Martial Inverse

Chapter 616: Beizhou Sword Domain

In Beizhou Sword Field, the three sword-shaped jade stones in the Jiange represent the three strongest sword gods.

The invincible sword god Li Xiya, the heavenly sword Zhao Dongyun, and the one-armed sword god Zheng Chuqiu are all representatives of the invincible sword god in the Northern Territory.

Even Qingdi, the most powerful person in the ancient times, could only fail in the face of the combination of the three.

But now, Li Xiya, who has always been known as the invincible sword god, has disappeared, and the entire sword field is shaken.

The core members of the Sword Domain rushed to the Jiange one by one, everyone's heart was extremely heavy.

In the sword pavilion, a white-haired old man and a one-armed middle-aged man stood in front of two suspended sword-shaped jade stones.

The original three pieces of jade, but now there are only two pieces left, the one-armed middle-aged man said with red eyes: "No matter what, we must avenge the third brother..."

The white-haired old man nodded and said: "Don't be impulsive, you and I will work together to see where he disappeared..."

"Yes, brother!"

The one-armed middle-aged man and the white-haired old man looked at each other, and then they shot at the same time, facing the magic mirror with both hands, urging Dao Yun.

Immediately, an endless sharpness burst out from the two of them.

The magic mirror exuding fluorescence suddenly burst into light, and then a transparent star map unfolded in the sword pavilion.

A red dot flashes in the star map.

"This is Zhongzhou Daxia. Legend has it that Zhongzhou Daxia revived. It seems that the third junior brother died in Zhongzhou..."

The white-haired old man said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, the two withdrew their Dao Yun, and the star chart immediately dissipated.

The one-armed middle-aged man said: "The third junior brother left the sword field and traveled the world for ten years. I didn't expect that the narration that day would be a farewell. Zhongzhou Daxia, I, Zheng Chuqiu, are here to find the person who killed the junior brother and cut him into pieces. Wan Duan!"

"Brother, don't be reckless. Now that the core figures in the Sword Domain are already outside the Jiange, after going out to explain something, you and I will set off for Zhongzhou. I believe that if you and I join forces, even the Qing Emperor Drink hate!"

A stern light flashed in the eyes of the white-haired old man,

A sword is a gentleman's tool, but anyway...

It is a weapon to kill.

The way of the sword is the way of killing.

"it is good!"

The one-armed sword body Zheng Chuqiu nodded, and then went to the Jiange with Zhao Dongyun, the Heavenly Sword of the Sword Domain.


At this moment, the core members of the Sword Domain have already rushed over from various places in the Sword Domain, and there is a lot of discussion outside the Jiange.

"Three pavilion masters, invincible in the world, how could he fall? Who did this?"

"In today's world, only Emperor Qing can suppress the three pavilion masters. It must be Emperor Qing. If you don't avenge this revenge, you will not be a disciple of Jiange Pavilion..."

"Be safe and don't be impatient, this matter has to be decided by the first pavilion master and the second pavilion master..."

"The master is out..."

Forty or fifty strong men dressed as sword immortals lined up one after another.

The Four Great Sword Masters, the Eight Great Sword Masters, the Sixteen Great Sword Emperors...and a group of strong sword kings.

These are the top group of people in the Sword Domain, and the lowest strength is the existence of the peak of the eighth level.

Tianjian Zhao Dongyun and the one-armed sword god Zheng Chuqiu glanced at everyone, and Zhao Dongyun said: "I think everyone already knows that Li Xiya, the master of the three pavilions, has disappeared. ... Li Xiya has pursued the way of swords all his life, and the twelve swords that break through the sky are invincible in the world..."

Zhao Dongyun briefly told about Li Xiya's life. Many core members of the Jiange were already crying with tears and snot running down their noses.

Li Xiya was not born in the sky, and the way of swordsmanship is like a long night...

This is almost the highest praise in kendo.

Zhao Dongyun then said in a deep voice: "The body of Li Xiya, the master of the third pavilion, died in Daxia of Zhongzhou. Pavilion master Zheng and I plan to go to the imperial city of Zhongzhou immediately to investigate the death of Li Xiya, the master of the third pavilion. For the time being, the four major sword masters are in charge of everything in the sword domain." , the supervisor of the Eight Great Sword Sects..."



The four sword sects and the eight sword masters clasped their fists in a salute.

After Zhao Dongyun arranged some things, Zheng Chuqiu, the one-armed sword god, jumped into the sky, stepped on the seven-colored glazed flying sword, and plundered in the direction of Zhongzhou Daxia.


In the Imperial City of Zhongzhou, after the Dao Yun of the sword god Li Xiya was sucked dry, his body became like a mummy.

The Emperor Jiang Li ordered Li Xiya's body to be buried outside the imperial city.

At the same time, the walls and towers of the imperial palace were also being repaired, and everything returned to normal soon.

It was as if Li Xiya had never appeared before.

However, after Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi experienced Li Xiya's incident, their mentality became more stable.

The two of them worked together to handle the government affairs of Daxia, and implemented various measures after the recovery of the Dao of Heaven, aiming to strengthen the people and enrich the country, so that everyone is like a dragon...

In the palace, Monkey King, the Bull Demon King, Yang Jian, the big black dog and others have all returned.

After this period of training, as well as some opportunities obtained after the recovery of the heavenly dao, each of them has reached the cultivation level of the tenth level emperor.

But... Yang Jian is still a little short of the cultivation base of the peak of the Ninth Layer Divine Master Realm.

But even if Yang Jian's cultivation is only at the Nine-Layer Divine Master Realm, he can be regarded as the one who has improved his cultivation the fastest among all the people.

Because whether it is Monkey King or the Bull Demon King, they are all based on the powerful background of the heavens and the world.

As for Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu...

After absorbing Li Xiya's Dao Yun, the gap with Feng Hao has narrowed a lot.

They estimated that they still need to absorb two more Dao rhymes, and they can almost catch up with Feng Hao with half a foot.

That is to say, from the twelfth layer of fairyland to the top.

However, Li Xiya's dao rhyme is just kendo after all, and it took a lot of time for Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu to perfectly digest and integrate this dao rhyme.

On this day, a demonic wind suddenly blew up in the Imperial City of Zhongzhou, and the temperature dropped several degrees.

It was like suddenly changing from summer to winter.

When things go wrong, there must be a demon, and the Emperor Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi immediately found Feng Hao.

According to their observations, the changes in the evil wind and temperature were not caused by natural weather, but by the intervention of some powerful existence.

"Fengdi, what do you think of the Yaofeng that suddenly appeared in the imperial city?"

Human Emperor Jiang Li looked at Feng Hao, hoping to get an answer from Feng Hao.

After all, what they don't understand, what they can't see, Feng Hao must know.

Just like the ancestor of the Jiang family who went to the southern region of Great Xia a few days ago, he has already told him about the changes in the southern region.

As Feng Hao said... there is a world outside the Southern Territory.

So... in their eyes, Feng Hao is omnipotent and predicts everything like a god.

woo woo...

Feng Hao listened to the demonic wind blowing outside the hall, and it sounded a bit creepy.

The power of Feng Hao's world unfolded with the divine sense, and he stretched out his big hand, and caught a cloud of demon wind.

The cyan demonic wind swirled a few times in his palm before collapsing immediately.


Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi were stunned when they saw Feng Hao's method.

However, Feng Hao frowned slightly, and said, "Probably Li Xiya came to seek revenge..."

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