Martial Inverse

Chapter 500 Another City

? Feng Hao turned his head and saw Zhang Zizai in a Taoist robe. He was stunned for a moment, obviously not knowing why he was in Wudang.

But there was a smile on his face, and he nodded to signal Zhang Zizai to get up.


However, just as Zhang Zizai got up, Master Ziyun bowed down in front of Feng Hao...

This scene made the disciples of Wudang Daochang speechless in shock...

What... what's going on?

Zhang Yuntian, the head teacher of Wudang, stared at Master Ziyu in astonishment.

At this moment, Master Ziyu has an aura that even a powerhouse like him at the ascension stage can't see through.

He couldn't help but be amazed, could this be the aura he possessed after comprehending the Dao?

This is a blessing, a blessing of the Wudang Dojo.

But... Master Ziyu, why is he kneeling on the ground?

Still prostrating in front of Feng Hao...

Is it the wrong person?

He is the head teacher of the martial arts dojo, he doesn't worship himself... but Fenghao?

Master Ziyu already knew who was helping him break through, and even... gave him a great fortune.

That vitality seems to be a manifestation of the Dao, it is the power of eternal life.

This vitality is endless and endless, just a sliver of it will benefit him endlessly.

And relying on this vitality, he was sure that it was the black-haired and white-robed young man in front of him who brought him infinite fortune.

He also heard just now that this young man is Feng Hao.

It is the strong man he admires.

He has mediocre aptitude and longs for a higher realm. He often watches some of Feng Hao's battle videos on the Internet.

He is amazed every time.

He also regards Feng Hao as his idol in this life.

Because Feng Hao's face cannot be seen clearly in the video, I don't know what that terrifying Fengdi looks like...

Seeing Fengdi himself now, Master Ziyu's heart was greatly shaken.

too young!

Although strong people can change their faces, many strong people don't even bother to show their true colors.

It's that kind of fairy style.

There are very few unrivaled powerhouses who will show others with a young face.

Feng Hao looked at the real Ziyu who was prostrating on the ground, and said with a light smile: "It doesn't have to be like this, get up!"

Master Ziyu stood up tremblingly, not daring to look directly into Feng Hao's eyes, but he was a person who knew how to be grateful, cupped his hands and said in a solemn voice: "Pin Dao is here to thank Emperor Feng for his kindness of rebuilding, I dare not use this kindness." forget……"

The martial arts master and those real people were stunned at that moment.

Master Ziyu's breakthrough is related to Feng Hao?

Could it be that Feng Hao brought this insight into the Dao...


Zhang Yuntian, the real teacher, couldn't help but gasped, and the way he looked at Feng Hao changed.

It seems...they seem to have misunderstood Feng Hao's strength!

Feng Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "Don't take it to heart, and don't let down your aptitude..."


Master Ziyu choked up and burst into tears.

He was an ordinary mortal, with dull aptitude, and he could not enter the Nascent Soul Stage after hundreds of years of practice.

At the end of the road, Feng Hao came down like a god, not only giving him a new life, but also bestowing him with the aptitude of heaven.

He fell to the ground, his shoulders twitched, and he cried almost heart-piercingly.

Several real people in the martial arts dojo were shocked, and looked at real Ziyu in shock.

"Emperor Feng, Master said that you went to the did you come back so soon? Didn't the book say that one day in the sky and one year on the earth... Could it be that Emperor Feng suppressed the three heavens when he went up?"

Zhang Zizai looked at Feng Hao in confusion.

Feng Hao chuckled lightly and said: "The flow of time in the heavens is slower than that of the earth, but it's not that exaggerated... As for the three heavens... Except for the stubbornness of Qing Tian, ​​who joined the demon clan to die, both Cang Tian and Huang Tian are fine... "

Feng Hao didn't continue to say too much.

It's better not to reveal too much about some things in the heavens.

But Feng Hao's words made the real people in the martial arts dojo feel like they were struck by lightning.

They found that... the shock in their hearts today was simply terrifying.

For a long time.

They just came back to their senses.

Feng Hao has arrived at the Martial Arts Dojo, so he can't just sit here...

Therefore, Zhang Yuntian, the master of martial arts, cupped his hands towards Feng Hao and said, "Emperor Feng, please sit at the inner gate..."

Several other real people also bowed their bodies, with kind smiles on their faces.


When Master Ziyu jumped into Jackie Chan, they... were also very excited, waiting for Feng Haoda to show mercy and give them this kind of fortune.

Can you have a bad attitude?

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "I won't go in, since Zhang Zizai is in Wudang, I think all the real people know the reason of my emperor's visit..."


Master Wudang could not help hesitating. After some consideration, he looked up at Feng Hao and said, "Emperor Feng, we can become members of the alliance on the spot, but... do we really want to leave our hometown and go to the spiritual land?"


"This is our root... If Wudang is not in Wudang Mountain, can this still be called Wudang?"

Several other real people also nodded repeatedly, obviously also worried about this issue.

Wudang is their root, they have lived for hundreds of years, and it is difficult for anyone to accept a sudden change of place.

Feng Hao glanced at the real people present at the martial arts scene, and knew what they were thinking.

It's nothing more than being unable to let go of Wudang.

Feng Hao said in a serious voice: "Joining the Dragon Soul Alliance, you only have benefits... I didn't say that the Wudang Dojo would be destroyed, what I meant was...all the dojo disciples above the foundation stage should go to the spiritual land to practice, other dojos Disciple, stay in Wudang Mountain... to pass on the incense... If you want to come back and have a look, there is no problem at all..."

"In addition, when you go to the spiritual land, you will find day's practice there is worth ten days and a hundred days of yours. Could it don't have many years if you are willing to waste it?"

Feng Hao looked at Wudang Zhangjiao and others with a smile.

When Zhang Yuntian heard that the effect of cultivating in the spiritual land was so powerful, he was very tempted at that time.

After the Mahayana period is the ascension period.

But before ascension, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth needed is very terrifying. If it is in Wudang Dojo, it will take at least three hundred years.

But if he went to the spiritual land, wouldn't it only take three years?

Zhang Yuntian was moved.

And...Wudang Mountain is still there, and their roots are still there, but...they just changed to a better cultivation cave.

Several real people also looked at each other, and they were all very moved.

The sky is big and the earth is big, and there is no improvement in cultivation.

Zhang Yuntian understood the meaning in the eyes of several real people, turned around and cupped his hands towards Feng Hao, and said, "Wudang Dojo...willing to join the Dragon Soul Alliance...choose a day to set off for the spiritual land..."

Feng Hao nodded with a smile and said: " have made a decision about Wudang Lizai Qianqiu..."

After saying this, Feng Hao left Wudang Mountain directly.

This time, he did not choose to go to other dojos, but went directly to the spiritual land.

In the past few days when he went to the heaven, he didn't know what was going on there.

Could there be other ancient beings who left the spirit land and mixed into the human world.

After all, there are already precedents of female cultivators transformed by desire.

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