Dragon Soul.

"Now everything is just the beginning... There are still many things to do, you don't know who the enemy we are going to face... But I can tell you now, he is... an existence that temporarily surpasses me... "

Feng Hao said in an extremely solemn tone.

He was unwilling to reveal the existence of the Demon Emperor, because he was worried that everyone would lose confidence and fighting spirit.

But the establishment of the Dragon Soul is imminent, the spiritual energy of the earth is recovering, and there are many worlds in the land of mist, they... still have a chance to fight.

And Feng Hao also firmly believes that the time of his great success is the time of his battle with the Demon Emperor...

So before this time, everyone, including him, will move forward with heavy burdens.

The people in the Shura Dojo fell silent, their expressions were extremely shocked, and they suddenly thought of a sentence: There is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the weight for you to move forward...

And's finally their turn to carry forward with heavy burdens for the ordinary people all over the world...

PS: Can you leave a message to communicate with Xiami...I miss you so much...Brothers!

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