Martial Inverse

Chapter 832: Brothers and Sisters of the Zhu Family

Feng Hao has a good relationship with Zhu Bilie, which is well known by everyone in Tianxuan Shenzong.

In fact, everyone couldn't understand that one was the inspector and the other was the inspector. They were two opposing people, but in the end they ended up in a situation where they had a good relationship.


Elder Zhu Bilie originally only called the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms to come over for a drink, but when the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms came over, he brought someone with him.

That person is none other than Zhu Bilie's younger sister, Zhu Jixuan.

"You... what are you doing here?"

Elder Zhu Bilie looked at Zhu Jixuan in a daze, although he approved of the matter between the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms and Fairy Jixuan.

Doesn't it mean... women are also involved in the wine table?

Zhu Jixuan looked at Zhu Bilie with a sneer: "What am I doing here? You have nothing to do all day and ask my Nine Realms to drink, and then you keep complaining about what I did? Did I dig your ancestral grave or something? ?”


Feng Hao was stunned as he listened, the two brothers and sisters are on the same page?

Isn't this ancestral tomb one?

Co-authored by Zhu Jixuan, have you really dug someone's ancestral grave before?

Feng Hao's whole body is not well, he glanced at the Taoist Lord of Nine Realms, and found that the other party's expression was more than embarrassment, it was extremely embarrassing.

After a while, he looked like he was sitting upright, alas!

"Sister, what you said...Brother is talking about you, how can you get married if you look like this?"

Zhu Bilie hated the appearance of iron being weak, and even hit his chest with his fist, saying: "Father, mother, the child is unfilial, he failed to take care of his younger sister, and turned him into a shrew... I am heartbroken!"

After Zhu Jixuan heard Zhu Bilie's words, although she was very angry, she didn't like to lose her temper.

After all, Zhu Bilie pulled his parents out, so could he still be disobedient to his parents?

Zhu Jixuan glared at Zhu Bilie and said, "Don't pull your parents out if you have the ability, besides... who said I can't get married?"

Speaking of which, Zhu Jixuan pulled the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms over, leaned her head up, and said, "Nine Realms, will you go to me?"

Nine Realms nodded like pounding garlic and said, "Marry! Marry..."

Zhu Jixuan looked at Zhu Bilie in a demonstrative manner, and said, "Did you hear that? It's fine if you marry from the Nine Realms, you don't have to worry about it..."

Zhu Bilie looked at Nine Realms and said, "I'm really embarrassing you! I'll drink this glass of wine first as a respect!"

"Zhu Bilie!"

Zhu Jixuan shouted loudly at that time, almost shaking the wine in Zhu Bilie's hands in fright.

Feng Hao sat on the side, looking at a good table of wine, he became Zhu Bilie's family fooling around, so he quickly stood up and said: "Calm down, it's not a family, if you don't enter a family, Elder Zhu, Fairy Jixuan She has grown up, she has her own thoughts and choices, so don't interfere with her...

I know you care about your sister, but the way you express it is wrong...just support and protect her silently behind her back. "

"See, that's what people say." Zhu Jixuan hummed.

"I'm not a human anymore?"

If Zhu Bilie didn't see Feng Hao around, he would have to teach this girl a lesson.

Feng Hao then looked at Zhu Jixuan,

Continued: "Fairy Jixuan, how your brother treats you, I think you have already made a conclusion in your heart. In fact, you also care about your brother in your heart, but your nature is like this, and there is no way to change it for a while, but your brother also cares. It's impossible for you to change, I just hope you live a good life, and I'm afraid you'll suffer in this way..."

When Elder Zhu Bilie heard Feng Hao say what was in his heart, his eyes were slightly red.

He cares about this girl more than anyone else.

This is his only relative.

Over the years, he has let his sister do everything, and has developed her temperament, but he hopes that Zhu Jixuan will be able to do well, and that he will have someone to rely on in the future.

Open branches and leaves for their old Zhu family.

It's just that with Zhu Jixuan's character, who would want her?

So this time Nine Realms and his sister Zhu Jixuan hit it off, he was very pleased, so he occasionally pulled Nine Realms and said that there was something wrong with Zhu Jixuan.

The purpose of doing this is also to hope that Nine Realms can be more considerate of his sister, it is not easy to be together.

But who knows, Zhu Jixuan misunderstood him and thought she was blackmailing him.

So... this time I asked Nine Realms to come over for a drink, and Zhu Jixuan followed, obviously wanting to see what else Zhu Bilie could say.

After Zhu Jixuan heard Feng Hao's words, her mood gradually stabilized, and she took a peek at Zhu Bilie.

Noticing that his brother's eyes were red, the string in his heart was touched for a moment, and he said softly, "Brother, do you think I'm your sister?"

Zhu Bilie said sternly: "What do you need to say? Brother, for you, I don't even have to die...I..."

Zhu Jixuan choked up at that moment, and said, "I'm sorry, brother... I know I have a bad temper, but sometimes I can't control it, I don't want to talk back to you..."

"Fool, brother never blamed you..."

Zhu Bilie looked at Zhu Jixuan with a smile, with a naive look, he just wanted to protect one person.

At this time, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms put his arms around Zhu Jixuan and said, "Brother-in-law, thank you for giving me such a good Jixuan, and I will protect him from now on..."

"it is good!"

Zhu Bilie responded at that time, laughed happily, then raised his glass and said, "Go one."

"I'm coming too!"

Zhu Jixuan also quickly poured wine.

Feng Hao chuckled and said, "You can't leave me out... don't you think I'm one of your own?"

"Haha, my own person, definitely my own person! Feng Hao, if I have another younger sister, I will definitely marry you... In this way, I will have a brother-in-law of the emperor! Haha..."

Zhu Bilie laughed loudly.

He found that Feng Hao was still interested in him, and the more he watched, the more he felt that he hated seeing each other too late.

At this time, he had already turned into a handsome Daoist of the Nine Realms, and said, "Brother-in-law, do you believe that I can become an emperor?"

"Believe me, you'd better cultivate to the upper god first... This time, I opened the back door for you to the sect's resources. If you don't cultivate to the upper god, you don't even want to enter the door of my Zhu family..."

Zhu Bilie scolded with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

During the banquet, the four of them drank to their heart's content, and the atmosphere of chatting became very good.

And Feng Hao is also very fortunate to be able to meet such a suitable person in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, who doesn't care about the other party's identity and cultivation, and is a simple friend.

This is very rare.


The next day, Feng Hao and Taoist Bai Yu were about to leave, and went to pay a visit to the Fire Flame Sect to ask for their opinions.

When leaving this time, Fan Taoist and Neizong Elder Zhu Bilie also set off together.

Because the opinions of Tianxuan Shenzong and Yuhua Shenzong are highly unified, the two sects decided to communicate together.

In this case... the probability of success will be greater.

If you rely solely on Yuhua Shenzong, the neutral Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong may have scruples, but if the two go together, the meaning is extraordinary.

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