Martial Inverse

Chapter 623 Killing Immortals?

Gu Chenfeng's expression remained the same, killing Zhao Dongyun and Zheng Chuqiu seemed like a very normal thing to him.

"Bring it!"

Gu Chenfeng stretched out his hand, and when he looked at Pan Gu's axe, there was a hint of greed.

"This ax is a bit heavy, I'm afraid you won't be able to lift it..." Feng Hao said.


Gu Chenfeng frowned and said, "I've already killed the man, so are you going to break your promise?"

A killing intent suddenly appeared on Gu Chenfeng.

But this scene shocked Monkey King, Jiang Li and others.

The cultivation base of that immortal is obviously not only the eleventh level, but may even be higher.

When he killed Zhao Dongyun and Zheng Chuqiu, he didn't even blink his eyes, and he killed them instantly. His strength is extraordinary.

"Break your promise? I, Feng Hao, have never broken my promise. Since you insist on it, then... you can give it a try."

Feng Hao threw the Pangu Divine Axe at Gu Chenfeng. Since he dared to do this, it was certain that Gu Chenfeng would not be able to move the Pangu Divine Axe.

A ray of joy appeared in the depths of Gu Chenfeng's eyes, and he stretched out his hand to grab Pangu's axe.

For Feng Hao's words, he just sneered.

As a fairy in the ancient heaven, what about the emperor's weapon?

He can still afford it!

But the moment he grasped the Pangu Divine Axe, his body trembled violently.

Then his face changed.

Following the Pangu axe, the whole person plunged towards the enemy.


Gu Chenfeng was stunned at the time, this Pangu magic ax was really so heavy.

On the way of falling, Gu Chenfeng also quickly adjusted his posture, and the immortal power surged,

Trying to pick up the Pangu axe.

But no matter how hard he tried, the Pangu Divine Ax was in the slightest tendency to fall, while Gu Chenfeng fell from the nine heavens like a round of daylight at this moment.

"The fairy has fallen into the mortal world!"

"Oh my god, the immortal is about to fall!"

Countless city residents screamed in horror and fled one after another. This is an immortal fall, and it is uncertain what terrible things will happen when they land.

"Why can't I pick it up?"

Gu Chenfeng exhausted his whole life's strength, but he couldn't shake Pangu's axe, he was not reconciled.

This is an imperial weapon without a doubt.

If one can get it, Emperor Haotian will be able to sit on an equal footing with him in the future and rule the heaven together.


Gu Chenfeng would rather fall into the earth with Pan Gu's ax than let go.

At this point, even the man and the ax fell from the nine heavens, smashing a huge pit on the ground, and ashes filled the sky.

"Is this the fairy?"

"I didn't expect the immortal to fall..."

The onlookers pointed, terrified and curious, unable to extricate themselves.

Sun Wukong, Yang Jian and others also rushed over, and Emperor Jiang Li, Jiang Zhi and others also stood outside the deep pit.

I have to say, this is really a group of bold people.

When the dust from the sky dissipated, in the huge pit hundreds of meters long, the Pangu axe, which was full of intricate patterns, plunged straight into the ground.

The immortal Gu Chenfeng held the handle of the ax tightly with both hands, and his body surged with immortal power, trying to pull out the Pangu axe.

But no matter how hard he tried, the Pangu Divine Ax did not move.

"As I said, this magical ax is extremely heavy, even if I give it to can't lift it!"

At this moment, Feng Hao's figure also fell down, suspended in the deep pit.

Gu Chenfeng was very embarrassed.

A dignified celestial being would end up in such a state, he let go of the handle of the axe, looked at Feng Hao indifferently, and said: "I understand, the reason why I can't hold this imperial weapon is are still alive! "

"Emperor weapon!"

"This turned out to be an imperial weapon? But yes, what can split Tianzi Mountain and revive the way of heaven, what else can it be?"

Human Emperor Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi were extremely shocked, but at the same time, Gu Chenfeng's words also made them feel a killing intent.

Killing intent towards Feng Hao.

For a moment, everyone's hearts were suspended, and they looked at Feng Hao worriedly.

At a time like this, things are completely beyond what they can intervene in.

There is no way to intervene except to watch.

Facing Gu Chenfeng's threat, Feng Hao smiled calmly and said, "Then you want to kill me to seize the treasure?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "That's right!"

"Then, let's come..."

call out!

As soon as the words fell, Feng Hao took a deep breath and flew away directly. It is not a wise choice to kill the immortals in the imperial city.

It is very likely that this city can be destroyed in an instant.

"If you don't have the emperor's weapon, this deity will not embarrass you. I will blame you. You shouldn't have the emperor's weapon..."


Similarly, Gu Chenfeng rushed up and fought with Feng Hao directly.

As a celestial being, Gu Chenfeng's celestial power swells every time he strikes, and every time it is a power that destroys heaven and earth.

But these are nothing to Feng Hao. No matter how strong the immortal power is, he is still a little brother in front of the power of the world.

The two fought against each other, the sky thundered and cracked, and the cracks in space spread like spider webs, repaired, and spread again...

Every moment when fists and feet collide, it gives people a feeling of trembling.

This powerful impact caused everyone's eardrums to swell.

Feng Hao estimated that Gu Chenfeng's cultivation was on par with his, almost the cultivation of the twelfth-level fairyland.

Very scary!

However, Feng Hao has the blessing of the power of the world, so he doesn't have much pressure to deal with Gu Chenfeng.

After ten moves, Gu Chenfeng gradually fell into a disadvantage, and Gu Chenfeng was shocked by this.

"How can you cultivate to the twelfth level in the mortal world..."

The more Gu Chenfeng fought, the more frightened he became. If this continues, he is almost certain to lose.

"An immortal cannot be humiliated!"

Gu Chenfeng's expression sank, and he retreated 800 meters immediately. He held his right hand in the air, and suddenly a long sword condensed into shape.

Fairy sword!

This is a real fairy sword. The worldly space can't bear the sharpness of the sword's glow, and the cracks like small snakes are densely covered around the fairy sword.


Gu Chenfeng held the fairy sword and slashed directly at Feng Hao, with that sharpness, even if Feng Hao had his own unicorn arm, he didn't dare to try it himself.

At that moment, Feng Hao directly summoned the Pangu Divine Axe, and slashed towards the fairy sword in Gu Chenfeng's hand.

At this moment, the space was like a piece of cloth, torn under the wind blade of Pan Gu's axe, and slashed straight on Gu Chenfeng's fairy sword.


The Pangu divine ax directly split the fairy sword into two pieces. At the moment the fairy sword broke, Gu Chenfeng was even more traumatized, and a mouthful of golden blood suddenly protruded.

Gu Chenfeng's aura suddenly weakened, and his figure trembled slightly.

He lost!

"I just lost to the Emperor Weapon..."

Gu Chenfeng wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a deep look at Feng Hao, and left directly through the air.

He knew that if this went on, he would die.

Feng Hao held the Pangu Divine Axe in his hand, and didn't pursue to stop it, because Gu Chenfeng was a member of Gu Tianting after all, and from the moment he broke through the sky, he couldn't catch up with him.

It's the same as he clearly saw Gu Tianting, but kept such a long distance forever.

However, the two will eventually have another battle, and at that time, Feng Hao is confident that if he doesn't use the Pangu axe, Gu Chenfeng will also be hated.

But I have to say that Gu Chenfeng is really not an ordinary fairy.

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