Martial Inverse

Chapter 487: Suppressing the Two Emperors (Part 1)

? "Who is coming?"

The heavenly generals guarding the courtyard of the lotus pond aimed their magical weapons at Feng Hao, Cheng Cheng and the owner of the Xiange Pavilion.

The Heavenly Generals of the Huangxian Pavilion are far superior to the Golden Immortals and Heavenly Kings, second only to Heavenly Kings.

Therefore, facing a group of heavenly generals, the Pavilion Master of the Immortal Pavilion felt that his legs were extremely soft at that time. If possible, he wanted to retreat for a while...

Feng Hao took a step forward, protecting Cheng Cheng and the Pavilion Master of the Xiange Pavilion behind him.

This subtle movement of his made the general guarding the courtyard feel tremendous pressure, and at the same time all his energy was concentrated to the extreme, and the magic weapon pointed directly at Feng Hao.

"Where is the sky?"

Feng Hao doesn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but the premise is that these people can cooperate.


The leader of the general in golden battle armor shouted immediately, pointed the long sword in Lin Yu's eyebrows, and scolded: "I will ask you for the last time, who are you... Do you know where this is? The offender Kill without mercy!"

"You are not worthy to know the name of this emperor!"

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Hao appeared directly in front of the leader of the heavenly general.

The big hand was directly on his chest.


Before the celestial general could dance his sword in the future, his body was directly photographed into a cloud of blood mist.

It's like those demons and ghosts were beaten out of their wits.


Seeing this scene in those days, the expression on his face was extremely horrified.

With one palm, they directly eliminated their leader without any effort. How powerful is this cultivation?

The owner of the Xiange Pavilion was also a little confused.

Seeing Feng Hao's strength made him tremble...and he knew that Feng Hao hadn't used all his strength just now.

Just a simple slap.



The two groups of heavenly generals guarding the courtyard raised their swords and attacked Xiang Fenghao one after another. Although they were not descended from the heavens of the fairyland, their heavenly emperor and princess were gathering in the lotus pond courtyard. , they are to blame.

Everyone is madly attacking and killing.

However, Feng Hao was unmoved, until a total of thirty-six generals charged in front of him with different combined strike formations, Feng Hao then moved...

At the moment, the power of the universe world and the power of the heavenly way merged instantly, and directly swept towards the thirty generals.

In an instant, a faint white light appeared, and all the sounds of attack and killing disappeared immediately, and the world seemed to be completely quiet.

Cheng Cheng and the owner of the Xiange Pavilion were shocked to find that the thirty-six generals disappeared immediately.

Only Feng Hao stood under the gate of the courtyard.

"He... where are they?"

The Pavilion Master of the Immortal Pavilion trembled, he was a little dazed, what kind of method was this, to make more than thirty generals disappear directly.

None of the ghost shadows were seen.

Where they went... has no idea.

But at this moment, a solemn but majestic voice sounded from the courtyard.

"Unexpectedly, there is such an existence as you in the heavens..."

Swish! Swish!

Accompanied by the sound, two figures came out from the void, it was Cang Tian who was wearing a white robe, and Huang Tian who was wearing a yellow robe.

The two ancestors of the heavens, the heavenly emperors!

Afterwards, Princess Jinfeng also ran out from the courtyard of the lotus pond. There was no worry in her beautiful eyes, she was just curious...

Princess Jinfeng knew very well that the two most powerful people in the heaven were right in front of her, and no one could touch her in the whole heaven.

So she has nothing to worry about.

Feng Hao's expression was incomparably calm, Cang Tian and Huang Tian's cultivation bases were indeed very high, but he just felt it a little bit, and he knew...these two so-called Ancestral Heaven Emperors, their cultivation bases were not as good as that of Promejes, the Lord of Asura.

Thinking about it, the Asura Realm should be slightly stronger than the Heaven Realm, so it is reasonable for Promejes to be slightly stronger than Cangtian and Huangtian.


Feng Hao was not in a hurry to act, he came to the heaven to ensure Cheng Cheng's safety, if Emperor Zu Tian threatened Cheng Cheng's life, then...he would directly accept Cang Tian and Huang Tian, ​​two great emperors.

Cang Tian and Huang Tian looked at each other and smiled.

"The old man's ancestor, the heavenly emperor... this place, the Desolate Immortal Pavilion, is the old man's territory."

The Cangtian Emperor in a white robe said coldly: "You trespassed in the desolate fairy pavilion and hurt my strong man in the fairyland. This revenge...will be avenged!"

After Cang Tian said this, he made a decisive move, and with a flick of his sleeves, a destructive power was born out of thin air, directly covering Xiang Fenghao.


However, this force did not hurt Feng Hao, on the contrary, the moment he was about to touch Feng Hao, he instantly turned into nothingness, as if he had never appeared before.

It's as if there is a transparent shield within three feet of Feng Hao's body.

"what happened?"

Cang Tian was quite surprised in his heart, just now his might of the Emperor of Heaven did not hurt Feng Hao, and was easily dispelled, which is simply terrifying.

But he didn't show it, he seemed calm.

Huang Tian was slightly taken aback in his heart, Feng Hao's calmness and calmness gave him the feeling that the sky was about to suffer...

Feng Hao looked at the sky with a sneer, and said: "If this is your full strength, it would be too disappointing for this emperor..."

Cang Tian took a deep breath, and he felt the invincible aura from Feng Hao.

And the existence of this breath will make anyone who confronts him feel confused and on the verge of collapse.

Cang Tian is very depressed at this moment, he has no idea when such a powerful existence appeared in the heaven.


Emperor Cangtian dripped water with a gloomy expression, Feng Hao's arrogance made it difficult for him to accept.

Feng Hao smiled, pointed to Huang Tian who was wearing a yellow robe, and said, "You go up with him..."

"court death!"

"court death!"

Cang Tian and Huang Tian jumped up angrily at that time, and as their thoughts moved, the monstrous law power swept across the entire Desolate Immortal Pavilion.

A 100-foot sharp spear condensed by the power of law, bursting with bright sharpness, tore through the void, and pierced towards Feng Hao like lightning.

The sound of wind and thunder it carried caused the entire Celestial Realm to vibrate.

This power of law contains extremely strong pressure, which also makes Feng Hao feel as if someone is strangling his neck and his body is imprisoned.

"And the Emperor!"

Huang Tian, ​​who was wearing a yellow robe, sneered, seized the opportunity, and the power of law under his control swept across the entire Desolate Immortal Pavilion again.

Ten thousand islands trembled!

Princess Jinfeng not far away, after witnessing the majestic appearance of her father and Huang Tian with her own eyes, joy appeared in her beautiful eyes.

She knew that no matter how powerful the intruder was, he would inevitably face an end and be thrown into the burner.

"Feng Hao!"


However, Cheng Cheng and the Pavilion Master of the Xiange Pavilion were shocked when they saw this scene.

The combination of Cangtian and Huangtian is far from something that a Qingtian emperor can compete with.

Vaguely, the owner of the Pavilion of the Immortal Pavilion became a little flustered.

If Feng Hao is suppressed, where will he and the Empress go?

"Is there no more?"

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