Martial Inverse

Chapter 691 Are you a devil?

Feng Hao was very happy to see Xiao Hei, Xiao Qiuqiu, Monkey King and others again.

In fact, at the very beginning, when Feng Hao learned that there would be people entering the Immortal Demon Road in the three major fairy worlds, he probably guessed that Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei would definitely try their best to get in.

In fact, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu did not disappoint him, they really came to the Demon Realm through the Immortal Demon Road.

In addition, Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, and the Bull Demon King Big Black Dog all showed good strength. It is not easy to stand out from the crowd of gods.

"Okay, I'm here this time, so I won't go back to the Celestial Realm, and follow me to the Profound Immortal Realm to practice..." Feng Hao laughed.

"This bullshit..."

The magic dragon muttered softly at the side, he was not aiming at Feng Hao, but he knew the rules of the heaven very well.

No matter how powerful Feng Hao is, it is impossible to forcibly lead other people to ascend to other fairy worlds.

Doesn't the law kill them?

Xiao Hei asked suspiciously: "Xuanxian Realm...the strength has reached the level of Xuanxian, I'm afraid I won't be able to go there?"

"That's right, when we were in the Celestial Realm, there were old immortals who solved our confusion for us..."

Monkey King also nodded.

At that time, Xiao Hei still encouraged them to go to Feixiantai and forcefully break the barrier. Who knew that the barrier was not broken, and several bones were almost broken.

Molong felt that what Monkey King and Xiao Hei said was right, their vision was much higher than that of Feng Hao...

Feng Hao looked at Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu and said, "Remember the Demon God Chi You and the Undead God King?"


Xiao Hei and the others nodded. On Earth, who doesn't know the demon god who descended from outside the domain? Later, the demon god Chiyou revived again.

As for the Undead God King, isn't it the Undead God King breaking the seal they encountered after they entered the world of the Mist Land from China?

But the Undead God King and Chi You seem to have been in Fenghao's wind and universe all the time.

After hearing Feng Hao's words, the magic dragon on the side was in a bad mood at that time. Who are these people?


God King!

No matter how old this name sounds, it is domineering.

It's much stronger than his compulsive style of some Demon Realm Supreme...

At this moment, Molong heard Feng Hao say: "The Demon God Chi You and the Immortal God King followed me to the Golden Immortal Realm... You know, they don't even have the qualifications to ascend to the Celestial Immortal Realm..."


After Molong heard Feng Hao's words, a thunderbolt sounded in his mind at that time, and ten thousand muddy horses floated in his heart...

The dragon was stunned!

After hearing Feng Hao's words, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu couldn't help but stare...

This operation is fraudulent!

This is simply above the law...

There must be a huge gap between the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the Golden Immortal Realm, and the Xuanxian Realm.

If a Celestial Immortal can cultivate in the Profound Immortal Realm, then the speed of progress in cultivation is definitely not comparable to that in the Celestial Realm...

Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, and Yang Jian also felt their mouths dry up when they heard Feng Hao's words.

Their cultivation in the world of celestial beings is several times faster than other celestial beings.

If he could follow Feng Hao to the Xuanxian Realm, wouldn't he be able to take off?

Even the Golden Immortal Realm is definitely not comparable to the Celestial Immortal Realm...

At this moment, the Demon Dragon said from the side: "Can you tell did you do it? And...the Demon God Chi You and the Undead God King are now in the Golden Immortal Realm?"

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "They are not in the Golden Immortal Realm, they have followed me to the Demon Realm..."


The magic dragon looked around, and was puzzled at the time, as if... didn't see any powerful existence?

If there is anything in the vicinity worthy of the title of Demon God Chi You and the King of Immortal God, he must have sensed it immediately...

Those Xuanxian who were eavesdropping were also shocked and speechless.

They subconsciously think that Feng Hao is bragging. They don't know how difficult it is for the golden immortal to ascend to the Xuanxian world, let alone lead people to ascend...

Do you really think it's what the world says, that one person attains enlightenment and ascends to heaven?


This doesn't work at all in the fairy world, even chickens and dogs have to work hard to soar up by themselves.

Seeing the bewildered expression on Molong's face, Feng Hao smiled and said, "Relax and resist, I'll take you to a place..."

"Why relax... Ouch! I'm going to..."

Molong just wanted to ask why, but before he finished speaking, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then turned his head twice.

When he came back to his senses again, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

This is a bright world with clear skies, without the darkness of the demon world, and the air is filled with a strong fairy spirit...

"Hey, I'm going... what is this place? It's not like this in the demon refining pot!" The magic dragon's eyes flashed.

He found that in this place, when he breathed, there was no burnt smell in the air of the devil world, and the air here was full of fragrance.

"Feng Hao?"

At the same time, Ju Yi, who was directly taken into Feng Zhou by Feng Hao, ran over quickly after seeing Feng Hao and Molong.

And behind Ju Yi, there are Li Renchou with a curious face, the demon god Chi You, and the wronged undead king...

Ever since the Undead God King entered Feng Zhou, he has almost become a sandbag for training.

Because the Yao Shuai Li Renchou and the demon god Chi You mastered more and more laws, but they suffered from no one to accompany them to perform...

The Undeath King appeared too timely.

The demon god Chi You and the Yaoshuai were separated from each other, and the appearance of the undead god king brought a huge coercion to the demon dragon at that time.

"What a powerful aura, is this the Immortal Emperor? I actually have the urge to kneel down and pee..." Molong exclaimed inwardly.

Almost stunned by this scene.

The appearance of Ju Yi almost made the magic dragon's eyeballs pop out.

When he made a move before to fight against Feng Hao, Ju Yi behind Feng Hao disappeared at that time, unexpectedly...

It's in this place.

It should be inside some kind of powerful imperial weapon...

But... the magic dragon felt that the emperor's weapon should not be able to achieve this level, and this place was like another fairy world.

Before the magic dragon could speak, Ju Yi was full of doubts: "Feng Hao, tell me, what is this place? Who are they? Why is my ominous power useless here? fairy All power is gone..."

Ju Yi stared at Feng Hao seriously.

But she had too many doubts and confusions, because he really didn't quite understand how this world lived.

Feng Hao looked at Ju Yi with a smile and said, "Since I brought you in, I never thought about hiding it anymore. This is my world...I call it Feng Zhou!"

"your world?"


After hearing Feng Hao's words, Ju Yi's head was buzzing, and her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

What was even more shocking than Ju Yi was that Molong's legs went limp at that moment, and his whole body trembled.

At this time, he finally understood... Feng Hao is not afraid of where his hole card is, I am afraid it is not the Pangu God Axe...

It's this whole new world.

A golden fairy cultivated into a world?

Are you a devil?

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