Martial Inverse

Chapter 608: Human Sovereign Breakthrough (Part 1)


This ordinary monkey was pinched by Feng Hao's neck, kept screaming and struggling, and its claws scratched randomly.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like an ordinary monkey. It's very pitiful. It looks like it will be strangled to death by Feng Hao, but the monkey still hasn't changed in any way.

Not even an iota of aura.

"Could it be... really wrong?"

Feng Hao showed a thoughtful look, of course he made this look.

For him who is one step away from achieving the fairyland, if he can't even see the disguise of a monster at the emperor level...

He, the master of the great thousand, was also in vain.



At this moment, the monkeys who had fled around all ran back again, baring their teeth at Feng Hao and screaming strangely.

"You are about to be strangled to death by this emperor. If you are really indifferent...then you can only die!"

Feng Hao stared at the monkey in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Do you ordinary monkey will be supported by so many monkeys?"

After Feng Hao said this sentence, the strength of his hand suddenly increased.

But at this moment, the dying monkey suddenly turned back to life...

The appearance also changed, becoming the appearance of a six-eared monkey.

It tried to break free from Feng Hao's hands, but it didn't have any effect even after exhausting its strength.

"How did you find out?"

The six-eared spirit monkey spit out human words, its eyes couldn't hide the shock, its camouflage, what is it?

What it pretends to be really can't be true.

The six-eared monkey really couldn't figure out how Feng Hao caught it out of the group of monkeys.

Feng Hao said: "Anyone who pretends to be in front of this emperor,

It's all a joke..."


The six-eared monkey sighed, and then its body directly transformed into a branch...

Detached from Feng Hao's palm, and changed into the appearance of a six-eared monkey again at the moment of landing, one step spanned hundreds of miles...

"What's the use of being so happy?"

Feng Hao shook his head, his figure disappeared outside the pool of Shuilian Cave, and when he reappeared...

Just facing the running six-eared monkey.

"I'm rough..."

The six-eared monkey suddenly stopped, staggered a few steps, and almost fell to the ground.

And it's almost freaking out the whole way.

What is lingering spirit, this is what it is!

"Don't run away, take out the golden cudgel..." Feng Hao stretched out his hand, and with the power of the world in his hand, he grabbed the fleeing six-eared monkey from the void.

Just like carrying a chicken.

Feng Hao shook the six-eared monkey's body, bang! A shrunken golden cudgel fell to the ground.


The six-eared spirit monkey kept waving its paws, trying to pick up the golden cudgel from the ground.

But Feng Hao carried him, and it was impossible to get it.

"It's really shameless to say that the golden cudgel is yours, slap your mouth..."



The six-eared monkey thought that Feng Hao was going to slap its face, but who turned out that it couldn't control its paws, so it slapped itself...

With these two slaps, the hair on his face was wiped off at that time.

"What am I doing?"

The six-eared monkey stared blankly at his hand, what happened just now?

It feels like my hands are not my own.

Feng Hao picked up the golden cudgel and threw the six-eared monkey into Feng Zhou.

let it run!

"What the hell is this place..."


Feng Hao returned to the Daxia Palace with the golden cudgel, and was also thinking about how to deal with the six-eared monkey along the way.

I have to say that this spirit monkey is just too similar to the six-eared macaque in Journey to the West.

He is also good at disguising. If he hadn't mastered the power of the world, he might not be able to find out the real six-eared monkey.

Although the six-eared monkey was thrown into the universe by him, it is not a solution to write it down like this...

As for killing the monkey...

To be honest, God has the virtue of being good at life, and of course Feng Hao also has it. He really can't deal with this kind of spiritual creature.

Sun Wukong and the six-eared monkey are both monkeys, but it seems that the six-eared monkey is more ferocious.

Thinking of Monkey King, Feng Hao went directly to the place where Monkey King was healing.

Sun Wukong didn't seem to be seriously injured. After half an hour, the injury has mostly healed.

Feng Hao looked at Sun Wukong with a smile, and said, "Where did that monkey come from?"

Sun Wukong shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't know the details. He claims to be the demon ancestor. He has been sleeping for thousands of years. He only came out after the recovery of heaven..."

Feng Hao nodded, turned his palm over, the golden cudgel lay quietly in his palm, and then threw it to Monkey King.

Sun Wukong took the golden cudgel, his hanging heart finally fell, he looked at Feng Hao and said, "Thank you, Emperor Feng!"

"By the way, what's the situation with that six-eared monkey now?" Monkey King was still a little worried.

After all, being defeated by someone of the same race hurt his self-esteem too much.

At any rate, he was also the Holy King of Fighting, but who knew... lost to a monkey.

Worry to death!

Feng Hao said: "Throw him into Feng Zhou, and go to accompany the Undead God King and the others..."

Sun Wukong: "..."

Sun Wukong is completely convinced by Feng Hao, it seems that since he knew Feng Hao, nothing has troubled him at all.

The only time...was at the Extreme Demon Sacred Tree, where the fire unicorn's devotion succeeded in suppressing the Extreme Demon Sacred Tree.

Moreover, every time Feng Hao fights, it is the kind that is effortless and effortless.

This kind of strength...

Sun Wukong yearns for it very much, but he knows very well that he will not be able to keep up with flattery in this life.


Suddenly, there was a fluctuation of Dao Yun in the palace, and Feng Hao and Monkey King were startled.

"What's going on?" Monkey King looked at Feng Hao.

He couldn't tell.

Feng Hao smiled and said: "Human Sovereign Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi... have broken through the Tenth Emperor Realm!"


Sun Wukong almost vomited blood, and even the two brothers Daxia Renhuang broke through. He deliberately chose a spiritual place, but they didn't succeed.

Comparing people to people, it's so infuriating!


Thinking of the benefits of the aura of the ancient land and the recovery of the heavens, Monkey King is relieved.

It can't be blamed for his bad talent.

It is the environment that affects everything!

"Go and see!"

Feng Hao then went to the place where Dao Yun emerged, although Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi broke through to the Emperor Realm.

But this time is also the time when the foundation is the most unstable. If there is a place to make a move later, Feng Hao can also help.

Sun Wukong wants to go, but when he thinks that practice is like sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat, and you will immediately enter meditation practice...

He is a person who is not willing to lag behind others, of course... except for Feng Hao.

And there is Gusuqin on the earth who wants him to protect, without a reliable cultivation base, he can only rely on Feng Hao to rescue him every time...

This is not what he wants.


Feng Hao came to a tall tower in the forest deep in the palace, this is where the Emperor Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi retreated.

But now, in this high tower, there is a mysterious and mysterious Dao rhyme flowing out, and the originally withered and yellow bamboo leaves in the forest are full of vitality again...

It seems that everything is revived.

The way is natural.

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