Martial Inverse

Chapter 471 Heavenly Emperor Reincarnation?

? Ascension?

Even Feng Hao had a hint of astonishment between his brows, he had never seen anyone ascending before on Earth.

In addition, why did Yang Jian and the others, who were also as powerful as Cheng Cheng, not ascend, but Cheng Cheng appeared to ascend so suddenly.

At the same time, the changes here in the Huashan Dojo can be clearly seen by outsiders who are hundreds of miles away.

Someone recorded this scene and spread it to Moments.

An outdoor anchor also broadcast live to this scene.

In an instant, the entire Internet exploded again.

Then, the national level also noticed this vision of Huashan, and the whole world began to pay attention.

This vision is not an invasion of extraterrestrial creatures, but more like a kind of auspiciousness.

That multicolored beam of light, like a rainbow bridge, hangs down from the nine heavens, and it is as if it is attracting some important person.

Very holy.

"This is ascension, but in the history of the cultivation world, there has never been such a scene of ascension..."

"In the legend, the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen of Heaven are reincarnated and ascended. This situation may occur. This is the manifestation of the Great Dao..."

Many bigwigs in the cultivation world were also deeply shocked by this scene.

Thinking of the legend, I couldn't help shivering.

At the same time, they were also curious as to which fellow Daoist in the Mahayana period had such a vision when he ascended.


In Huashan Dojo, Feng Hao looked at Cheng Cheng, who was enveloped by colorful beams of light, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Feng Hao, you said that you are willing to accept Huashan Dojo..."

Cheng Cheng's body began to slowly rise into the air, and this was still under her forceful suppression.

Otherwise, the speed will be very fast.

Feng Hao looked at Cheng Cheng with a smile,

She nodded and said, "Well, I promise you, I will do it... But, do you really want to leave?"

Feng Hao never expected Cheng Cheng to become so powerful.

If she stays, the Dragon Soul will also gain a lot of power.

In addition, Feng Hao didn't quite know where Cheng Cheng Feisheng went.

Although he is powerful, he has never been to the heavenly realm, so he is not sure that Cheng Cheng Feisheng went to the heavenly realm.

"Unavoidable... the laws of the earth are beginning to repel, and the upper realm is attracting, I have to leave!"

Cheng Cheng shook his head.

She could have stayed for a while longer, because she still had obsessions.

One is to hope to see Feng Hao.

The second is to hope that someone can take over the dojo.

Only in this way can she let go of her burden and obsession, and fly away.

Now, her wish has been fulfilled, her obsession is relieved, her merits and virtues are complete, she must leave.

Feng Hao tried to understand the process of ascension, to see if he could prevent Cheng Cheng from leaving.

Because, he found that he began to feel a little bit reluctant.

This is a girl who is so simple that she can give her life for him.

However, Feng Hao discovered that this guiding light is not affected by the power of the world.

It's like... This is also a kind of power of the world, no, it's not like, he is the power of heaven in the universe.

This is a power that cannot be controlled, and it is also... the power that the demon emperor and the powerful from all walks of life want to seize.

Now, Cheng Cheng's merits and virtues have successfully ascended, and the laws of heaven have allowed her to ascend to another world.

This is irreversible.

Unless, he can control the power of heaven and become the master of heaven.

"My greatest joy and happiness is meeting you... Fenghao!"

The pulling force of the guiding light is getting stronger and stronger, Cheng Cheng is no longer able to stop it, and the speed of the body's ascent is getting more and more pleasant...

this moment.

The whole world is watching.

People saw a colorful beam of light falling from the sky, and then, a woman wearing a veil flew up to the sky like Chang'e flying to the moon.

Many people feel their scalps go numb, and they are extremely envious.

I also want to become that person and ascend to heaven.

This way they can also be noticed by the whole world.

This feeling must be great!

When Cheng Cheng flew into the air, the heaven and the earth seemed to resound with celestial music, and all kinds of beautiful lights sprinkled the earth.

The earth seems to have become a holy land.


When Cheng Cheng disappeared from Feng Hao's sight, the guiding light also disappeared.

This scene witnessed by people all over the world has become an after-dinner conversation topic and an unforgettable memory.

Yuanshi Tianzun also saw this scene in the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo, his expression was extremely shocked, but also... he was a little panicked.

It is true that Cheng Cheng ascended to the heaven, that is, the heaven.

But the vision of Cheng Cheng's ascension explained Cheng Cheng's extraordinary origin...

In Yuanshi Tianzun's view, this is not an ordinary cultivator's ascension.

Rather... the return of the Heavenly Emperor!

Yuanshi Tianzun is very clear, I don't know how many years ago, when the heavenly court went to the heavenly realm.

That place itself has a god of heaven.

That is the most primitive master of the heavens, she has nothing to do with the world, and she also welcomes all the immortals in the heavens.

But because of her existence, Cang Tian, ​​the lord of the heaven at that time, felt that he was overwhelmed.

So they joined hands with Huang Tian, ​​Qing Tian, ​​and the three masters of heaven to suppress the emperor of the heavens and put them into reincarnation.

At that time, after the three heavenly emperors had completely gained a foothold in the heavenly realm, they jointly deduced that as a heavenly emperor, she would go through 36,000 kalpas, that is, she would die 36,000 times.

Every time it hurts the origin, it is impossible to return to the heaven in a lifetime.

Unless, when someone dies in the body of reincarnation, they can come back to life and stimulate the original power.

That is the original power of the Emperor of Heaven.

Then... his catastrophe means the end, and the power of heaven will welcome her back to the heaven.

Yuanshi Tianzun is the oldest immortal, he knows this secret.

Of course, the reason for his panic is not that there will be chaos in the heavens, but...

The current lord of the Heavenly Court may not be willing to see this scene, and will kill the Heavenly Emperor who has just ascended and returned.

The key is... this Heavenly Emperor is an ancient monk named Cheng Cheng in this life.

This is what the Bull Demon King told him.

When the Bull Demon King came from the heavens and worlds, he descended from the Huashan Ancient Clan.

He said that Feng Hao has a close relationship with Cheng Cheng, and that Cheng Cheng's ascension may have something to do with Feng Hao.

Who is Feng Hao?

This is a person who can ignore the Emperor of Heaven.

Yuanshi Tianzun can't imagine at this moment, if Feng Hao finds out... Cheng Chengfei's ascension to the heavens, he may be suppressed, his body will be destroyed, and the heavens will be in danger...

Beside Yuanshi Tianzun, the Bull Demon King saw Yuanshi Tianzun trembling, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "Why are you shaking?"

Yuanshi Tianzun whispered: "When will Emperor Feng come back?"

"It will be at least a few days after he finishes visiting the Daochang..."

The Bull Demon King was even more puzzled. It seemed that after Yuanshi Tianzun knew the relationship between Cheng Cheng and Feng Hao, the whole person changed, so he wondered: "Why do you ask this?"

Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth and said: "Old man, go to the ancient Huashan tribe, you and Monkey King sit in the dojo... It's urgent!"


As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun finished saying this, his figure rushed out...

Leaving the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo.

PS: There should be women's clothing photos tomorrow, but it's okay if you don't have a face?

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