Martial Inverse

Chapter 690: The Value of the Demon Dragon

"Follow me?"

After Feng Hao heard the words of the magic dragon, he was stunned for a moment. The key words of the magic dragon surprised him, and he even said that he lacked it in his life...

Feng Hao really can't figure it out, what aspect does he lack?

Probably, there is a lack of a villain around him?

The magic dragon had finally broken out, and if he had to choose to die, of course he would not do it. If you know you will die if you come out, then why come out?

If you are banned, you will be banned, at least you can entertain yourself every day, right?

"What do you think? Is it okay to save face? Anyway, I am also the Supreme Demon Realm!"

The magic dragon stared at the Pangu ax in Feng Hao's hand. At this moment, he was thinking in his heart that what he lost was not Feng Hao, but reality...

The reality is like this Pangu magic ax that he can't compete with, it can tear him to pieces.

Therefore, he can only compromise with reality now.

Not far away, a few surviving Xuanxians stared blankly at the fawning Demon Dragon Supreme, their heads almost exploded from fright.

"Is the magic dragon in the records like this?"

"I can't confirm..."

"This is probably a fake dragon..."


Although the Xuanxian said so, they still knew in their hearts that if this bald man was not a magic dragon, then no one would be...

After all, everyone witnessed the death of Daoist Changding and the others with their own eyes.

They just couldn't accept that Feng Hao, who was only at the level of the Golden Immortal, could make the dragon bow his head and become a vassal, and Feng Hao also took the initiative to get the approval of the emperor's weapon.

And the ax in Feng Hao's hand looks even more fraudulent than the emperor's demon refining pot!

Just jealous of the dead!

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu looked at this scene cheerfully. They were worried about how to fight against the dragon, but now they don't worry about farts.

This is one thing down one thing,

A mountain is higher than a mountain!

As for Monkey King and Bull Demon King Yang Jian, they were deeply impressed. From the bottom of their hearts, they felt that being able to follow Feng Hao was the greatest luck in this life!

Feng Hao looked at the sincerity on Molong's face, and almost felt compassion, but then he thought about it, this guy had a villainous image on his face.

Going back and forth should be commonplace.

Maybe if you say follow here, maybe there will be a knife behind you.

Feng Hao shook his head and said, "You don't seem like a master who is willing to follow others..."

"Where does this seat look different?"

The magic dragon waved his hand to attract a mist of water, and then saw his own face reflected in the mist, his face was full of flesh, and he really didn't look like a good person.

The magic dragon wiped his face, then looked at Feng Hao: "How can you judge people by their appearance? After all, you are also the owner of the artifact Pangu Axe!"


Feng Hao felt that what Molong said was a bit reasonable, people should not be judged by appearances, and because Molong looked like a villain, he could not deny his determination to follow.

However, for the sake of prudence, Feng Hao pondered for a while, then faced the magic dragon squarely and said, "Since your choice is to be my follower, it's not impossible, have to prove your worth!"


Molong felt that Feng Hao was humiliating him at the time, blushing and said: "You haven't seen my strength? Isn't that enough?"

Feng Hao sneered and said: "So what if you have strength? If strength is not brought out, it is not worth it..."

Feng Hao thought of the existence of his bank account on the earth, so many billions, but if he didn't consume it, it was just a string of numbers.

Really useless!

In fact, it's also because he has no interest in money at all, even...he doesn't even know how much money is in his bank account.

"Is that so?"

The magic dragon repeatedly chewed on Feng Hao's words, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense. He couldn't help but look at Feng Hao and asked, "Then what is the value?"

After Feng Hao heard Molong's words, he suddenly felt that this guy didn't look like a good person, but he seemed to be quite upright!

Since Molong didn't say that he had an accident with his strength, does he still know the whereabouts of other imperial weapons?

Then let him find it!

"Find any other imperial weapon, and then subdue the monster suppressed by the imperial weapon!"

Feng Hao thought to himself, since the demon refining pot suppressed the dragon, obviously other imperial weapons also suppressed many monsters.

After all, the Black Skull Ancient One said that when these monsters called demons invaded the heavens, there were many powerful existences.

After the magic dragon heard Feng Hao's words, his face changed instantly, as if he had swallowed thousands of piles of fly feces, and then he said seriously: "This is not good... how about changing the method? For example, this seat changes back to the original body, you Sit on the head of this seat and take you for a few laps in the devil world? In this way, these creatures in the devil world will naturally know that this seat is your follower. "

All the Xuanxians glanced at the still-cooled corpse of Master Changding, shivering all over their bodies, and killed the immortals if they disagreed with each other.

Is this still called contemptuous fighting?

Do you still want to face?

Feng Hao's face became indifferent, and the Pangu Divine Ax in his hand shook, and a destructive force swept towards the dragon.

"I #@%¥..."

Molong couldn't help but swear at that time, and the whole person was stunned.

Say it and do it!

It's so ruthless that it resembles him...

"It's ok! You can say whatever you want..." Molong said hastily.

And just as he said these words, Feng Hao immediately withdrew the power of the Pan Gu ax...


Molong breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and wiped off the cold sweat oozing from his head and face. Only then did he afraid of death he is!

Feng Hao said: "Since it can be done, then... let's go!"

Feng Hao then withdrew the Pangu Divine Axe, and his spiritual consciousness hooked the core light group of the Demon Refining Pot, and suddenly a stream of light rushed out of the collapsed ruins.

It was a jug glowing green all over.

After seeing the green pot, all the Xuanxian gasped and exclaimed: "The demon refining pot itself!"

When Molong saw the demon refining pot, his expression was very ugly, with resentment on his face.

In the final analysis, for anyone who has been suppressed by the demon refining pot for countless years, he will definitely feel infinite resentment when he comes out now!

The Demon Refining Pot and the core light group of the Demon Refining Pot merged into one, turning into a palm-sized bronze pot, which landed in Feng Hao's hand.

"This kid is my natural enemy, my nemesis..."

When Molong saw Feng Hao's two artifacts in his hand, he was so distressed that he was about to bleed. At this moment, he knew more clearly that for the rest of his life, the wind and snow would be Feng Hao.

At the same time, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu saw that the magic dragon was no longer threatening, so Xiao Hei carried Xiao Qiuqiu and landed beside Feng Hao.

Xiao Hei changed back to a cute look, and stood on Feng Hao's shoulder with Xiao Qiuqiu on the left and right.

Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, Yang Jian, Xiaotiangou and others also rushed over, and said one by one: "Feng Hao...


When the bald devil dragon heard about Emperor Feng, he was in a bad mood at the time. Would it be too hasty to call Feng Hao the emperor?

Immortal Emperor... What a long journey that is!

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