Martial Inverse

Chapter 641 It's amazing!

"The alchemy furnace blew up my fairy pavilion..."

Du Ziteng said it again, his whole face turned pale, he was now hesitating whether to continue fighting, or rush back to stop the loss.

Feng Hao: "???"

Feng Hao didn't need to think about it, he probably knew the reason.

Of course, it's not about why Du Ziteng's alchemy furnace exploded, but...why did the alchemy furnace explode...


Feng Hao was stunned for a moment.

The literal meaning doesn't seem to make any difference.

But... there are actually two meanings.

Feng Hao knew the reason why the alchemy furnace exploded, it must have something to do with being contaminated with Ju Yi's ominous power.

The two got involved because I wanted to challenge him!

Besides, Feng Hao couldn't find any reason to explain what happened to Du Ziteng.

It stands to reason that alchemy furnaces rarely explode.

Unless the refined elixir is particularly good, it has reached the point where even the elixir furnace can't bear it.

Feng Hao looked at Du Ziteng, and asked, "Why don't you... let's not compete? How about admitting defeat and dropping one place in the ranking?"

"Comparison, why not compare, anyway, the Immortal Pavilion has been blown up, but this ranking must not be dropped... It is related to the Immortal Demon Road, and my mother's explosion can't stop me!"

Du Ziteng gritted his teeth, determined to suppress Feng Hao's challenge first.

Just when Du Ziteng mobilized his immortal power and was about to suppress Feng Hao on the round platform with devastating means, the identity badge on his waist trembled even more fiercely.

"what's the situation?"

Du Ziteng felt as if he didn't read the almanac when he went out, and his eyelids trembled crazily.

He doesn't even dare to touch the past with his immortal consciousness now, for fear that something terrible will happen again.

But seeing the identity token shaking very fiercely,

At first glance, it was an urgent situation.

Du Ziteng gritted his teeth, and probed with his immortal consciousness. It's okay if he didn't touch it, but when he touched it, Du Ziteng almost smashed his identity token.

Ma Dan!

It didn't matter if his own fairy pavilion exploded. After the alchemy furnace exploded into the sky, it smashed the elder brother who was practicing in seclusion in the fairy pavilion with a jingle.

Now his younger brother told him that the elder brother was urgently summoning him, and he was waiting to be expelled from the fairyland if it was too late, there was no delay...

"I... my victory!"

Du Ziteng glared at Feng Hao fiercely, and said, "You're lucky, I...I admit defeat!"


After saying this, Du Ziteng stepped on the flying sword and quickly flew away from Da Luotian.

Feng Hao, who was about to do a big fight, saw his opponent Du Ziteng just admit defeat and run away. At that time, he was in a bad mood.

This is not the result he wanted!

It doesn't matter even if you lose, the key is to know how different your own strength is from these golden immortals.

But Du Ziteng didn't give him this chance at all.


Isn't it just that the fairy pavilion exploded?


"This...does this win against Du Ziteng on the Golden Immortal Ranking?"

In the Immortal Palace, the gray-haired elder who was in charge of the battle between Feng Hao and Du Ziteng was stunned on the spot after seeing the result given by the Tianti Yuantai.

Subdue without fighting.

Is this Du Ziteng's style?

Because of the supervision, the old man couldn't hear Du Ziteng's words, but only saw Du Ziteng kneel down towards Feng Hao, and then fled away...

That eager look, as if Feng Hao in front of him is a big devil.

"Terrible luck... More than 30,000 are positioned in the grading competition, and 100,000 Da Luo Jinxian. The progress of this ladder competition is definitely going to enter the fairy road!"

The gray-haired old man murmured in a low voice.

Until now, he still couldn't believe it, that one-star golden fairy in the Nine Realms Wonderland let a four-star golden fairy kneel in front of him, and then voluntarily surrendered...

This is probably the fairy emperor's favorite fairy cub!

In addition, when Feng Hao saw his identity token, there was suddenly an additional imprint belonging to the 32199 Yuantai.

He probably also knows that the current Golden Immortal ranked 32,199 on the Da Luotian Golden Immortal List is Feng Hao.

"Hey, it's so annoying! I haven't made a move yet..."

Feng Hao sighed and shook his head, feeling very troubled by Ju Yi's awesome ability.

How can he verify his own strength in the future?

When Feng Hao left the Tianti Round Terrace and returned to the Immortal Palace, he saw the gray-haired inspector in a different outfit, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to the Fengxian family, and I am happy to be listed on the Golden Immortal Ranking for the ranking competition! From now on In the end, the challenges continued, congratulations..."

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched, looked at the inspector, pinched his nose subconsciously and said: "Congratulations to Shangxian for the flow of feces and urine..."


The gray-haired inspector immediately became furious.

the first time!

The little Jinxian dared to use this matter to tease him and humiliate him... This is definitely Chi Guoguo's humiliation.

"Do you know that just based on what you said just now, this envoy can also take off your head!"

The inspector said viciously, his eyes were extremely gloomy, like a poisonous snake, staring at Feng Hao firmly.

to be frank……

Feng Hao really didn't pay attention to the inspector, so he smiled and said: "Do you want me to put my head in there? I'm afraid you don't have that ability..."


The inspector shouted angrily, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Immortal Palace.

Just when everyone was wondering.




A strange phenomenon and strange smell diffused without warning, and everyone saw that the inspector's expression changed from fury to bewilderment...

His complexion instantly became the color of a pig's liver.

The air in the fairy palace suddenly became quiet.


"I'll go alone, Mo Shangxian, you... what kind of exercises have you practiced?"

" want to report to the Immortal Monarch, but as a supervisor, you have such virtues, you don't have any shame, it's an insult to the Immortal Monarch Da Luo!"

Some inspectors really couldn't stand it anymore.

The dignified inspector did not know what kind of evil attack he had practiced secretly, but he did such a dirty thing in public.

Dirty Immortal Palace, stinks the entire Great Luotian!

"No... Brother, I haven't practiced any exercises, and I don't know what's going on..."

The inspector surnamed Mo had no time to be angry with Feng Hao, and his position was about to be lost.

Feng Hao knew that... an unknown incident had happened to the inspector against him.

It seems that the ability I suddenly acquired is quite interesting.

At least some people who are not worthy of his hands, don't need to do it at all, and they will fall by themselves...

"Is Mo Xian still picking it?"

Feng Hao took the initiative to put his head in the past.

The supervisor was so angry that he clamped his legs tightly and said sharply: "Don't think that I..."


Before the inspector finished speaking, he came again.

"Come, pick it!"

Feng Hao intends to give Inspector Mo another chance.

However, Supervisor Mo vaguely felt that something was wrong, he took a few steps back abruptly, away from Feng Hao.

Immediately, the uncomfortable feeling in the stomach disappeared.

After he tried to dispel his anger towards Feng Hao.

I'm a big grass!

It turned out to be intact as before, and the urge to urinate disappeared without a trace...


Really amazing!

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