Martial Inverse

Chapter six hundred and twelfth juggling thief

In the imperial prison, Chen Xing's death was also reported to Jiang Zhi by the cell leader.

Because the emperor had almost collapsed in the imperial study room, if he bothered him again, he might kill someone with a sword in his eyes.

So Jiang Zhi blocked all the people or memorials outside.

"Chen Xing died in the prison, so don't report such things..."

Jiang Zhi has a headache, what happened in Daxia Imperial City now, Ding Da has to report to the palace, and let people rest?

What do the people below do?

After Tian Dao recovered, each of them only cared about their own one-acre three-point land, and everything was perfunctory, just a jerk.

"But... Chen Xing's death is related to His Majesty's honored guest who sent him to the prison..." said the prison chief.

Jiang Zhi froze for a moment, then asked in surprise, "Brother Niu?"

Jiang Zhi couldn't believe it, Chen Xing was a powerhouse at the peak of the eighth level.

Such a person was also a figure in the world before the way of heaven was revived.

The Jiang family didn't execute him because they wanted to cherish his talents, but they didn't expect to die on the body of the Bull Demon King.

Jiang Zhi clearly remembered that the Bull Demon King was only at the eighth level of cultivation. When he was thrown into the prison by Feng Hao, he also sealed part of his cultivation. How did he kill Chen Xing?

Even if the Bull Demon King breaks Feng Hao's seal, he is still at the eighth level of cultivation, so how can he kill Chen Xing?

The jailer knelt on one knee and cupped his fists and said: "It is this person who suffered from Chen Xing's torture in the sky prison. He also shot Chen Xing to death after his cultivation base soared today. Afterwards, your Majesty's distinguished guest took him away Heavenly Prison..."

Jiang Zhi waved his hand and said: "Okay, you can step back, remember, strictly guard the prison!"


Now that the way of heaven is recovering, the special prisoners detained in the sky prison are also a troublesome matter.

Regarding Chen Xing's death, Jiang Zhi didn't take it seriously at all, he was just curious that the Bull Demon King could kill the demon leader Chen Xing.

Jiang Zhi wanted to go to Feng Hao's side to have a look.

But thinking of the emperor's brother reviewing the memorial with red eyes in the imperial study...

Finally held back.


Feng Hao brought the Bull Demon King back to the main hall, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu were both practicing in their sleep, so the main hall seemed very quiet.

The Bull Demon King was still immersed in the joy of his cultivation breakthrough, but when he saw Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu sleeping in the hall, he took the initiative to quiet down.

If before this, with his character, he would definitely slander, but now... he is very calm.

"Fengdi, what are your orders for bringing me here?" The Bull Demon King looked at Feng Hao.

Feng Hao shook his head, took the Bull Demon King out of a room in the side hall, and said: "There is no order. From now on, you and I will live in the same place and concentrate on practicing. I have already set up a gathering array in the main hall. Practice will get twice the result with half the effort!"

The Bull Demon King trembled slightly, looked at Feng Hao in shock, and immediately bowed his hands and said: "Thank you, Emperor Feng! From now on, I, the Bull Demon King, will do my best to assist Feng Emperor and create the foundation of the eternal world..."

Feng Hao: "..."

Shaking his head, Feng Hao looked at the Bull Demon King with a smile and said: "You have read too much TV and novels, what is the foundation of the eternal world... Let's practice hard, cultivate to the tenth level of supreme state as soon as possible, and ascend to the ancient heaven together..."

The Bull Demon King scratched his head in embarrassment, and readily agreed.

Now that his state of mind has been tempered, he has recovered his cultivation in the heavens and the world. Now he can practice in the ancient land where the heavenly law has been revived, and it is no problem to go a thousand miles a day.

As the Great Sage of Ping Tian, ​​the Bull Demon King still has this kind of self-confidence.

After Feng Hao settled down the Bull Demon King, he turned around and left the side hall. After returning to the room, he began to meditate. At the same time, a ray of divine thought entered Feng Zhou...

There is also a lot of popularity in Feng Zhou, the demon god Chi You, the demon commander Li Renchou, the undead god king, the six-eared monkey...all of them are big figures in cowhide.

However, apart from Chi You and Li Renchou's unrestrained past in Feng Zhou, the encounter between the Immortal King and the Six-Eared Spirit Monkey was a bit tragic...

The two of them came late, and their comprehension in Feng Zhou is naturally not as good as Chi You and Li Renchou, so they can only be beaten...

Although I was angry in my heart, there was no way to change the reality. This is a brand new world...

All the things I learned in my previous life are gone, and I have to start all over again.

"Can you monkeys juggle? When I was on Earth, I saw a lot of monkeys juggling... You, give me two..."

Chi You was in a good mood, but when he saw that the six-eared monkey was unmoved, he had the urge to run away.

"You monkey, don't be ignorant..."

As soon as Chi You stood up, a vortex suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

Chi You and Li Renchou's heart tightened, they quickly stood up and bowed in salute: "Greetings to Emperor Feng..."

Seeing Feng Hao appearing, the Undead God King looked terrified, imitating Chi You and Li Renchou's appearance, bowing and saluting: "Greetings to Emperor Feng..."


The six-eared monkey carefully tasted these words. In the ancient land, the only one who can be called an emperor is the Qingdi who has half a foot in the ancient heaven.

This is the capital of the real strong.

As for what Fengdi is, it has never heard of it.

But... for this strange place, the six-eared spirit monkey was startled.

Because this is no longer part of the ancient world, and the people who can create such a place are definitely not ordinary people.

In addition, the six-eared monkey has also seen Feng Hao's cultivation, and the ten-level emperor is more than...

In other words, it is a level stronger than Qingdi.

"Dare to ask, where is this place? Why am I bound here? Can you let me out? I can apologize to your friend..."

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and the six-eared monkey could only lower its posture and beg for help.

The main reason is that this world is too weird, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, it will be completely useless here.

Feng Hao said: "You can call this place Fengzhou. As for why you are restrained, I don't want to cause trouble. It's okay to apologize. From now on, be a monkey here with peace of mind!"


The six-eared monkey was speechless for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "What exactly do you want?"

"Shut up, you stinky monkey, if you dare to speak to Emperor Feng like that again, I will tear your mouth apart!"

The demon god Chi You is not a good stubble, as the number one person in the Fengzhou world in the future, he naturally wants to maintain Fenghao's majesty.

What kind of dog dares to bark in the wind.


The six-eared spirit monkey glared at Chi You, the demon god, but did not speak again. It was too aware of Chi You's methods...

When the six-eared monkey was thrown in just now, Chi You and Li Renchou greeted him with fists without saying a word.

Simply unreasonable.

"It's easy to get along with each other, and besides... if you have any insights in Fengzhou, just say it out loud..."

After Feng Hao left this sentence, he withdrew his divine thoughts. This time he went in and meditated, but he suddenly thought of it.

And what happened in the wind universe, he knew it clearly.

But at this moment, outside the gate of the Great Xia Palace, an astonishing aura suddenly appeared, piercing Changhong...

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