Martial Inverse

Chapter 679: The Cursed Ancient Immortal (Part 1)


Ju Yi looked at Feng Hao in surprise.

I haven't seen what this imperial weapon looks like yet, but Feng Hao said... Are they sure?

Just stunned!

Feng Hao looked at Ju Yi with a smile, and said, "Don't worry... don't worry, I'm here!"

The reason why Feng Hao made sure of it was because he was very sure that the fluctuations coming from the depths of the labyrinth were all too familiar to Feng Hao.

It fluctuated like the Pangu God Ax and the imperial weapon in Daxia Zishan.

Because of familiarity, Feng Hao still has a lot of confidence in suppressing this kind of ownerless thing.

It doesn't matter how much income is in the universe.

Ju Yiqiao blushed slightly, and was moved by Feng Hao's words "I am here".

So the little bird followed behind Feng Hao like a human being.

Feng Hao actually didn't think too much, he just thought that Ju Yi was his only friend in the Golden Immortal Realm.

Now that they are together in the Dragon's Labyrinth, of course they have to protect her.

The passage was dim, and the breath of the magic dragon still penetrated from the depths of the labyrinth. Fortunately, with the blessing of the power of the world, Feng Hao was not affected too much.

"Ah! Ah..."

Suddenly, in the depths of the passage where Feng Hao was, there was a heart-piercing scream.

"Feng Hao..."

Ju Yi was terrified when he heard that, it was obvious that this was Jinxian who was exploring the way ahead, and some kind of accident had happened.

Feng Hao signaled Ju Yi not to panic, and then quickly ran towards the passage with Ju Yi.

When this kind of thing happened at this time, it was obvious that the golden fairy inside had some kind of trouble.

Seeing that Feng Hao didn't avoid the danger, but went towards Feng Hao instead, Ju Yi felt a little flustered.

She looked at Feng Hao and said, "I think it's better for us to avoid it..."

Feng Hao said: "If you avoid everything,

It would be better not to come to the Immortal Demon Road, so that there will be no danger..."

Ju Yi was rendered speechless by Feng Hao's words, as if what she said was very reasonable...

Ju Yi also became more courageous.

After walking about five or six hundred meters, Feng Hao and Ju Yi saw the screaming Jinxian.

The Golden Immortal has lost all vitality, and his body is half lying on the stone wall. There is a big hole piercing through his chest, and the immortal heart has been dug away...

Ju Yi took a look and then turned away, her face was extremely pale, courage does not mean that she can not be afraid of this scene.

Feng Hao was expressionless, and carefully inspected the corpse of the dead Jinxian, and found several claw marks on Jinxian's chest.

Obviously injured by some kind of beast.

In other words, in this magic dragon labyrinth, there are not only passages like a maze, but besides the magic dragon that may recover immediately, there are also beasts that Jinxian can't compete with.

Feng Hao continued to go deep into the passage, while Ju Yi cautiously followed behind Feng Hao, while guarding against possible dangers that might appear from behind.

As he went deeper, Feng Hao found several Jinxian corpses, all of which died in the same way.

And it seems that these golden fairies have no power to fight back.

Because there is no fluctuation of Xianli around, not even a trace of a fight.

In other words, these golden immortals are almost all the kind that die instantly.

Feng Hao's divine thoughts spread out, but the strange thing is that although the divine thoughts can be extended, they cannot perceive the existence of any living beings.

Even Ju Yi couldn't feel it when he was behind him.

Feng Hao frowned, this situation is obviously some kind of powerful existence, covering everyone's aura.

Caused the divine sense to lose its effect.


At the same time, in the huge stone room outside the passage, Immortal Zhenlong suddenly changed his expression and said, "Oops!"

"What's wrong?"

The other Xuanxians immediately looked at Zhenlong Xianzun in unison.

Now they are all waiting for the good news from Zhenlong Immortal Venerable, waiting to confirm which channel the emperor weapon is in.

However, Zhenlong Xianzun's bad sentence made all the Xuanxians have a bad feeling at that time.

"What exists in the labyrinth that erased the fairy thoughts I left on those golden fairies..."

Zhenlong Immortal Venerable's face was extremely solemn, and being able to erase the existence of dozens of immortal thoughts in an instant is definitely not something that mysterious immortals like them can compete with.

But now the magic dragon has not fully recovered, that is to say, in this labyrinth, besides the magic dragon, there is another powerful existence.

The expressions of the other Xuanxians also changed dramatically.

Of course they understood what Zhenlong Xianzun said, and all of them turned a little ugly.

The difficulty of obtaining the imperial weapon has increased again!

"What might this unknown existence be? Daoist Changding?"

Immortal Yuxu looked at Immortal Changding. After all, Immortal Changding was better at understanding the magic dragon maze.

Master Changding didn't answer right away, but fell into deep thought, and then seemed to think of something, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Seeing such an unbearable scene from Master Changding, the other Xuanxians panicked to death.

They couldn't help but think, maybe they didn't even see the emperor's weapon this time, so they returned home...

If they just go back empty-handed like this, I am afraid that the immortal emperors of Xuanxian Realm will hate them to death...

After all, when the Immortal Emperor opened the Immortal Demon Road, they all promised the Immortal Emperor that they would return with the Emperor Weapon.

"What did you think of?"

Immortal Yuxu looked at Master Changding.

The gazes of the other Xuanxians also fell on Master Changding. After all, they also wanted to know what unknown existence existed in this Demon Dragon Labyrinth besides the evil dragon.

"It is rumored that when the Emperor Artifact suppressed the Demon Dragon, the ancient immortals once sacrificed many Xuan Xian, and these Xuan Immortals may have undergone some kind of fairy transformation under the influence of the Emperor Artifact and the Demon Dragon... It can also be called For the cursed ancient immortal."

Master Changding couldn't help but his mouth became parched.

If the legend that the ancient immortals who were sacrificed countless epochs ago still survived under the influence of the magic dragon and the emperor's weapon is true...

Then it will be more difficult for them to obtain the imperial weapon.

Because these cursed ancient immortals are obviously not good stubble.

The miserable howl that faintly came from the can be said to make one's scalp tingle.


hold head high……

At this moment, in the remote depths of the labyrinth, a loud and clear dragon chant suddenly sounded...

The dragon's chant was loud and clear, shaking the entire Demon Dragon Labyrinth trembling.

"The magic dragon is revived, and the emperor weapon is born!"

Master Changding's eyes lit up, but then dimmed, even if the emperor's weapon recovered at this time.

It seems that there is no relationship with them for the time being.

The other Xuanxians are also ready to move, but no Xuanxian is willing to take the lead in seeking their own death.

"Don't worry, when the magic dragon fully recovers and the emperor's weapon comes into the world, this labyrinth will disappear naturally, and we may not have the chance to face the ancient immortal..."

Master Changding said softly.


At the same time, the moment the dragon's chant fell silent, a special wave also spread from the depths of the labyrinth.

This wave is very similar to... the call of the emperor's weapon!

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