Martial Inverse

Chapter 837: Boundary Lord Disciple

Feng Hao saw Luofu Sect Master Yang Chen, since he was a disciple of the Ancestral Realm Master, he nodded and said: "I have seen... But the Madam Master didn't mention it to me, and there are still disciples..."

There are some doubts in Feng Hao's words.

Of course, whether Yang Chen is a disciple of the ancestral realm or not doesn't matter to Feng Hao, I can only say... If Yang Chen is really a disciple of the realm master, it might be beneficial.

But he is not a disciple of the World Master, and has little influence on Feng Hao.

Faced with Feng Hao's doubts, Yang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said bitterly: "It seems that in Master's heart, I can't get her eyes..."


Feng Hao was shocked at the time.

This Yang Chen is also the existence of a half-step Dao ancestor, so he can't get into the eyes of the master of the ancestor world?

In Feng Hao's view, the ancestral realm master is the existence of the Dao Ancestral Realm. Although there is a big gap in itself, it is far from being ignored.

Judging from Yang Chen's reaction, Feng Hao probably believed that Yang Chen was the disciple of the ancestral realm master, so he comforted him: "Don't think so... After all, the madam of the realm master doesn't want outsiders to know who her disciple is..."

"You are not an outsider..."

Yang Chen glanced at the string of rosary beads in Feng Hao's hand, if it was an outsider, then what are the disciples of the World Master?

The master gave Feng Hao all the personal belongings of the master, and he even wondered if Feng Hao was the son of the master.

Feng Hao smiled.

There is probably only one point of relationship between him and Mrs. Zujie, that is... she puts the hope of reviving the world lord on herself.

That's all.

Yang Chen then said: "How is Teacher Mistress?"

Feng Hao said: "Very good."

"When the Ancestral Realm Temple was opened before, those who got the opportunity of being the emperor never saw the lady of the world... How did you do it?"

Yang Chen looked at Feng Hao curiously.

If it wasn't for seeing the teacher's wife's token in Feng Hao's hands, Yang Chen wouldn't be so concerned about this matter.

With the string of beads in Feng Hao's hand, the dusty memory was completely opened.

That's why...he just wanted to see Feng Hao, and wanted to know about his wife's situation.

At the same time, he was extremely curious and surprised that Feng Hao could get the token of his wife.

Feng Hao chuckled and said, "I don't know how to do it, I just completed the trial in the temple normally, and then... accidentally saw the lady of the world master."

"Then your trial must have surprised Mrs. Jie..."

Yang Chen asked excitedly: "Then what is it... Let the Lord's wife give you this string of beads?"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, Yang Chen asked such a direct question, so he would not know what to say for a while, he couldn't say...

Is it because he gave the Lord's wife hope?

This is clearly unlikely.

Feng Hao thought for a while, and said: " about being angry with Sect Master Yang and asking the lady of the lower realm master? The junior is also very confused..."


The corner of Yang Chen's mouth twitched slightly, why did this sound so unpleasant...

If he could go to the ancestral realm, he would have gone to greet his wife a long time ago.

Then Yang Chen casually chatted with Feng Hao,

And Feng Hao also probably knows... Yang Chen has nothing to say to him.

Think about it too.

A half-step Taoist, naturally has his pride.

It is not easy for him to condescend the half-step Taoist ancestor because of the rosary beads given by the lady of the world...

But what Feng Hao was puzzled about was... he, the majestic Lord of the Great Thousand, had to lower his posture in front of a half-step Dao ancestor.

Quite helpless.

Fortunately... Feng Hao knows that he is not far away from returning to his peak cultivation base, so he can only act in this manner for the time being.

Neither humble nor overbearing.

"We're here today, rest early..." Luofu Sect Master Yang Chen stood up and said.

Feng Hao also stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Okay, goodbye!"

After Feng Hao left the room, Yang Chen murmured in a low voice: "Why did Master Mistress give him the token? Could it be... Feng Hao is the reincarnation of Master?"


As soon as Yang Chen had this idea, he felt his head buzzing.

This is a dangerous idea.

Then Yang Chen hurriedly threw this terrifying thought out of his head.

Thinking about it, if Feng Hao is the reincarnation of the master, why should the teacher's wife come out with her?


When Feng Hao returned to the room where Luofu Flying Boat was, Taoist Master Bai Yu immediately pulled Feng Hao over and asked Feng Hao what Yang Chen had talked with him.

Feng Hao smiled wryly, and told Taoist Bai Yu that he didn't talk about anything, he just asked about the trial situation in the ancestral world.

Taoist Baiyu didn't really believe it, but seeing Feng Hao's helpless expression, Taoist Baiyu had no choice but to be half-believing.

When the first sun rose the next day, Taoist Feng Hao, Taoist Baiyu, as well as Taoist Fan and Elder Zhu Bilie from Tianxuan Sect, and the two elders from Huoyan Sect gathered in the main hall of Luofu.

At this time, there were already two elders waiting in the main hall of Luofu Flying Boat.

The two elders of Luofu Sect, after seeing Feng Hao and others approaching, smiled and cupped their hands and said, "Did the elders rest well?"

"pretty good!"

Everyone laughed.

And Feng Hao also probably knew that these two elders were the ones who represented the Luo Fu Sect and went to participate in the Da Luo Shen Sect to participate in the immortal meeting.

When the second sun rose immediately, the two elders glanced at the scene above the sea of ​​clouds, and one of the elders said: "The auspicious time has come, how about we set off here?"

"Sect Master Yang, he..."

Daoist Bai Yu asked, he was a little puzzled, why Yang Chen didn't come to see him off at this time.

This is not what a suzerain should do.

The elder of Luofu Shenzong said: "The suzerain is waiting for all the Taoist masters and elders at the gate of the mountain..."

"So that's how it is...haha!"

Daoist Baiyu gave an embarrassed smile, and then everyone joined together, entered the space at the bottom of the flying boat, and boarded a flying boat that could accommodate more than ten people.

Then go straight to the entrance of Luofu Shenzong Mountain.

At the entrance of Luofu Shenzong Mountain, there is already a team lined up at this time. There are several exquisite and luxurious flying boats on the huge floating island.

The six sons of Luofu, several elders, and Yang Chen, the suzerain of the Luofu Divine Sect, were all waiting quietly on the floating island.

Such a battle also made Feng Hao and everyone on the flying boat quite moved.

These are all heavyweight figures of Luofu Shenzong, unexpectedly they all came out to see them off.

The flying boat stopped on the floating island, Feng Hao, Taoist Baiyu and others jumped off the flying boat and bowed to the Luofu Divine Sect who were seeing them off.

Luofu Sect Master Yang Chen first glanced at Feng Hao, and then said loudly: "I hope there will be good news for this fairy meeting... I also wish a few fellow Taoists that they can get what they want..."

"Thank you, Sect Master Yang!"

"Thank you!"

Everyone smiled and clasped their fists in return. It was already commendable for the majestic master of the sect to come out to see him off in person at this time.

After Feng Hao and the others also spoke politely, they boarded their carriages again...flying away from the Luofu Divine Sect and headed for the Great Luo Divine Sect...

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