Martial Inverse

Chapter 707: The Tree of Life

Demon Lord Yuxu didn't understand until the last moment...why the world suddenly changed...

It wasn't until he saw clearly where this was that he slumped on the ground and looked at Monkey King and the others who surrounded him with despair.

"I'm actually a nice guy!"


Snapped! Snapped!

Yuxu Demon Lord was taken to Fengzhou World by Feng Hao, and was beaten to death by Monkey King, Bull Demon King and others.

Half dead.


After the Demon Emperor Fa Wutian came to his senses, he shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I almost forgot that you are not an ordinary immortal, but a quasi-world master who opened up a world. It seems that you just broke through the suppression of the demon refining pot, and your head was confused. It's..."

Feng Hao said: "Would you like to try refining the demon pot again?"

Fa Wutian froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "Forget it."

Afterwards, he looked at Feng Hao seriously, and said, "Honestly, this emperor admires you very much. Are you interested in building a Ten Thousand Realms Hegemony together with this emperor?"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, why did the lawless yelling and killing just now suddenly change his face again?

However, the Demon Emperor said that they will jointly build a Ten Thousand Realms Overlord, this gimmick is really enough to bluff people.

If you were any ambitious person, you would probably immediately agree to Lawlessness, what is the purpose of practicing?

Isn't it just to be invincible in the world?

Who doesn't want to be the supreme being who is respected by all worlds...

However, Feng Hao was really not interested in these things. From the very beginning, he only had one thought, that is to return to the Great Thousand World.

Later, because I experienced many things, I discovered that in this world, the World Lord is not the limit.

Therefore, Feng Hao thought of breaking and then standing.

This is also why he is willing to go through so many places and go through so many things, just to seize any chance of a possible breakthrough.

But Feng Hao really has no interest in dominating...

Maybe it's because I played a lot of mahjong in the fight against landlords on the earth, and found that this kind of relaxing life is quite good, if Wushuang and Qingwu can also come to the earth...

It is also very good to experience the life of ordinary people.

When Feng Hao first started watching TV, he didn't quite understand why those immortals wanted to go down to earth, but later he understood...

The world is really a good place.

For immortals who have cultivated to the point of vomiting, invincibility in the world is their ideal life.

When Feng Hao fell silent, the corner of Devil Emperor Fa Wutian's mouth raised an arc. In his opinion... Feng Hao couldn't refuse his proposal.

Because there is no strong person who does not want to dominate the universe.

This is the ultimate goal of their practice...

However, at this moment, Feng Hao suddenly looked at Demon Emperor Fa Wutian with a broken smile, and said: "I just thought about it, you and I have different ways, it's better not to conspire with each other... I took this treasure away! "


Demon Emperor Fa Wutian was stunned for a moment, but at this moment, he suddenly came to his senses and looked at the bud absorbed by the demon refining pot.

At this time, the tender bud was swallowed by the demon refining pot.

And the next moment, the demon refining pot was also received by Feng Hao into Feng Zhou, so far... Feng Hao successfully dragged the devil emperor Fa Wutian, and took the bud away.


Demon Emperor Fa Wutian was so angry that he vomited blood at that time, with mighty demon power, he twitched a long sword with magic pattern from the void, trying to cut Feng Hao directly under the sword.

Feng Hao's body was also split into two sections.


Demon Emperor Fa Wutian saw that Feng Hao's body was broken in two, but he clearly felt that the sword did not hit the real thing.

"It's so fast...It's even faster than the local..."

The devil emperor Fa Wutian closed his eyes, and the evil thoughts spread out directly. This is his world, and it is not difficult to find Feng Hao...

However, in the end Lawless discovered that Feng Hao had disappeared.

Lawless tried to find the remaining traces of Fenghao's world, but also found nothing... It was as if Fenghao had left the demon world...

In fact, Feng Hao has not left the Demon Realm, but is in Feng Zhou.

But Fenghao's world is different from other worlds. He is the product of the fusion of the world's seeds and Fenghao's origin, and is not included in the Three Realms and Five Elements.

It is almost impossible for the Devil Emperor Lawless to capture it.

However, since Feng Zhou didn't achieve great success, Feng Hao couldn't do it, so he used Feng Zhou to shuttle between the two worlds and return directly to the Golden Immortal Realm.

Therefore, he can only go back to the entrance of the Immortal Demon Road, where he came from and where he is going.

But Feng Hao is also not sure whether the Demon Emperor Fa Wutian will know where the Immortal Demon Road is and thus block it, so he chooses to stay in Fengzhou and is not in a hurry to leave the Demon Realm.

At this time, when Feng Hao's figure appeared in Feng Zhou, the entire Feng Zhou world was suddenly radiant and auspicious.

Demon God Chi You, Yao Shuai Li Renchou, Monkey King and others, four ancient fairy skeletons... all gathered and left.

Even Feng Hao who just appeared in Feng Zhou couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

What's going on there?

Feng Hao had a single thought, and his figure directly appeared in the pure land filled with sunlight, and then...he saw a huge towering ancient tree, straight into the sky.

But at this time, this towering ancient tree fluttered without wind, its branches swaying, and a little bit of starlight sprinkled, and when each starlight fell to the ground, it turned into various animals...

These animals are not ordinary animals, some have the head of a dog and the body of a leopard, with an anticlimactic tail... There are many, many, like a miniature version of Shan Hai Jing monsters.

These animals are full of spirituality and live in the pure land opened up by ancient trees.

"this is……"

Feng Hao was stunned when he saw this scene.

Life began to appear in Fengzhou... Doesn't this mean that Fengzhou is about to become a big one?

But then, Feng Hao smiled wryly, it wasn't that Feng Zhou was perfect, but that these creatures could only live in the pure land opened up by this ancient tree.

Can't get out.

Feng Hao tried to walk towards the pure land created by the ancient tree, but found that there was no obstacle, and those strange creatures all surrounded him because of Feng Hao's arrival.

All of them showed kindness.

And Feng Hao, in this pure land, also felt the breath of that tender bud.

He then summoned the demon refining pot, and after experiencing it with his spiritual sense, he found that... the taken away bud was gone.

Feng Hao has reason to believe that the young bud has turned into this towering ancient tree after arriving in Feng Zhou, and this ancient tree has the ability to breed life.

"Fire Qilin, Suzaku..."

Feng Hao suddenly thought of two partners in the prehistoric world, Huo Qilin and Suzaku, the spirit of the southern world.

It was when they sacrificed their lives and fused with his innate supernatural powers that they helped him get rid of the corpse and get the seeds of the World Tree...

Feng Hao once made a great wish that he would find a way to revive them.

But now, this towering ancient tree may have this ability.

So, Feng Hao approached the ancient tree, but before he got close... the ancient tree stretched out a branch, wrapping him gently...

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