Martial Inverse

Chapter 462: Catastrophe

? "It sounds very powerful..."

Feng Hao nodded, affirming Jiang Taishen's cultivation base and aptitude.

But what does it matter to him?

Seeing Feng Hao's calm expression, Jiang Taishen didn't seem to be moved, so he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

He is a leader among the ancient god kings, the saint of the human race, the Great Emperor, who chose to sleep forever in this sacred land with other ancient powerhouses to deal with the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Therefore, no matter how the mountains, rivers, sun, and moon operate, they always retain their strongest strength, and even absorb the essence of heaven and earth, feel the rotation of the sun and the moon, and participate in good fortune.

However, with such a powerful existence like him, the young man in front of him didn't seem to take him seriously at all.

Jiang Taishen's expression also gradually became gloomy and cold. As soon as he thought about it, the sky and the earth suddenly burst into wind and thunder, and dark clouds gathered. A huge palm protruded from the clouds and directly suppressed Feng Hao.

Feng Hao rose into the air, stretched out his hand in mid-air, and slapped him violently.


In an instant, after a buzzing sound, all the condensed hands collapsed.

Because the big hand was connected with Jiang Taishen mind and heart, the moment the big hand was broken, Jiang Taishen protruded a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

The phlegm was caused by Feng Hao's fright, and then for some reason, he was seriously injured and vomited blood, which turned into bloody phlegm.

Jiang Taishen's heart is broken at this moment, and he feels that this is a bit unreal. After the catastrophe of the world, the earth's aura is supposed to be dry, and it is impossible to give birth to any powerful practitioners.

But what happened to Fenghao?

How is it stronger than him?

Jiang Taishen suddenly remembered what Feng Hao said just now, saying 'either surrender or die'.

Do I still need to think about this multiple choice question?

So Jiang Taishen had a short confrontation with Feng Hao, and after finding out Feng Hao's cultivation base, he immediately said: "I surrender..."

For Jiang Taishen,

If you were not afraid of death, why would you choose to sleep forever?

But now that he has regained consciousness, he must live a good life. If he dies with iron bones, then why did he sleep forever?

Isn't it just that I am worried that my cultivation will go to waste and I will die completely...

After Feng Hao heard Jiang Taishen's words, he was a little stunned. He thought that Jiang Taishen, who claimed to be the ancient god king, would choose to fight him to the end.

Unexpectedly, just after the fight, Jiang Taishen's attitude changed 360 degrees, and he immediately gave up.

In this regard, Feng Hao can't find a reason to do it, so he can't abolish Jiang Taishen's cultivation!

"I don't know how to call this god king?"

Jiang Taishen saw that the murderous intent on Feng Hao's body was gone, so he smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Actually, I just tested the cultivation of the God King, but I didn't expect the God King to be so terrifying. Surrender to the left and right..."

Feng Hao actually knew the thoughts of these ancient creatures to some extent. He just woke up from a long sleep. No one wants to be the person who just opened his eyes and then quickly closed them to die.

So...the choice Feng Hao gave them was actually not difficult at all.

If you don't want to surrender to death, that's fine.

What an easy question!

Feng Hao glanced at Jiang Taishen with a smile, but did not speak. The corner of Jiang Taishen's mouth twitched, and then his nails drew a mark between his eyebrows. A drop of blood floated in the air and flew towards Feng Hao.

This is the blood essence connected with Jiang Taishen's life, Feng Hao can use this drop of blood essence to have the power of life and death over Jiang Taishen.

Only then did Feng Hao nodded in satisfaction. With this drop of blood essence, it is expected that Jiang Taishen would have some scruples in his heart, so that he would not be out of his control.

Because it is not difficult for Feng Hao to kill Jiang Taishen, but the most important thing about this drop of blood is that Jiang Taishen has scruples in his heart.

"This emperor, Fenghao, comes from the Great Thousand World... You will know everything else you want to know soon..."

Feng Hao looked at Jiang Taishen and said, "Do you know when those ancient beings of your time will fully wake up, or... where are they going to sleep forever?"

"This is not very clear..."

Jiang Tai was only halfway through the myth, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He also had many powerful enemies in ancient times.

And he also knows the resting places of several powerful enemies, which are all relatively outstanding spiritual places, and now these powerful enemies seem to be sleeping forever...

Thinking of this, Jiang Taishen pretended to be thinking and remembering, and said sternly: "However, there are a few ancient god kings' resting places, and I have a little impression..."

Feng Hao saw the subtle fluctuations in Jiang Taishen's mood, but he didn't break it, and said softly: "This land has been favored by the emperor, and in the future we will build a holy land to resist a catastrophe, so...they have to move Move your position!"


Jiang Taishen was stunned for a moment, they had just experienced a catastrophe, and they were going to experience it again?

Feng Hao nodded and said: "A creature from outside the territory, and an existence that can cover the sky with one hand, an unprecedented catastrophe..."


Hearing Feng Hao's words, Jiang Taishen's eyes almost popped out. The catastrophe they experienced in ancient times was also the catastrophe from the protoss outside the territory.

It seems to be to absorb the essence of this ancient star. At that time, among the ancient powerhouses, no one was invincible. Countless human saints and the great emperor's body charms stained the sky with blood.

In the end, more than 700 of them chose to feign death and rest here forever.

As for what happened later, Jiang Taishen didn't know, but it seemed... It seemed that these protoss hadn't succeeded at the beginning, and they made a comeback again.

What is there on this ancient planet that attracts these powerful extraterrestrial protoss?

Jiang Taishen looked at Feng Hao, and asked: "Can the holy land created can resist the alien gods?"

"you know?"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, he didn't seem to mention the protoss outside the territory, only the creatures outside the territory.

But Jiang Taishen's words showed that he knew the existence of the extraterrestrial protoss.

"Our god king chose to sleep forever because we are unable to fight against the gods outside the territory..."

Jiang Taishen said seriously: "Fengdi, I will take you to other spiritual places, but I am not sure how they choose."

"it is good!"

Feng Hao nodded, and probably knew why these ancient creatures chose to sleep forever.

Unable to resist, he chose to retreat to deal with the catastrophe!

But all the suffering in the world will never come because of shrinking back, but will become more and more serious.

Only by going against the current and never giving up can we overcome difficulties and step out of a new world.

Back when the ancient creatures chose to sleep forever, those ordinary monks were bound to be extinct.

Otherwise... Why is there no record of them in the history of Chinese civilization.

Even if there is, it is just a fictional legend, what is the truth... no one knows.

Then, Jiang Taishen, who was no different from a beggar, swept into the depths of the earth, followed by Feng Hao.

Soon after, Feng Hao and Jiang Taishen appeared in a spiritual land exuding colorful rays of light.

Jiang Taishen's pupils shrank suddenly, and said in a low voice: "I'm afraid it's a little tricky..."

PS: Boys, you are still too young, Jiang Taishen is really not Jiang Ziya, so many brothers said that Jiang Ziya came out, Xiami was scared to pee at that time... But in the big world chapter, some familiar characters will definitely airborne ...

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