Martial Inverse

Chapter 481: Celestial Realm

? Celestial Immortal Realm.

As peaceful as ever, there is no heaven here, only a peaceful fairyland.

There are rare animals in the mountains, gardens of flowers and plants, jagged rocks, waterfalls hanging for nine days, and rainbows.

This is a pure land of bliss.

Then, a beam of falling light fell from the nine heavens and directly hit a suspended fairy island, breaking the tranquility of the heaven and fairyland.

When the beam of light disappeared and the energy of heaven and earth dissipated, a figure appeared on the fairy island.

It was Feng Hao with long hair.

"Is this the Celestial Realm?"

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice, and after a little perception, he found that the laws of heaven and earth here are slightly different from those in the Qingtian Immortal Territory.

In other words, even if Emperor Qing came to the Celestial Realm of Cangtian, even if his cultivation level was the same as that of Emperor Cang, he would be suppressed in an instant.

But Feng Hao has no such worries.

Because the power of heaven in the entire heaven has shown affinity, so that he can calmly face these ancestors.

Sweeping through his divine sense, Feng Hao sensed seven or eight immortals of the golden immortal level on the fairy island not far away.

Feng Haodang even flew over.

"Princess Jinfeng's birthday is coming soon. These fairy fruits that bloom once every ten thousand years must be delivered to the princess's table. There must be no omissions, otherwise, the Burning Immortal Furnace will not recognize you..."

On the fairy island, dozens of fairy trees exuding precious light and sunlight swayed their branches.

Under the tree, a white-haired old fairy is directing seven young immortals to pick fruits from the fairy tree.

There are only seven or eight fruits on dozens of fairy trees.

On average, seven or eight fairy trees bear one fruit, which is very precious.

But picking fairy fruits is obviously a technical job, and it is not easy. Each of the seven golden fairies is responsible for a fruit, and they will use their fairy energy to wrap those fairy fruits. Any extra effort will destroy the fairy fruits.

less effort,

Otherwise, it may not be possible to pick the fairy fruit within the specified time.

The degree of difficulty can be imagined.

Although Feng Hao didn't know what kind of fairy tree it was, but after looking at it for a while, he probably knew what kind of difficult things these golden fairies were doing. It was conceivable that these fairy trees must be precious.

"Your talents are too weak. If you can't pick the fairy fruit within two days and offer it on Princess Jinfeng's birthday, you... just wait and dance to the fairy furnace!"

The old fairy scolded angrily.

There is only half a day left.

If you can't pick it off for another half a day, the fairy fruit will disappear, because after the fairy fruit is wrapped in the fairy energy, if you don't pick it off for two days, the energy of the fairy fruit will be sucked back by the fairy tree.

Therefore, things like picking fairy fruits fell on Jinxian's head.

"Uncle, we are already doing our best..."

You Jinxian couldn't bear the old fairy's scolding, and couldn't answer back openly, so he had to explain.

"Do your best? With this level of comprehension, you still want to serve Emperor Cang? It's embarrassing to my uncle, so I picked it up carefully. It took half a see your luck!"

The old fairy sneered, and then took out a chair, teapot and cup from the treasure bag, and tasted the tea, just like changing into a fairy.

clatter! clatter!

Feng Hao boarded this fairy island, and the footsteps sounded faintly.


The old fairy frowned, turned around, and saw the long-haired and handsome Feng Hao walking towards him.

The corners of Feng Hao's mouth curled up with a slight smile, which made it difficult for people to feel hostility.

Moreover, his temperament is very outstanding, just like the emperor of heaven.

The old immortal had never seen Feng Hao, but he had never seen Emperor Qing Tian and Huang Tian Emperor either, and subconsciously felt that Feng Hao might be the like of the Emperor of Heaven...

Because of this kind of temperament, if you haven't reached that position, you can't raise it.

Impersonation is even more impossible.

Everyone is a fairy, and you can tell the truth from the fake at a glance.

"I don't know who is a god?"

The attitude of the old immortal was humble, which was completely different from the attitude of the golden immortals who scolded them for picking the fruit.

Feng Hao didn't come to the heavens to start a killing spree, and likewise... he didn't come to save the immortals.

Therefore, I didn't ask these golden fairies picking fruit if they needed help.

Instead, he looked directly at the old fairy and said: "This emperor came from the Qingtian Immortal Realm, and I want to know... where is the Desolate Immortal Pavilion..."


The old fairy was stunned at that moment, took a breath, and bowed respectfully: "It turns out to be Emperor Qing, you should have come to participate in Princess Jinfeng's birthday feast...Desolate Immortal Pavilion is not far from this holy island, But... the Cangtian Emperor is currently in retreat... If Emperor Qing wants to see the Heavenly Emperor, why not wait until Princess Jinfeng's birthday the day after tomorrow before going there?"

"Princess Jinfeng's birthday?"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, he didn't come to Cangtian Immortal Realm to participate in any birthday feast.

So he opened his mouth and asked, "Just tell me where the Desolate Immortal Pavilion is, or... Which immortal sect is in charge of the information about the Ascended in the past few days?"

"The Ascender?"

The old immortal was stunned at the time, and said in amazement: "There are no ascenders in the Celestial Realm. Aren't all the ascenders reported in Qingdi's heaven?"

The old fairy is not stupid.

There was already a hint of coldness in the depths of his eyes.

He knew... Feng Hao was no longer the Qing Emperor.

Not even... not a person from the heavens.

All the people in the heavens, who don't know that there is only one place for the ascended to go, and that is the Qingtian Immortal Realm of the Qingtian Emperor.

And the person in charge of the Heavenly Court is Emperor Haotian, the true disciple of Emperor Qingtian.

Feng Hao doesn't know anything, how could he be a person in the heaven? The old fairy was very enlightened.

Princess Jinfeng's birthday is approaching, and all kinds of ghosts and ghosts are coming.

However, the old immortal had to admit that Feng Hao's temperament was simply too outstanding.

Enough to be false.

"You... are not from the heavens!"

There was a cold light in the eyes of the old immortal, while staring at Feng Hao, the immortal power in his body had already begun to surge.

Feng Hao shrugged: "Is there any problem?"

"Bold and monstrous, Princess Jinfeng's birthday is just around the corner. Just because you, a little monster, dare to attack Princess Jinfeng, this Immortal Sect will take your head off..."

Seeing Feng Hao's voluntary admission, the old fairy immediately made a decisive move, and directly patted Feng Hao with his big hand like a futon.

At this moment, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder brewing in the old cactus.


Feng Hao said in a deep voice, he didn't even have the desire to make a move, he simply took a step forward.


In an instant, cracks appeared on the fairy island, and the old immortal's body seemed to have been hit by something. In an instant, he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.


The body hit the ground heavily.


The old fairy opened his mouth and protruded a big mouthful of golden blood, his eyes dimmed, as if a lot of vitality had been stripped away.

"It's terrible, it's terrible..."

The old fairy was so frightened that he trembled and peed, such power... I'm afraid it can be compared to the Emperor of Heaven, right?

"You... who are you? Why did you come to the Celestial Realm? Are you looking for an Ascendant? Go to the Celestial Realm, there is no Ascendant you are looking for here..."

The old fairy has been frightened and has some mental problems.

He originally thought that he could directly suppress Feng Hao.

Who knew... iron plates were mentioned!

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