Martial Inverse

Chapter 632: Ascension



Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi felt their heads buzzing at that moment, they had waited too long for this day.

Originally, they wanted to ascend to the ancient heaven shortly after Emperor Yan ascended the throne.

Otherwise, it was impossible for Emperor Yan to ascend the throne in a hurry.

He was so eager to get rid of the burden on his body, didn't he just want to ascend to the ancient heaven as soon as possible.

But during this time, Feng Hao has not mentioned this matter, they...

He didn't dare to fly alone.

After all, Feisheng was going to the Nantian Gate of the Ancient Heavenly Court, and Feng Hao almost went retrograde and killed the immortal some time ago!

If they ascended, they might not even know how they died.

But with such a cowardly side, it's not easy for them to tell outsiders, how embarrassing it is...

So he and Jiang Zhi stabilized the realm, and at the same time slowly improved their cultivation base.

Feng Hao felt the heat in Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi's hearts, and said with a light smile, "Yes, we will ascend in three days!"

"so good?"

Jiang Li blurted out excitedly, but seemed to feel that this was too unreasonable, and then quickly changed his words: "The three-day period is not long or short, just in time... My brother and I are also planning to ascend in three days, what a coincidence! hehe……"

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and said: "Wrong, it should be four days later."


Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi were stunned at the time, playing with us...

Jiang Zhi calculated with his fingers, pondered for a moment, and said: "I just calculated, and the auspicious day will be four days later... I think it can be changed to this day."

"Yes, yes, I also think four days will be a good time."

Jiang Li wiped off his sweat, and made a false alarm.

Feng Hao couldn't help but shook his head and said: "There are no outsiders here,

I know that you have long wanted to ascend, but because I offended the heavenly immortals of Nantianmen before, I have some scruples, don't worry, if you want to come with us in three days, then you can ascend together..."


"I made Emperor Feng laugh..."

Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi laughed dryly, their faces flushed slightly.

It turns out that Emperor Feng already knew what they were thinking.

What a fart!

Li Qingdi clasped his fists and said: "What the ancient heavenly court looked like, there is no record in history, but judging from the cultivation base of the heavenly immortals on that day...the ancient heavenly court will definitely be as strong as a forest, Feng Di be careful in everything!"

"Thank you Emperor Qing!"

Emperor Feng nodded, he knew that after meeting Emperor Yan, Emperor Li Qing no longer had any thoughts of ascension.

In fact, this is also very good.

Everyone has their own pursuit, and being able to persevere for it and enjoy it is the happiest thing in life.

Li Qingdi smiled.

He knew Feng Hao's cultivation base attainments, he should not be a worldly person long ago.

Just do not know why, willing to stay in the world.

Afterwards, after Feng Hao ascended, he asked Emperor Yan to give him a certain amount of convenience regarding the entry of his dojo disciples into the Great Xia.

Of course Jiang Meirou was happy.

After all, Emperor Feng also has the grace of rebuilding in the Jiang family, otherwise, Da Xia would have been destroyed by the three sword gods of the Sword Domain long ago.

It's just that Jiang Meirou didn't know how to distinguish the identity of the disciples of Fenghao Daoist.

On the other hand, Feng Hao passed on the aura contained in Yuanshi Tianzun and the elite disciples of the dojo to Li Qingdi.

With these auras, as long as Yuanshi Tianzun or the disciples of the dojo entered the ancient land, then... Emperor Li Qing would definitely know.

"Fengdi dojo disciples, I will naturally take care of them, but if their temperament is not right... I will not show mercy..."

Jiang Meirou said seriously.

Li Qingdi nodded his head for this, this is the bottom line, otherwise the stable Great Xia will definitely become turbulent again.

Even if his Qing Emperor's title, if he bent the law so favoritically, he would not have much prestige.

All harm but no benefit.

Feng Hao looked at Jiang Meiju with a smile and said: "If there are really such people in my dojo disciples, then... I have to ask Emperor Yan to help clean up the door, I will only be grateful..."

Jiang Meirou breathed a sigh of relief, and then a smile appeared on her face.

She was very nervous just now, and worried that what she said just now would make Feng Hao unhappy.

Unexpectedly, Feng Hao still has a deep understanding of righteousness.

Feng Hao is about to ascend, and Jiang Meirou is reluctant to let go, she is not the saint before.

Now that she has become the Empress of Great Xia, then... she can only take up the big responsibility.

Personal feelings or something, bury it deep in your heart!


Three days later, everything was ready, but for some reason, rumors spread about the ascension ceremony between Feng Hao and Jiang's predecessor, Ren Huang Ren Wang and others.

The Tianzi Mountain ruins outside the Great Xia Imperial City are already crowded with people.

Many people from other regions missed the excitement of Beizhou Sword God's ascension but tragic death.

Now I don't want to miss this even bigger Ascension Hall.


In the past few months, this name has already spread throughout the Great Xia.

Everyone knows that Feng Hao made the three major sword gods of the Beizhou Sword Region all exist.

Although the heavenly sword Zhao Dongyun and the one-armed sword god did not die in the hands of Feng Hao, but died in the thought of the guiding angel.

But... Feng Hao has the cultivation level to make the immortal escape and almost kill the immortal.

It is conceivable what a terrible person this is.

Now, Feng Hao, Great Xia Ren Huang Jiang Li, Ren Wang Jiang Zhi and others have ascended, and no one wants to watch the ceremony.

When Feng Hao, Sun Wukong and others, Jiang Zhi and Jiang Li appeared in the ruins of Tianzi Mountain, the sky-shattering noise resounded through the sky...

"The wind leaked..."

Feng Hao felt the eager eyes of millions of people, and felt helpless for a while.

But Tianzi Mountain is the most suitable place to ascend.

It should be said... with so many people ascending at the same time, if you don't choose a stable place, who knows what accidents will happen.

After Feng Hao and others came to Tianzi Mountain, Great Xia Empress Yandi and Qingdi also came in sedan chairs.

The public's attention, blood boiling.

The female emperor, the human king, the human emperor, the Qing emperor, Feng Hao... These people who originally only existed in their legends, now they all appear in sight.

They are so radiant, elegant and elegant...

This is the man above all else.

"Father, Uncle, Emperor Feng, all nobles, I'm going to say goodbye, I don't know when we will meet next time, I am grateful, grateful... I am ordered by heaven, after all, I am for the country and the people, and the prosperity of the world ..."

Standing on the sedan chair, Emperor Yan bowed deeply to Jiang Li, Jiang Zhi, Feng Hao and the others.

Ascending means that heaven and man will be separated forever.

But... the good news is that at least they are all alive, and it is better to live.


When Jiang Li saw his beloved daughter, he seemed to have grown up and had a heavy burden on his shoulders. Hearing what she said, he couldn't restrain his inner emotions anymore.

Tears came out.

Well, daughter!

Jiang Zhi wiped away his tears, and thought, "Niece, be well...

Feng Hao took a deep look at Jiang Meirou, and his eyes fell on Li Qingdi. The moment his eyes met, Li Qingdi clasped his fists.

And Feng Hao... also directly released his cultivation base at this moment.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was suddenly a myriad of rays of light, and one after another of astonishing breaths shot straight into the sky...

ps: Living up to expectations, 58,000 words broke out in 7 days... Brothers, please support Xiami.

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