Martial Inverse

Chapter 506 Can't afford to provoke

"It's just a strong man at the level of the Great Emperor. He just happens to be able to use the power of heaven and earth. He practices lightning-attribute skills, so... there is such a vision..."

Feng Hao was not far away, watching this scene indifferently.

He reminded these superheroes, but they felt that... could subdue Dark Thor...

But now, except for Steve's shield made of vibrating gold, which can resist a wave of damage, Peter and Tony have been stunned...

Steve then rushed towards Dark Thor quickly, and the vibrating gold shield flew back into his hand, suppressing Dark Thor with overwhelming momentum.

The Dark Thunder God unleashed a lightning ultimate move and slashed at Steve.

However, Steve's reaction was also faster than expected. In addition to dodging all of them, he also resisted the impact of several waves of lightning.


Feng Hao couldn't help taking a high look at Steve. This mortal man possesses even more terrifying reflexes and resistance to blows than a practitioner.


But... After all, Steve is also equivalent to the strength of a practitioner saint.

Under the Dark Thunder God of the Great Emperor Realm, it is impossible to last for too long.

Steve's subsequent negligence was directly struck by lightning, and the star-striped clothes on his body were directly torn.

His body also rolled a few times, quite embarrassing.


"I bought it... our trump card has lost..."

In the command room of the Security Bureau, the senior officials of the Security Bureau, who were paying attention in real time, almost popped their eyes.

Being regarded as the trump card of a superhero, he couldn't withstand a wave of damage from the Dark Thor...


Peter woke up from a coma, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the dark thunder god's big move. When he stretched out his hand, the spider silk was spit out, and the whole person had already swung to another foreign building.

And where he lay,

A huge hole has been chopped out.

"so close……"

Peter secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Dark Thunder God didn't care, and then his eyes fell on Iron Man Tony.

"Boss, can you still wake up?"

Peter had no choice but to see Tony laying motionless on the ground, so he had to shoot high-strength spider silk from his wrist, and moved Tony away from his position.

Steve got up from the ground, clenched the vibrating gold shield in his hand, let out a roar, and rushed towards the Dark Thunder God again.

"An ant-like existence..."

The dark thunder god sneered, and suddenly, dozens of lightning bolts enveloped him, and his figure flew into the air, like a thunder god descending on time.


A large wave of lightning descended overwhelmingly, and all of them hit the vibrating gold shield.

And the vibrating gold shield, which was originally indestructible, faintly showed signs of cracks.

And Steve put his hands on the shield to resist the thunder, and his whole body was smashed into the ground.

"It's not an opponent at all... He had reserved his strength before, and made a mistake in judgment..."

Steve couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

No matter how powerful they are, they are all human beings with mortal bodies, and the Dark Thunder God who controls Thunder is obviously like a god...

Not on one level at all.

"Die all! The taste of you guys must be very delicious..."

The corner of Dark Thunder God's mouth curled up into a sinister smile, and he licked his lips.


At the same time, Iron Man Tony finally woke up at this time, but he hadn't had time to react.

Another big wave of thunder descended.

"Fack, bitch!"

Tony couldn't help but want to scold his mother, but the steel armor system was broken by the thunder, and there was no way to avoid it.

He could only watch the thunder fall helplessly.

And now Spider-Man Peter and Captain Steve couldn't provide reinforcements, and they were about to die.

Suddenly, time seemed to stand still in the whole world.

Feng Hao directly unfolded the Fengzhou Domain, and the law enveloped a radius of hundreds of meters, everything... was under his control.

Dozens of thunderbolts abruptly hovered in the air, and the body of the Dark Thor was also imprisoned, but the eyeballs could turn.

Tony the Iron Man, Peter the Spider-Man and Steve the Captain can move freely.

"what happened?"

"what's going on?"

Just when the three of them were puzzled, Feng Hao appeared in front of them as if teleported.

Feng Hao strolled towards the Dark Thunder God who was imprisoned in the air, with his back to the three of Steve.

"Which plane do you come from? How many people like you are there?"

Feng Hao looked at the Dark Thunder God indifferently.

The latter's eyeballs showed a strong color of surprise. Before that, Feng Hao was an ant that he ignored directly.

Because...he is just an ordinary person.

But now... this power actually makes him a little incomprehensible. It seems to be... a power of law.

is the power of the world.

"Who are you? Why do you exist in this world?"

Dark Thor tried to break free, but all in vain.

Feng Hao heard the meaning of Dark Thunder God's words, and said coldly: "According to what you know this world very well?"

The Dark Thunder God sneered. Although he couldn't move his body, he was still able to speak, saying: "That's right, our Thunder Realm has been paying attention to the earth for tens of thousands of years... A world like our Thunder Realm is one of the few in the universe. Endless...they are all coveting the's just that we never thought that after the earth's aura recovers, there will be a strong person with your strength..."

Dark Thunder God was obviously a little surprised.

He came prepared, thinking that his strength could sweep the earth, take the lead in occupying it, and obtain the god crystal of the earth.

I didn't expect the earth to have such a great power.

Simply terrible.

Feng Hao said: "There are so many things that you didn't think of...that's it...this world is not something you can get your hands on..."

As soon as the words fell, Feng Hao made a move, crushing the body of Diablo Thor in an instant.

The latter didn't even have time to scream in terror, and disappeared without a trace.

The thunder all over the sky disappeared, leaving only the mess of the town.



At this moment, the three of Steve opened their mouths wide and looked at Feng Hao in bewilderment.


What's going on...

Why did the Dark Thunder God disappear... What did they see just now? Are the eyes hallucinating?

They are known as the superheroes of country M and the trump cards of the National Security Agency, but... they seem to be no match for Feng Hao's finger.


In the command room of the Security Bureau, the atmosphere was eerie and eerily quiet.

Coulson said after a long silence: "I think...we probably know what kind of existence Feng Hao in Huaxia is..."

" is it?"

Those high-ranking officials have been frightened silly.

"If God exists, he...maybe..." Coulson said.

"He doesn't look like God..."


Coulson glanced at the high-ranking official speechlessly, and said in a serious voice: "Tell the chief of the government... Huaxia can't afford it... just rest assured and do a good job of defense, and deal with the creatures outside the territory, let Huaxia wake up." Lion..."

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