Martial Inverse

Chapter 822: Journey to the Wind and Universe


Feng Hao looked at the female emperor with a smile and said: "For this emperor, there is not much difference between the emperor and the half-step ancestor, thank you madam!"

Whether it is the emperor's chance or the half-step Taoist ancestor, it is just to restore him to that level of cultivation, and his perception... There is no difference.

The empress nodded, and then chatted with Feng Hao about some past events about his husband.

The same is a generation of arrogant, who has been obsessed with the Tao all his life, and finally became the Tao.

The empress looked at Feng Hao and said, "Then the opportunity of the emperor will be given to you at this moment... If there is a chance, goodbye!"

Feng Hao clasped his fists from the chair and said, "Okay, Mrs. Lao!"

"This is yours."

The empress smiled, and then a ball of light floated towards Feng Hao from the temple, and stopped in front of Feng Hao.

Feng Hao knew that this was the feeling the Empress said.

It contains the cultivation base of an emperor.

Feng Hao stretched out his hand to grab the ball of light, suddenly, his whole body trembled suddenly, and the ball of light disappeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Hao felt as if he had been forcibly awakened, and a wave of power flowed into his body from the heaven and the earth.

Cultivation is improved.

The upper god is higher...



Then the realm breaks through, the King Realm elementary level... middle level... high level...


With the improvement of the state, Feng Hao also found that the power flowing into the body is getting bigger and bigger, but these are all within the range of the body.

At the same time, Feng Hao also felt that his cultivation had recovered.

"So fast……"

The empress stared blankly at Feng Hao, whose cultivation base was rising steadily, her eyes were full of disbelief.

She has sent out several chances for the emperor, but this is the first time that Feng Hao has integrated so quickly...

Come to think of it, this is the ability of a world master.


Time passed, that is, less than half an hour, when the strength of the power gathering in the temple began to decrease, Feng Hao recovered from his state.

And his cultivation base was instantly promoted to the emperor's realm.

It is comparable to the strength of the elders of Shenzong or the deputy suzerain.

Feng Hao somewhat missed the sense of power brought by this realm. At this time, he found that the perfection of Feng Zhou was further improved with the improvement of his cultivation.

"I can actually sense Feng Zhou in the ancestral world..."

It was only at this time that Feng Hao came back to his senses, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he hadn't been able to sense Feng Zhou before that.

Unexpectedly, after merging with an emperor's chance, he would be able to sense the wind and universe immediately.

And the degree of perfection of the universe has also been greatly improved compared to before.

At this time, the Empress suddenly said: "Just now...a world power appeared, is that your world?"

The Empress was shocked.

The appearance of Feng Hao was something she never thought of. She never thought that Feng Hao was the Lord of the Great Thousand, and came to this world by accident.

Even... still in this world, a world was recreated.

This is simply unthinkable.

You know, this is the realm her husband pursued back then.

Feng Hao looked at the Empress with a smile, and said, "Want to take a look?"

The empress was stunned for a moment, a little moved, but she also had great doubts. After all, if she went to the world of Fengzhou, she would fall into a very passive situation.

Even... life cannot be guaranteed.

But the Empress didn't know why, she trusted Feng Hao very much deep in her heart, nodded and said: "Okay!"


Feng Hao said.

The Empress relaxed, Feng Hao then unfolded the world, wrapped the Empress in an instant, and then the two disappeared into the temple.


The Empress closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she found that she was no longer in the temple. The world around her was clear and clear, with mountains and rivers, and the aura between heaven and earth was extremely abundant.

In the distance... a towering ancient tree stands between the sky and the earth, and countless rare birds and beasts live under the ancient tree.

Feng Hao brought the empress to appear in every corner of the universe. These mountains and rivers are all natural, and some places are even uncanny.

The order of the entire avenue is very complete, and there is no conflict of order.

It shows that the world is extremely stable.

Then... Feng Hao brought the empress to the mountain where Yao Shuai Li Renchou and the demon god Chi You were.

The two of them played chess.

There is also chess boy Ye Chen by his side.

When Feng Hao and the empress appeared in front of them, the demon god Chi You and Li Renchou were stunned for a moment.

"Another one?"

The corners of Chi You's mouth twitched slightly, thinking in his heart that Feng Hao is simply a veteran of the flower field, and these women are brought to Feng Zhou one by one.

And each one has a different temperament.

Even Ye Chen was stunned. It is true that the female emperor has outstanding temperament, and her appearance is also the best in the world. She is simply the talent of a goddess.

Ye Chen swallowed.

Feng Hao said: "This is the wife of the world master of Xuanxian Ancestral Realm..."



Demon God Chi You and Yao Shuai were worried about Liren, they were speechless at that time, and swallowed the teasing words that had just come to their lips.

Madam Lord?

That is really the existence of Niubi.

Ye Chen also turned pale at this time, such a perfect woman is already someone else's wife.

Feng Hao then introduced the demon god Chi You and the Yaoshuai Li Renchou to the lady of the world master. Of course...the identity of Ye Chen was not missed.

The Lord's wife did not expect that there would be the first batch of practitioners in Feng Zhou.

It's just... After the world master learned of Ye Chen's identity, he also had some doubts in his eyes, and asked, "The Da Luo Shenzong is the Shenzong of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, why are his disciples in Fengzhou?"

Feng Hao told the Empress that Ye Chen was taken into Feng Zhou by him in the Baizong Grand Competition.

The Lord's wife chuckled and said: "So that's how it is. It's good to be here. If your world is perfect, this... will be a brand new era. My husband... It would be great if I could see all of this!"

Feng Hao shook his head helplessly.

In the world master's wife, he saw the other party's longing for her husband, which can be said to be very profound.

Caring about it almost anytime.

Feng Hao was moved by this persistence and affection.

He wondered... In the future, if Feng Zhou Dacheng will be successful, there will be a way to forcibly separate the ancestral realm master who is incarnated from the Dao from the Dao.

For its plasticity?

There is still a possibility of success, but again...the probability of failure is greater.

Then... the Empress didn't stay too long in Fengzhou, as long as she knew everything.

Feng Hao didn't hold back, and with a thought, he appeared in the temple with the empress.

The wife of the master of the world was relieved when she felt the familiar power of heaven, and at this time... she also trusted Feng Hao very much.

This is a gentleman.

No wonder he made such a very humane move, benevolence and righteousness, during the king's trial.

"I don't know when I will meet you when I return to the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm this time, but... I am looking forward to the next meeting..."

The Lord's wife looked at Feng Hao with a smile, her expression was full of approval and admiration.

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