Martial Inverse

Chapter 635 Very Evil

"It has been tens of thousands of years since no one has ascended from the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm. What is Junior Brother Feng's cultivation in the Lower Realm?"

Zhou Chen took over the burden of arranging Feng Hao. On the way to take Feng Hao to the fairy pavilion, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

"What kind of cultivation do you think one should be able to ascend to the Daluo Jinxian Realm?" Feng Hao asked back.

It's not that he doesn't want to answer, but that this question is too idiotic.

Because only golden immortals can come to Da Luo Jinxian Realm, and Jinxian is the twelfth-level fairyland, you say... What is his cultivation level in the lower realm?

"Junior Brother Feng is quite funny!"

Zhou Chen smiled dryly: "I'm just asking casually, of course I know the cultivation level of Junior Brother Feng..."


Feng Hao nodded calmly.

Zhou Chen also seemed to find it boring, and stopped talking along the way, but occasionally couldn't help being curious.

After more than 30,000 years, why did Da Luo Jinxian Realm open the authority of ascension.

Of course, he only heard some gossip in the ladder competition in the Golden Immortal Realm, saying that no one will ascend to the next level in the major immortal realms.

In fact, none of the major immortal worlds ascended from the lower realms.

I didn't expect such a strange thing to happen today.

It was Daojun Master who respected his old man and brought it back in person.

Zhou Chen found an excuse to talk to Feng Hao out of curiosity, who knows... Feng Hao didn't appreciate it at all.

Why is this person like this!

They are senior brothers, if they don't get along well, it will only be Feng Hao who will suffer in the future.

All the way without talking, Feng Hao walked from the highest level of the fairy pavilion connected by the Rainbow Bridge to the lowest level.

The immortal energy at the bottom is obviously not as high as that at the top, and the fairy pavilions are densely packed. If you breathe out the immortal energy to practice, you will probably absorb more than anyone else...

Unlike the high-level fairy pavilions in the Nine Realms Wonderland,

Each fairy pavilion is far away, and there is no one to fight for it when breathing out fairy energy.

When he reached the lowest level of the immortal pavilion in the fairyland, Feng Hao found that the recovery speed of his own master's cultivation had slowed down.

But the impact is not great.

Afterwards, Zhou Chen led Feng Hao to stop in front of a fairy pavilion at the end of the Rainbow Bridge.

"Junior Brother Feng, the Nine Realms Fairyland of our Daojun Master is a paradise, the higher the fairy pavilion is, the more benefits it will have.

But Junior Brother Feng, you are new here, you can only live on the bottom floor, if you have the ability to surpass your fellow seniors in the ladder competition of the Golden Immortal Realm, you can move up..."

Zhou Chen knocked on the door of the room of the Immortal Pavilion, then immediately flew back to the Immortal Bridge, and said to Feng Hao from a distance: "Junior Feng, I will arrange for your Haoyue Immortal Clothes and Identity Token, Senior Brother Brought to you...good luck!"

After saying this, Zhou Chen stayed away from this fairy pavilion as if avoiding the plague.


And at this time, the door of this ordinary fairy pavilion slowly opened, and a pretty face with a pale face was revealed from the crack of the door.

The eyes on that pretty face were clear.

But at this moment, the owner of the eyes was staring at Feng Hao warily and said, "Who are you? Why are you knocking on my door? Are you not afraid of me?"

"Why should I be afraid of you?"

Feng Hao was shocked at the time, what the little girl said was interesting.

Ju Jingyi looked at Feng Hao in amazement, the seniors in this fairyland of the Nine Worlds all avoided her.

Even if she took the initiative to say hello and visit, those brothers and sisters would be so frightened that they would kneel down and beg her to go.

Apart from Master Nine Realms, this was the first time someone took the initiative to seek her out.

Ju Jingyi didn't know Feng Hao, but she knew that she was the last one in the Nine Realms Wonderland, so she opened the door, bowed to Feng Hao and said, "Junior Sister has met Senior Brother, I don't know why Senior Brother is here? "


Feng Hao originally wanted to say that he is the younger brother Tang Qiliu arranged to live in the same fairy pavilion with you, Ju Jingyi.

But when the words came to his lips, he froze.

Is it really appropriate to live in a fairy pavilion with a woman like this?

Doesn't conscience ache?


Ju Jingyi was still very patient, but it was a bit funny seeing Feng Hao unable to hold back a word for a long time.

This brother looks quite cute, and he is not afraid of her.

Ju Jingyi thought to herself, maybe this senior brother doesn't know her nickname, which is Unknown Fairy.

Feng Hao was also stunned by his own performance afterwards, is this still the behavior style of the Lord of the Great Thousand?

It seems that after knowing that there is a more powerful existence in the fairy world than Daozu, there was a wave of fluctuation in his heart.

"Strictly speaking, I came to Nine Realms Wonderland later than you. I'm not your senior brother, and Tang Qishiliu just arranged for me to live in a fairy pavilion with you, so I'm here..."

Feng Hao looked at Ju Jingyi seriously and said, "This is the way things are, so can I go in?"

Ju Jingyi looked at Feng Hao in a daze, the surprise in her eyes became more and more intense...

There is no mistake!

She is a woman, why would she arrange a male junior to live in a fairy pavilion with her?


Ju Jingyi was so frightened that she immediately closed the door tightly, leaning her back against the door panel, her chest heaving violently.

She was stunned.

Did Senior Brother Tang Seventy-Six get his head kicked by a donkey? Is there such an arrangement in Nine Realms Wonderland?

She suddenly thought of a possibility, did Tang Qiliu see Feng Hao was unhappy, and then arranged him to be with her?

Because I am an unknown person, anyone who is close to me will either die in the experience, or die tragically in the ladder competition.

Or all kinds of violent deaths!

Tang Qishiliu wanted to use his ominousness to kill Feng Hao?

But after thinking about it, Tang Qishiliu, as the Seven Star Sword Immortal, had no reason to want to kill someone for no reason.

Perhaps, it's just that there is no arrangement for the fairy pavilion?


Feng Hao stared blankly at the closed gate of the Immortal Pavilion, wondering if he should knock on the door again.

But just as he raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened.

But his finger directly touched Ju Jingyi's head.


Ju Jingyi was in pain, and immediately glared at Feng Hao with resentment: "Don't tell me you did it on purpose..."

"I wanted to knock on the door, not to hit your head on purpose..." Feng Hao said a little embarrassedly.

Ju Jingyi looked at Feng Hao angrily, and said, "You can move in, but you have to think about one thing before that!"

"What's the matter?" Feng Hao asked curiously.

"That means you are getting close to me, and you may die at any time, are you afraid?"

When Ju Jingyi said these words, there was obviously a bit of pain in her eyes.

Nor did she want to.

Feng Hao smiled.

He laughed at what Ju Jingyi said without any logic at all, and the way Zhou Chen retreated after knocking on the door just now made him feel particularly funny.

All unknown people are fabricated.

"I don't believe this..."

But at this moment, before Feng Hao finished speaking, there was commotion on the fairy bridge behind him, and many golden fairy disciples stood on the fairy bridge and pointed at the bridge.

"Brother Zhou Chen is also a Five-Star Golden Immortal after all, why did he break two legs?"

"If I hadn't seen other brothers carrying him up the mountain, I wouldn't have believed it..."

Feng Hao: "???"

Feng Hao subconsciously turned his head to look at Ju Jingyi, is it so evil?

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