Martial Inverse

Chapter 656: Don’t force me to go crazy

Immortal Venerable Da Luo saw Daoist Nine Realms holding back his anger, and couldn't help showing a knowing smile on his face.

See how you parry.

Can't transmit sound?

"Unexpectedly, Master Xianzun is so shameless..." said the Nine Realms Dao Monarch.

Da Luo Xianzun was stunned for a moment, apparently he did not expect the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms to be so outraged that he would swear.

"Why is this seat shameless? Instead, you want to transmit sound secretly, why? Could it be...Feng Hao and Ju Yi are not your adopted sons and daughters? Ah ha ha..."

Da Luo Xianzun is in a good mood.

So he didn't mind the Taoist Lord of Nine Realms calling him shameless.

If he is a majestic Dao Luo Xianzun, if he becomes furious because of a word from the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, and destroys people's families at every turn, is he still the Immortal Venerable who is respected by all immortals?

At this time, Feng Hao and Ju Yi had already returned to the fairyland. Just after entering the fairyland, Feng Hao saw two powerful auras outside the Nine Realms Sanren Immortal Hall.

One is naturally the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, and the other... Feng Hao vaguely feels as if he has seen it somewhere.

The Daoist of the Nine Realms can't transmit sound, but Da Luo Immortal can. He looked at Feng Hao and Ju Yi with a smile on his face, and said through voice transmission: "You two immortal friends, please come and talk..."

Feng Hao and Ju Yi looked at each other.

Feng Hao said: "Do you know that person?"

However, Ju Yi's voice trembled a little at this time, and he said, "It's Immortal Emperor Da Luo!"

Feng Hao's pupils shrank at that moment.

Immortal Emperor?

What level of Immortal Emperor? Ancestral God?

Feng Hao looked at it intently, and he was relieved at that time, it seems that he is not the ancestor god he thought.

It's just an existence equivalent to entering and exiting the realm of ancient gods, slightly stronger than the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms.

Feng Hao looked at Ju Yi with a smile and said, "Let's go... Go and have a look! Maybe it's for you."

"certainly not!"

Ju Yi vowed: "If he came for me,

It came tens of thousands of years ago, obviously... for you! "

Feng Hao smiled, and together with Ju Yi went to the fairy pavilion where the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms was.

As soon as Feng Hao and Ju Yi entered the fairy pavilion, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms said, "Ah Hao and Ayi are back? How is the result of this challenge ladder competition? Tell foster father quickly."

Adoptive father?


After Feng Hao heard the words of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, he couldn't help but be shocked. What's going on?

When did he, the Lord of the Great Thousand, become the adopted son of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms?

Feng Hao directly ignored the scene where the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms blinked at him vigorously, but he vaguely felt that this incident might have something to do with Da Luo Xianzun, and immediately said seriously: "Ju Yi ranks second in the Great Heaven Ranking!"

He neither admitted nor denied it.


Da Luo Xianzun pondered at that time, Feng Hao neither admitted nor denied it, but it sounded... a bit like the righteous son and daughter of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms.

"Okay, that's great! She is indeed my good girl!" Nine Worlds Daojun said happily.

Tears were about to flow out of excitement.

Ju Yi stared blankly at the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, and became in a trance for a moment.

foster father?

"Father..." Ju Yi murmured in a low voice.


After hearing Ju Yi's words, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms felt as if he heard the sounds of nature, and even had a strange feeling deep in his heart, as if he was really his own daughter.

It's just... how could he have a daughter of his own as an old bachelor.

Da Luo Xianzun frowned, and Ju Yi's "foster father" made him a little unexpected.

Obviously, Ju Yi couldn't take her away.

But Feng Hao can!

So Da Luo Xianzun set his eyes on Lin Yu and said with a smile, "Your name is Feng Hao, right?"

Feng Hao nodded.

"Is the Sanren of the Nine Realms your adoptive father?" Da Luo Xianzun asked.

When Feng Hao was about to speak, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the corner of Daojun's eyes was about to burst.

Therefore, Feng Hao shook his head and said, "No!"

"Ha ha……"

Da Luo Immortal Venerable couldn't help laughing, pointed at the Nine Realms Sanren who had eaten thousands of piles of fly feces and said with his finger: "Nine Realms, you are not honest..."


The Daoist of the Nine Realms was speechless, but he also said in a somewhat unquestionable tone: "Although Feng Hao is not my adopted son, he is also a disciple of my Nine Realms Sanren, and I will not give him up to you!" Luo Tian's."

After hearing the words of the Sanren of the Nine Realms, Feng Hao finally understood.

The Emotional Da Luo Xianzun saw that he and Ju Yi were talented and performed outstandingly, so he ran over to recruit disciples.

But this is too shameless!

What's the difference between this and the rape of women?

Da Luo Xianzun said seriously: "This seat must clarify one point, this seat is not letting the two of them join Da Luotian, but to become my own disciples..."


The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms raised his brows, this is a bit tempting.

There seems to be only one direct disciple of Da Luo Immortal Venerable, and he is the first person on the ladder list that day.

As for the inspectors of Da Luotian, they are just disciples of Da Luotian, not disciples of Da Luo Xianzun, so there is a difference in essence.

"So what?" the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms said in a deep voice.

Da Luo Xianzun looked at Feng Hao with a smile on his face, and said: "I intend to accept you as my personal disciple, what do you think?"

Feng Hao shook his head and said, "Not interested!"

Immortal Venerable Da Luo was taken aback for a moment, and said again: "This seat is the Immortal Emperor of the Da Luo Golden Immortal Realm. It is a great honor for you to become a direct disciple of this seat..."

Feng Hao despised Da Luo Immortal Venerable in his heart, and it won't be long... His cultivation is even a little bit stronger than your Immortal Venerable.

You said... Can he become a disciple of Da Luo Xianzun?

"I'm not interested in these things. If the Immortal Venerable has nothing else to do, I'll go back to the Immortal Pavilion first..."

Feng Hao looked at Ju Yi and said, "You talk to your adoptive father first, and I'll go back first..."

After saying this, Feng Hao ignored anyone and went straight to the Xiange.


Da Luo Xianzun was stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.

With such a great opportunity, countless golden immortals wanted to become his direct disciples.

Especially the top ten in the ladder list, they all secretly begged to meet him, and were willing to be sent out as a teacher to worship him.

He disagreed with all of them.

But now he takes the initiative to accept his own disciples, Feng Hao is not interested, is there a mistake...

Are you still a golden fairy?

If Feng Hao knew what Da Luo Xianzun was thinking at this moment, he would definitely say: I am really not a golden fairy...


The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms seemed to be in a good mood, at this moment he smiled and comforted Da Luo Immortal Venerable and said, "Don't care about the Immortal Venerable, my disciple has this personality, and no one cares about it..."

Da Luo Xianzun said with a straight face: "Didn't you just talk about the adopted son?"

"It's all the same, the same..."

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms sneered.

"I want all the information about Feng Hao, you should give it to me, right? Don't force me to get mad!"

Da Luo Xianzun stared at the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, this is his bottom line, he never thought of returning empty-handed today...

PS: Brothers, please continue to motivate me!

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