Martial Inverse

Chapter 660: Half a Disciple

"This... what's the situation?"

"If you don't become a teacher, you won't be rewarded, and if you become a teacher, you will be rewarded three times immediately... Isn't this forcing Feng Hao to become a teacher?"

"I feel that my brain is not enough..."

All the golden immortals only felt their scalps go numb, and once wondered if this was a fake Daluo Immortal Venerable.

Ordinary Jinxian tried every means to become a disciple of Daluo Immortal Venerable, and he was not the kind of direct disciple, so he didn't even have the slightest chance.

But now Da Luo Xianzun accepts Feng Hao's disciples, which are still the kind of direct disciples. Feng Hao's disagreement is already shocking enough. What's even more exaggerated is that Da Luo Xianzun threatened Feng Hao with the reward of being the first in the list.

If Feng Hao does not agree to become the disciple of the Great Luo Immortal, the Great Luo Immortal will be stuck and rewarded.


Feng Hao looked at Da Luo Immortal Venerable calmly, and asked, "Why does Immortal Venerable insist on accepting me as a disciple? What good does this do for you?"

All the golden fairies' eyes lit up.


Why did Immortal Venerable Da Luo go uncharacteristically and take the initiative to accept Feng Hao as his personal disciple? Could there be some kind of py transaction?


Many Jinxian couldn't help gasping, and seeing Feng Hao's delicate features, it might be true...

Da Luo Immortal looked at Feng Hao in a daze, but he didn't expect Feng Hao to get straight to the point.

Da Luo Immortal Venerable pondered for a moment, and said: "I am just admiring you..."

Feng Hao chuckled lightly and said, "Since it's just for appreciation, it's okay if you don't want to be a disciple... For example, give me more resources for cultivating immortals. If I become a Xuanxian in the future, maybe I will return you a favor..."

Da Luo Immortal would like to say, you are not a disciple of this Immortal, why should I give you the resources of this Immortal?

"Haha, Xuanxian is so easy to achieve. Since you don't want to become a disciple of this Immortal Venerable, this Immortal Venerable is not reluctant, but... you are now number one in the heaven list, so you can be regarded as this Immortal Venerable's disciple." Half a disciple, this...can you admit it?"

Immortal Da Luo twirled his beard and looked at Feng Hao with a smile on his face.

No matter who gets first,

Those are all disciples of his Da Luotian.

Since you don't want to be a direct disciple who is as close as father and son, it's not a loss for the half of the disciple...

With Da Luotian's resources, how could he not have anything to do with Da Luotian?

How can this work!

Feng Hao: "..."

Feng Hao didn't expect Da Luo Xianzun's routine to be so deep... No matter whether he agrees or not, he is going to forcibly accept him as a disciple anyway.

Feng Hao has a headache.

Even at this time, he was thinking, if he recovers the cultivation base of the Lord of the Great Thousand, wouldn't the Great Luo Immortal Venerable ask him to be his teacher again?

Seeing that Feng Hao had no objection to this, Da Luo Xianzun felt better, and then rewarded Feng Hao with the first place in the heaven list, and left the fairy palace with a smile.

One top grade elixir, ten thousand fairy crystals...

For Feng Hao, this reward is not particularly generous, but it is passable...

Immortal crystals can be used for cultivation, and can also be used as currency in the Golden Immortal Realm, but for Feng Hao who does not rely on immortal crystals for cultivation, this is of little use.

But this ultimate elixir...

Feng Hao thinks he can stay, even if he doesn't need it, it will still be very useful if he meets Sun Wukong and Yang Jian in the future.

Feng Hao can feel that the energy contained in this top-grade elixir is extraordinary...

And after Feng Hao became the new No. 1 in the heaven list, facing the tens of thousands of golden immortals in the square outside the Immortal Temple, Feng Hao directly flew into the air, and said loudly: "While I am still in Daluotian, who of you wants to challenge me?" Yes, please seize this opportunity as soon as possible, but if there are still people who want to challenge me after I leave Daluotian...then..."

Feng Hao didn't say what the consequences would be, but all the golden immortals thought it was a devil's voice when they heard it.

It makes people feel cold in the bottom of their hearts.

"Not anymore……"

"Haha, just kidding, who dares to challenge Xianyou Fenghao..."

All the golden fairies expressed that they would never challenge again, nonsense... No one dared to challenge Jun Moxiao, who was already so powerful.

What's more, Feng Hao who defeated Jun Moxiao, who would think his life would be long?

The crucial scene where Feng Hao defeated Lord Grim was simply unbelievable...

One punch wins!

It can be called a nine-star golden fairy with one punch.

Feng Hao nodded with a smile, and then his figure disappeared from the void...

"I wipe!"

"What happened? did Fenghao move in an instant?"

"My God, he... what realm is he in? Is he still a nine-star golden immortal? I'm afraid... maybe it's the cultivation level of the Taoist Lord?"

After tens of thousands of golden immortals saw this scene, their hearts almost burst from fright, their scalps felt numb, and they couldn't stop in horror.

The supervisors of the Immortal Palace found it even more inconceivable.

They all have Feng Hao's information. Some time ago, he was still a one-star Golden Immortal, but it has only been so long, and he has reached such a level.

If it wasn't for the reincarnation of a great god from the upper world, they wouldn't believe it...

In the palace above Da Luo's Celestial Cloud, Da Luo Xianzun saw Feng Hao leaving in a high-profile manner, and was so frightened that he didn't shake the dying immortal wine in his hand.

"What's the situation... Are there any other ways for the golden immortals to survive?"

Immortal Da Luo was almost insane from being frightened. At this moment, he finally understood why Feng Hao didn't want to become his disciple.

This seems to be going beyond his existence.

"It must be...he must be the man of the oracle..."

Da Luo Xianzun's eyes flashed brightly, and he murmured in a low voice: "Fortunately...he is already half of my disciple, no matter what happens in the future, he can't make things difficult for me..."


Da Luo Xianzun quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he still felt a bit regretful, if Feng Hao became his personal disciple, he would be even more comfortable in the future...


Feng Hao, who left Da Luotian, returned directly to the Nine Realms Wonderland. When he returned to the Immortal Pavilion, he found that Ju Yi had already returned from customs.

Feng Hao just glanced at Ju Yi, and couldn't help being surprised.

"How long has passed, and Senior Sister Ju Yi's realm has improved to a higher level..."

Feng Hao originally thought that he had recovered his cultivation quickly, but he didn't expect that Ju Yi was not weak at all...

I am afraid that there is a Nine Star Peak now.

Based on Ju Yi's special physique, it is estimated that in the entire Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm, no one under the Taoist Lord can make a move with her.

Ju Yi blushed, and said: "Compared to you... I am far behind. Before you came back, I received a notice from Da Luotian all over the world. Hao... This Feng Hao can't be someone else, right?"


Feng Hao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, the efficiency of Da Luotian's work is quite reliable...

Feng Hao then smiled wryly and said, "I have no other choice. During the period of your retreat, I received seven or eight hundred challenge messages. Even Da Luotian said that he would disqualify me from the Immortal Demon Road. There is no way... I just To be able to challenge a ranking that others dare not challenge, so that we can avoid trouble..."

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