Martial Inverse

Chapter 474: Heaven

? Li Shan's old mother was indeed frightened.

She is very confident in her cultivation, she is the most peak existence in the whole earth.

Only Yuanshi Tianzun can compete with her.

You know, as the Xianzong, she is called the old mother of Lishan, but she is also Wuji Tianzun, the mother of the Big Dipper stars.

However, even as strong as her, she was no match for Feng Hao.

The other immortal sects were also stunned, they didn't dare to move forward at all, and expressed their willingness to lead the way together.

They were smiling without any disrespect.

Feng Hao's strength is too strong, even if they are Xianzong, they will die.

Their so-called longevity is equal to heaven, that is, they will not die of old age naturally, but they will be beaten to death.

Bai Ling secretly looked at Feng Hao's side face, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

I haven't seen him for so many months, Feng Hao not only became stronger, but also the aura of his body made people fall into it and couldn't extricate themselves.

Li Shan's old mother took Feng Hao to the Samsara Lake, and Bai Ling followed Feng Hao.

In fact, she has a lot of things to say to Lin Yu in her heart, but she doesn't know where to start.

All the way silent.

If Feng Hao hadn't been worried about Cheng Cheng's safety, he might have thought about talking to Bai Ling.

But Yuanshi Tianzun was very anxious to see him, and it was obvious that Cheng Cheng's matter was no small matter.

He must go to heaven as soon as possible.

What is the heaven like?

Feng Hao has never been there, nor has he seen it, but he should be similar to the ones in movies and TV dramas!

Because Yuanshi Tianzun is the immortal sect of the heavens, he also provided a lot of opinions on the construction of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo.

It is almost copied, and it really looks like a blessed land of immortals.

"Are you the reincarnation of the ancestor?"

Li Shan's old mother couldn't hold back her inner curiosity.

Can't help but ask.

"how you said that?"

Feng Hao frowned.

Zutiandi is Cangtiandi, Qingtiandi, and Huangtiandi.

"Except for Zu Tiandi, no one has the strength, you are so powerful..."

Li Shan's mother said truthfully.

Even today's heavenly emperors are definitely not Feng Hao's opponents, she is sure.


Feng Hao smiled, turned his head to look at Bai Ling, and said, "Let your master read the news and go online..."

Bai Ling was stunned for a moment, his face flushed slightly, then he nodded heavily and said, "Okay..."

The Samsara Lake is not far away, and Li Shan's mother, Feng Hao and others arrived soon.

Samsara Lake is the name of the celestial beings, but no one knew what the specific lake was.

Samsara Lake is blessed by formations, ordinary people cannot enter this place, to be precise, as long as it is a living being, there is no way to enter.

Unless it is a strong man who can break the formation.

"Samsara Lake has arrived..."

Li Shan's old mother pointed to the calm lake and said.

As soon as Feng Hao swept his body, he was floating above the lake. He already knew where the formation was and how to open it.

This is equivalent to a coordinate. After starting, the coordinates will be displayed, and then the heavens will have a method of receiving and guiding, point to point, to realize the shuttle.

Just like Thor in the Western film and television drama Avengers.

Seeing the activation of the formation, Bai Ling felt uneasy, and finally summoned up his courage and said, "Feng Hao, what are you doing in the heaven?"

Feng Hao thought for a while and said: "Kill the ancestor and the emperor..."


Bai Ling covered his mouth in shock, his eyes horrified.


Li Shan's old mother and the other immortal sects were also quite frightened.

Ancestral God.

That is the lord of the heavens, and the founder of the heavens. Feng Hao said he was going to kill the ancestor and the emperor.

Are you crazy?


However, Li Shan's old mother had to admit that Feng Hao's cultivation was indeed able to compete with Zu Tiandi.


Following the activation of the Samsara Lake formation, a beam of light suddenly fell from the Nine Heavens.

It's almost the same as the scene of Cheng Cheng's ascension.

But in terms of grandeur, Cheng Cheng's is still more grand.

Feng Hao was bathed in the white beam of light, like a soaring monk, he slowly lifted into the sky...

And this scene was seen by many people again.

Two monks soared up one after another, and it was as if a major earthquake had occurred to the entire cultivator.

The waves of practice follow one another.

Feng Hao rode the wind away and ascended to the heavens. Others did not know that it was Feng Hao who ascended.

But Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King and others can tell it at a glance.

That unique aura of Feng Hao is definitely not fake.

"Feng Hao ascended?"

"Cool cool? What about the Dragon Soul Alliance?"

"Is this going against the sky?"

"Xiao Qiuqiu, once we're not here, Feng Hao will make trouble... What if he can't come back?"

Xiao Hei, Xiao Qiuqiu, Monkey King and others in the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo stared at each other.

"Master is back!"

Zhang Zizai, a Taoist who worshiped under Yuanshi Tianzun's sect, suddenly yelled at this moment, and everyone greeted him in an instant.

When Yuanshi Tianzun returned to the dojo, he saw Monkey King, Bull Demon King and others with worried faces, and there was no wave in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

What kind of existence is Feng Hao?

Are you still worried like this?

He Yuanshi Tianzun, the most advanced existence in the heaven, is not Feng Hao's opponent.

Someone in heaven could hurt him?

Just kidding!

"Everyone wash up and sleep...Fengdi will return safely..."

After Yuanshi Tianzun said this, he took his disciple Zhang Zizai and flew back to the blessed land of the floating island cave.

"Is this old guy holding back his laughter?"

"A little..."

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu are no longer worried about Fenghao, but they always feel that Yuanshi Tianzun is too arrogant.

He even mocked them and begged for a fight!

So the two little guys rushed to Yuanshi Tianzun's cave, and then the floating island trembled in the void.

The roar of dragons and beasts and howls of misery can be heard endlessly...


After Cheng Cheng ascended, the place where he appeared was a beautiful place, like a courtyard.

However, this is a sky garden.

The slender fingers touched the components of the courtyard, and suddenly there was a feeling of deja vu.

It's like, I've been to this place many times.

"After the ascension, no one greeted me? What should I do?"

Cheng Cheng was a little confused.

She doesn't want to ascend, but there is no way, the realm has reached, and she can't control it, so she can only let go of everything in the world and ascend to the heaven.

But now in heaven, no one told her what to do.

Cheng Cheng was walking, and suddenly, a blurry picture appeared in his mind.

Just like an old silent film, it began to be pieced together and presented silently in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.


"The first emperor of the heavens... Cangtian Emperor, Huangtian Emperor, Qingtian Emperor... joined forces to suppress it, and it has gone through 36,000 kalpas..."

Cheng Cheng murmured in a low voice.

She didn't know if the pictures that appeared in her mind were her own, but they seemed familiar...

"How could I be the Empress of Heaven..."

Cheng Cheng laughed at himself, then walked out of the courtyard, she thought it was incredible.

And such a thing had no reason to happen to her.

"Bold little fairy, dare to trespass into the palace of Emperor Cangtian, what should you do?"

At this moment, behind Cheng Cheng, there was a sudden scolding sound, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped...

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