Martial Inverse

Chapter 619 Shocked

"What did you say?"


The one-armed sword god has a fiery temper, and after hearing Feng Hao's words, his anger rose steadily.

He was about to explode in place!

"You said it was you who killed my Junior Brother Li Xiya?"

Zheng Chuqiu, the one-armed sword god, could only feel a rush of blood rushing to his forehead, and he could no longer suppress the anger in his body.

Feng Hao saw the face of the one-armed sword god like a pig's liver, and said softly: "Didn't you just say it? Do you want me to say it again?"

Feng Hao nodded and said: "That's fine, let me say it again, your junior brother Li Xiya tried to kill and destroy the Daxia royal family, and even shot at me, there is no way... I can only let him go to the west."

"Ah... ah..."

The one-armed sword god roared to the sky, his beard and hair all stretched out, and a powerful breath burst out.

At this moment, countless monks in the Great Xia Imperial City looked at this place with extremely shocking expressions.



But at this moment, Zhao Dongyun, the Heavenly Sword beside Zheng Chuqiu, gently pressed the shoulder of the One-armed Sword God, and the latter's powerful aura was also suppressed.

"Eldest brother, Junior Brother Li... Junior Brother Li will kill this person, why don't you allow me to take action?"

Zheng Chuqiu couldn't understand Zhao Dongyun's actions. Since the guy in front of him admitted to killing Li Xiya, he should take revenge.

What do you mean by stopping him?

Zhao Dongyun said softly: "The matter of avenging Junior Brother Li should be left to me..."


Zheng Chuqiu was dumbfounded at the time, is this matter of revenge for the younger brother divided between each other?

Going together is king!

And if the little boy in front of him could kill Li Xiya, his cultivation must be extremely strong.

Feng Hao saw Zheng Chuqiu and Zhao Dongyun with ink marks beside him, and couldn't help feeling a little headache at that moment.

Anyway, they are all dead, so why fight first, he is a little hard to understand.

"If you want to avenge the Invincible Sword God, hurry up... It will be dark soon, and I'm still waiting to go home for dinner."

Feng Hao took a defensive stance.

"you wanna die!"

The one-armed sword god's eyes froze, but before he could make a move, the Heavenly Sword Zhao Dongyun had turned into an afterimage and charged towards Fenghao.

As he held the sword finger in his hand, suddenly a heavenly sword completely condensed by Dao Yun, glowing with dazzling luster, slashed towards Feng Hao with an invincible attitude.

"It turns out that this is the Heavenly Sword..."

When Feng Hao saw the incomparably gorgeous Heavenly Sword, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

However, this is not a very powerful method.

He can condense it in minutes.

Seeing the Heavenly Sword stabbing towards the neck, Feng Hao's left hand wrapped around the power of the world, and his index fingers immediately touched the tip of the Heavenly Sword.


The Heavenly Sword hummed, and Feng Hao's fingertips had white light surging.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Tianjian Zhao Dongyun originally thought that Feng Hao would definitely die, but who knew that Tianjian was blocked by Feng Hao's finger just as he approached him, and he couldn't even go any further...

"I'm rough!"

"Niubao! Social society..."

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, who rushed over first, couldn't help but screamed when they saw this screaming scene.


With just one finger, he blocked the attack of the white-haired old man who was about to touch the realm of the eleventh level god general.

The human emperor Jiang Li followed Jian Jian, the ancestors of the four major Jiang families, and Yang Jian and a group of people happened to see this scene.

Time seemed to stand still, and everyone felt their scalps go numb, subverting their cognition.

"Dao Yun is quite strong, how many years have you practiced?"

Feng Hao said to the bewildered Zhao Dongyun, and at the same time glanced at Zheng Chuqiu, the one-armed sword god in the distance, who opened his mouth wide enough to stuff a duck egg.

Apparently something doesn't make sense of the situation.

Is this guy Qingdi pretending to be?

But even if the Qing Emperor came over, he wouldn't dare to say that he dared to take the Heavenly Sword rashly.

After what happened, Great Xia Emperor Jiang Li became so perverted?

Tianjian Zhao Dongyun's face quickly climbed to a touch of ruddy color, which was a manifestation of shock and anger.

With a thought, he planned to withdraw the Heavenly Sword, but he was shocked to find that...

The Heavenly Sword couldn't be pulled out, and was suppressed by the white light on the opponent's finger, unless...

Cut off an arm.

In that white light, he vaguely felt a breath of the origin of the world.

"Hey, since you won't say anything, then take a look, how about my Heavenly Sword?"

Feng Hao raised his right hand sideways, his five fingers bluffed, and then the power of heaven and earth gathered, and the power of the world merged into it...

Then a giant sword shining with purple-blue light condensed into shape, and every time the sword light swallowed, a tiny crack appeared in the space...


"I %¥%#¥..."

Heavenly Sword Zhao Dongyun almost had a nervous breakdown at that time, he glanced at his Heavenly Sword, then at Feng Hao's giant sword that was four or five times as big as him...

It's like the feeling of a child facing an adult.

Feng Hao smiled contemptuously, and directly slashed at Zhao Dongyun's Heavenly Sword with the huge sword in his hand. Before he exerted much force, the latter's Heavenly Sword shattered and turned into little fluorescent lights, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.


And at this moment, Zhao Dongyun, who was traumatized by the disappearance of the Heavenly Sword, vomited a few mouthfuls of blood before breaking away from Feng Hao's control...

At the same time, my spirit was also severely hit, and I lost my soul.

"Brother Zhao..."

The one-armed sword god Zheng Chuqiu came back to his senses, hurried over to support Zhao Dongyun, and comforted him: "Brother, you just came out of closed-door training, and your realm is a little turbulent, so let's leave the stable realm first, and come back to avenge Junior Brother Li later... ..."

Zhao Dongyun nodded and said: "Brother, the realm is really unstable, Junior Brother Zheng is right..."

Zheng Chuqiu, the one-armed sword god, despised Zhao Dongyun in his heart, why is his realm unstable?

If you don't say that, you're always afraid of going insane.

"Brother, let's go!"

Zheng Chuqiu supported Zhao Dongyun as if nothing had happened, and was about to leave the tower.

Feng Hao was still waiting for the two to join forces, to see how much potential he could stimulate by joining forces with the sword gods in the Beizhou Sword Domain.

However, Zheng Chuqiu and Zhao Dongyun turned around and left without seeking revenge from him.

Feng Hao: "..."

He doesn't quite understand this kind of clever operation, but since he's here, how can he leave so easily?

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu still need Dao Yun to improve, if this is gone, where will he find this nourishing Dao Yun.

Feng Hao opened his mouth and said: "If you come, you will be safe. It doesn't matter if the realm is unstable. At least you can wipe your neck yourself. It can be done... Come back! Come back!"

Zhao Dongyun and Zheng Chuqiu trembled all over, their faces were extremely ugly, as if they had swallowed thousands of piles of fly droppings...

I can't get away now.

Tianjian Zhao Dongyun stopped, turned to face Feng Hao, and said arrogantly: "If the old man's realm is not stable, you...are vulnerable to a single blow! Don't be rampant, if I join forces with the two of you to use the God-killing Sword Formation, you I'm afraid that there will be no bones left, so don't be impulsive and delay your whole life."

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